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Estimating the Redshift Distribution of Faint Galaxy Samples

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 نشر من قبل Marcos Lima
 تاريخ النشر 2008
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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We present an empirical method for estimating the underlying redshift distribution N(z) of galaxy photometric samples from photometric observables. The method does not rely on photometric redshift (photo-z) estimates for individual galaxies, which typically suffer from biases. Instead, it assigns weights to galaxies in a spectroscopic subsample such that the weighted distributions of photometric observables (e.g., multi-band magnitudes) match the corresponding distributions for the photometric sample. The weights are estimated using a nearest-neighbor technique that ensures stability in sparsely populated regions of color-magnitude space. The derived weights are then summed in redshift bins to create the redshift distribution. We apply this weighting technique to data from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey as well as to mock catalogs for the Dark Energy Survey, and compare the results to those from the estimation of photo-zs derived by a neural network algorithm. We find that the weighting method accurately recovers the underlying redshift distribution, typically better than the photo-z reconstruction, provided the spectroscopic subsample spans the range of photometric observables covered by the photometric sample.

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In Lima et al. 2008 we presented a new method for estimating the redshift distribution, N(z), of a photometric galaxy sample, using photometric observables and weighted sampling from a spectroscopic subsample of the data. In this paper, we extend thi s method and explore various applications of it, using both simulations of and real data from the SDSS. In addition to estimating the redshift distribution for an entire sample, the weighting method enables accurate estimates of the redshift probability distribution, p(z), for each galaxy in a photometric sample. Use of p(z) in cosmological analyses can substantially reduce biases associated with traditional photometric redshifts, in which a single redshift estimate is associated with each galaxy. The weighting procedure also naturally indicates which galaxies in the photometric sample are expected to have accurate redshift estimates, namely those that lie in regions of photometric-observable space that are well sampled by the spectroscopic subsample. In addition to providing a method that has some advantages over standard photo-z estimates, the weights method can also be used in conjunction with photo-z estimates, e.g., by providing improved estimation of N(z) via deconvolution of N(photo-z) and improved estimates of photo-z scatter and bias. We present a publicly available p(z) catalog for ~78 million SDSS DR7 galaxies.
68 - M. Im 1999
We have constructed a morphologically divided redshift distribution of faint field galaxies using a statistically unbiased sample of 196 galaxies brighter than I = 21.5 for which detailed morphological information (from the Hubble Space Telescope) as well as ground-based spectroscopic redshifts are available. Galaxies are classified into 3 rough morphological types according to their visual appearance (E/S0s, Spirals, Sdm/dE/Irr/Pecs), and redshift distributions are constructed for each type. The most striking feature is the abundance of low to moderate redshift Sdm/dE/Irr/Pecs at I < 19.5. This confirms that the faint end slope of the luminosity function (LF) is steep (alpha < -1.4) for these objects. We also find that Sdm/dE/Irr/Pecs are fairly abundant at moderate redshifts, and this can be explained by strong luminosity evolution. However, the normalization factor (or the number density) of the LF of Sdm/dE/Irr/Pecs is not much higher than that of the local LF of Sdm/dE/Irr/Pecs. Furthermore, as we go to fainter magnitudes, the abundance of moderate to high redshift Irr/Pecs increases considerably. This cannot be explained by strong luminosity evolution of the dwarf galaxy populations alone: these Irr/Pecs are probably the progenitors of present day ellipticals and spiral galaxies which are undergoing rapid star formation or merging with their neighbors. On the other hand, the redshift distributions of E/S0s and spirals are fairly consistent those expected from passive luminosity evolution, and are only in slight disagreement with the non-evolving model.
We study the properties of very faint, sub-L* Lyman break galaxies at z~2-5 - thus far a largely neglected but numerically and energetically very important population. We find that the LBG luminosity function undergoes luminosity-dependent evolution: the number of luminous galaxies remains constant while the number of faint ones grows with time. The total UV luminosity density increases with cosmic time from at least z~5 until reaching a peak or a plateau around z~2 - behaviour that is governed by the sub-L* galaxies in the LFs faint tail. Using broadband SED fitting we find a nearly-linear relationship between SFR and galaxy stellar mass at z~2. A typical L* LBG at z~2 shows a stellar mass of ~10^10M_sun, remarkably similar to the bimodality mass at low redshift. This similarity suggests that the mechanisms responsible for the galaxy bimodality at low-z may have also been at play at z~2.
We measure the faint end slope of the galaxy luminosity function (LF) for cluster galaxies at 1<z<1.5 using Spitzer IRAC data. We investigate whether this slope, alpha, differs from that of the field LF at these redshifts, and with the cluster LF at low redshifts. The latter is of particular interest as low-luminosity galaxies are expected to undergo significant evolution. We use seven high-redshift spectroscopically confirmed galaxy clusters drawn from the IRAC Shallow Cluster Survey to measure the cluster galaxy LF down to depths of M* + 3 (3.6 microns) and M* + 2.5 (4.5 microns). The summed LF at our median cluster redshift (z=1.35) is well fit by a Schechter distribution with alpha[3.6] = -0.97 +/- 0.14 and alpha[4.5] = -0.91 +/- 0.28, consistent with a flat faint end slope and is in agreement with measurements of the field LF in similar bands at these redshifts. A comparison to alpha in low-redshift clusters finds no statistically significant evidence of evolution. Combined with past studies which show that M* is passively evolving out to z~1.3, this means that the shape of the cluster LF is largely in place by z~1.3. This suggests that the processes that govern the build up of the mass of low-mass cluster galaxies have no net effect on the faint end slope of the cluster LF at z<1.3.
109 - P. Eisenhardt 2000
Recent results on the incidence of red galaxies in a > 100 square arcminute field galaxy survey to K=20 and a K=22 survey of the Hubble Deep Field are presented. We argue that a simple photometric redshift indicator, based on J-K color and supported by spectroscopic results obtained with Keck, gives a reliable lower limit of ~25% for the fraction of z>1 galaxies in the 100 square arcminute survey. This fraction is substantially higher than found in previous smaller samples, and is at least as consistent with predictions for pure luminosity evolution as with those for hierarchical models. The same technique yields a very low fraction for the HDF, which appears to be unusually underabundant in red galaxies.
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