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Astrometric and photometric monitoring of GQ Lup and its sub-stellar companion

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 نشر من قبل Ralph Neuhaeuser
 تاريخ النشر 2008
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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Neuhaeuser et al. (2005) presented direct imaging evidence for a sub-stellar companion to the young T Tauri star GQ Lup. Common proper motion was highly significant, but no orbital motion was detected. Faint luminosity, low gravity, and a late-M/early-L spectral type indicated that the companion is either a planet or a brown dwarf. We have monitored GQ Lup and its companion in order to detect orbital and parallactic motion and variability in its brightness. We also search for closer and fainter companions. We have taken six more images with the VLT Adaptive Optics instrument NACO from May 2005 to Feb 2007, always with the same calibration binary from Hipparcos for both astrometric and photometric calibration. By adding up all the images taken so far, we search for additional companions. The position of GQ Lup A and its companion compared to a nearby non-moving background object varies as expected for parallactic motion by about one pixel (2 pi with parallax pi). We could not find evidence for variability of the GQ Lup companion in the K-band (standard deviation being pm 0.08 mag), which may be due to large error bars. No additional companions are found with deep imaging. There is now exceedingly high significance for common proper motion of GQ Lup A and its companion. In addition, we see for the first time an indication for orbital motion (about 2 to 3 mas/yr decrease in separation, but no significant change in the position angle), consistent with a near edge-on or highly eccentric orbit. We measured the parallax for GQ Lup A to be pi = 6.4 pm 1.9 mas (i.e. 156 pm 50 pc) and for the GQ Lup companion to be 7.2 pm 2.1 mas (i.e. 139 pm 45 pc), both consistent with being in the Lupus I cloud and bound to each other.

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We present commissioning data from the OSIRIS integral field spectrograph (IFS) on the Keck II 10 m telescope that demonstrate the utility of adaptive optics IFS spectroscopy in studying faint close-in sub-stellar companions in the haloes of bright s tars. Our R~2000 J- and H-band spectra of the sub-stellar companion to the 1-10 Myr-old GQ Lup complement existing K-band spectra and photometry, and improve on the original estimate of its spectral type. We find that GQ Lup B is somewhat hotter (M6-L0) than reported in the discovery paper by Neuhauser and collaborators (M9-L4), mainly due to the surface-gravity sensitivity of the K-band spectral classification indices used by the discoverers. Spectroscopic features characteristic of low surface gravity objects, such as lack of alkali absorption and a triangular H-band continuum, are indeed prominent in our spectrum of GQ Lup B. The peculiar shape of the H-band continuum and the difference between the two spectral type estimates is well explained in the context of the diminishing strength of H2 collision induced absorption with decreasing surface gravity, as recently proposed for young ultra-cool dwarfs by Kirkpatrick and collaborators. Using our updated spectroscopic classification of GQ Lup B and a re-evaluation of the age and heliocentric distance of the primary, we perform a comparative analysis of the available sub-stellar evolutionary models to estimate the mass of the companion. We find that the mass of GQ Lup B is 0.010-0.040 Msun. Hence, it is unlikely to be a wide-orbit counterpart to the known radial-velocity extrasolar planets, whose masses are < 0.015 Msun. Instead, GQ Lup A/B is probably a member of a growing family of very low mass ratio widely separated binaries discovered through high-contrast imaging.
The spin of a planet or brown dwarf is related to the accretion process, and therefore studying spin can help promote our understanding of the formation of such objects. We present the projected rotational velocity of the young sub-stellar companion GQ Lupi b, along with its barycentric radial velocity. The directly imaged exoplanet or brown dwarf companion joins a small but growing ensemble of wide-orbit sub-stellar companions with a spin measurement. The GQ Lupi system was observed at high spectral resolution (R ~ 100000), and in the analysis we made use of both spectral and spatial filtering to separate the signal of the companion from that of the host star. We detect both CO (S/N=11.6) and H2O (S/N=7.7) in the atmosphere of GQ Lupi b by cross-correlating with model spectra, and we find it to be a slow rotator with a projected rotational velocity of $5.3^{+0.9}_{-1.0}$ km/s. The slow rotation is most likely due to its young age of < 5 Myr, as it is still in the process of accreting material and angular momentum. We measure the barycentric radial velocity of GQ Lupi b to be $2.0 pm 0.4$ km/s, and discuss the allowed orbital configurations and their implications for formation scenarios for GQ Lupi b.
Substellar companions at wide separation around stars hosting planets or brown dwarfs (BDs) yet close enough for their formation in the circumstellar disc are of special interest. In this letter we report the discovery of a wide (projected separation $sim$16.0arcsec, or 2400 AU, and position angle 114.61$^circ$) companion of the GQ Lup A-B system, most likely gravitationally bound to it. A VLT/X-Shooter spectrum shows that this star, 2MASS J15491331-3539118, is a bonafide low-mass ($sim$0.15 M$_odot$) young stellar object (YSO) with stellar and accretion/ejection properties typical of Lupus YSOs of similar mass, and with kinematics consistent with that of the GQ Lup A-B system. A possible scenario for the formation of the triple system is that GQ Lup A and 2MASS J15491331-3539118 formed by fragmentation of a turbulent core in the Lup I filament, while GQ Lup B, the BD companion of GQ Lup A at 0.7arcsec, formed in situ by the fragmentation of the circumprimary disc. The recent discoveries that stars form along cloud filaments would favour the scenario of turbulent fragmentation for the formation of GQ Lup A and 2MASS J15491331-3539118.
We present ALMA observations of the GQ Lup system, a young Sun-like star with a substellar mass companion in a wide-separation orbit. These observations of 870 $mu$m continuum and CO J=3-2 line emission with beam size $sim0.3$ ($sim45$ AU) resolve th e disk of dust and gas surrounding the primary star, GQ Lup A, and provide deep limits on any circumplanetary disk surrounding the companion, GQ Lup b. The circumprimary dust disk is compact with a FWHM of $59pm12$ AU, while the gas has a larger extent with a characteristic radius of $46.5pm1.8$ AU. By forward-modeling the velocity field of the circumprimary disk based on the CO emission, we constrain the mass of GQ Lup A to be $M_* = (1.03pm0.05)*(d/156text{ pc})$ $M_odot$, where $d$ is a known distance, and determine that we view the disk at an inclination angle of $60.5^circpm0.5^circ$ and a position angle of $346^circ pm1^circ$. The $3sigma$ upper limit on the 870 $mu$m flux density of any circumplanetary disk associated with GQ Lup b of $<0.15$ mJy implies an upper limit on the dust disk mass of $<0.04$ $M_oplus$ for standard assumptions about optically thin emission. We discuss proposed mechanisms for the formation of wide-separation substellar companions given the non-detection of circumplanetary disks around GQ Lup b and other similar systems.
Very recently, a second companion on wider orbit has been discovered around GQ Lup. This is a low-mass accreting star partially obscured by a disk seen at high inclination. If detected, this disk may be compared to the known disk around the primary. We detected this disk on archive HST and WISE data. The extended spectral energy distribution provided by these data confirms the presence of accretion from Halpha emission and UV excess, and shows an IR excess attributable to a warm disk. In addition, we resolved the disk on the HST images. This is found to be roughly aligned with the disk of the primary. Both of them are roughly aligned with the Lupus I dust filament containing GQ Lup.
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