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Quasi-one-dimensional disordered systems: fluctuations, transport and interplay

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 نشر من قبل Alexander Plyukhin V
 تاريخ النشر 2008
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English
 تأليف A.V. Plyukhin

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In a one dimensional lattice thermal fluctuations destroy the long-range order making particles of the lattice move on a scale much larger than the lattice spacing. We discuss the assumption that this motion may be responsible for the transport of localized electrons in a system of weakly coupled chains. The model with diffusing localization sites gives a temperature-independent mobility with a crossover to an activated dependence at high temperature. This prediction is consistent with and might account for experimental results on discotic liquid crystals and certain biopolymers.

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اقرأ أيضاً

We study anomalous transport arising in disordered one-dimensional spin chains, specifically focusing on the subdiffusive transport typically found in a phase preceding the many-body localization transition. Different types of transport can be distin guished by the scaling of the average resistance with the systems length. We address the following question: what is the distribution of resistance over different disorder realizations, and how does it differ between transport types? In particular, an often evoked so-called Griffiths picture, that aims to explain slow transport as being due to rare regions of high disorder, would predict that the diverging resistivity is due to fat power-law tails in the resistance distribution. Studying many-particle systems with and without interactions we do not find any clear signs of fat tails. The data is compatible with distributions that decay faster than any power law required by the fat tails scenario. Among the distributions compatible with the data, a simple additivity argument suggests a Gaussian distribution for a fractional power of the resistance.
201 - A.V. Plyukhin 2005
In the conventional theory of hopping transport the positions of localized electronic states are assumed to be fixed, and thermal fluctuations of atoms enter the theory only through the notion of phonons. On the other hand, in 1D and 2D lattices, whe re fluctuations prevent formation of long-range order, the motion of atoms has the character of the large scale diffusion. In this case the picture of static localized sites may be inadequate. We argue that for a certain range of parameters, hopping of charge carriers among localization sites in a network of 1D chains is a much slower process than diffusion of the sites themselves. Then the carriers move through the network transported along the chains by mobile localization sites jumping occasionally between the chains. This mechanism may result in temperature independent mobility and frequency dependence similar to that for conventional hopping.
As a potential window on transitions out of the ergodic, many-body-delocalized phase, we study the dephasing of weakly disordered, quasi-one-dimensional fermion systems due to a diffusive, non-Markovian noise bath. Such a bath is self-generated by th e fermions, via inelastic scattering mediated by short-ranged interactions. We calculate the dephasing of weak localization perturbatively through second order in the bath coupling. However, the expansion breaks down at long times, and is not stabilized by including a mean-field decay rate, signaling a failure of the self-consistent Born approximation. We also consider a many-channel quantum wire where short-ranged, spin-exchange interactions coexist with screened Coulomb interactions. We calculate the dephasing rate, treating the short-ranged interactions perturbatively and the Coulomb interaction exactly. The latter provides a physical infrared regularization that stabilizes perturbation theory at long times, giving the first controlled calculation of quasi-1D dephasing due to diffusive noise. At first order in the diffusive bath coupling, we find an enhancement of the dephasing rate, but at second order we find a rephasing contribution. Our results differ qualitatively from those obtained via self-consistent calculations and are relevant in two different contexts. First, in the search for precursors to many-body localization in the ergodic phase. Second, our results provide a mechanism for the enhancement of dephasing at low temperatures in spin SU(2)-symmetric quantum wires, beyond the Altshuler-Aronov-Khmelnitsky result. The enhancement is possible due to the amplification of the triplet-channel interaction strength, and provides an additional mechanism that could contribute to the experimentally observed low-temperature saturation of the dephasing time.
We consider the problem of electron transport across a quasi-one-dimensional disordered multiply-scattering medium, and study the statistical properties of the electron density inside the system. In the physical setup that we contemplate, electrons o f a given energy feed the disordered conductor from one end. The physical quantity that is mainly considered is the logarithm of the electron density, $ln {cal W}(x)$, since its statistical properties exhibit a self-averaging behavior. We also describe a {em gedanken} experiment, as a possible setup to measure the electron density. We study analytically and through computer simulations the ballistic, diffusive and localized regimes. We generally find a good agreement between the two approaches. The extension of the techniques that were used in the past to find information outside the sample is done in terms of the scattering properties of the two segments that form the entire conductor on each side of the observation point. The problem is of interest in various other branches of physics, as electrodynamics and elasticity.
We numerically investigate the momentum-space entanglement entropy and entanglement spectrum of the random-dimer model and its generalizations, which circumvent Anderson localization, after a quench in the Hamiltonian parameters. The type of dynamics that occurs depends on whether or not the Fermi level of the initial state is near the energy of the delocalized states present in these models. If the Fermi level of the initial state is near the energy of the delocalized states, we observe an interesting slow logarithmic-like growth of the momentum-space entanglement entropy followed by an eventual saturation. Otherwise, the momentum-space entanglement entropy is found to rapidly saturate. We also find that the momentum-space entanglement spectrum reveals the presence of delocalized states in these models for long times after the quench and the many-body entanglement gap decays logarithmically in time when the Fermi level is near the energy of the delocalized states.
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