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Induced quantum dots and wires: electron storage and delivery

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 نشر من قبل Bartlomiej Szafran
 تاريخ النشر 2007
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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We show that quantum dots and quantum wires are formed underneath metal electrodes deposited on a planar semiconductor heterostructure containing a quantum well. The confinement is due to the self-focusing mechanism of an electron wave packet interacting with the charge induced on the metal surface. Induced quantum wires guide the transfer of electrons along metal paths and induced quantum dots store the electrons in specific locations of the nanostructure. Induced dots and wires can be useful for devices operating on the electron spin.

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اقرأ أيضاً

Considering Rashba quantum wires with a proximity-induced superconducting gap as physical realizations of Majorana fermions and quantum dots, we calculate the overlap of the Majorana wave functions with the local wave functions on the dot. We determi ne the spin-dependent tunneling amplitudes between these two localized states and show that we can tune into a fully spin polarized tunneling regime by changing the distance between dot and Majorana fermion. Upon directly applying this to the tunneling model Hamiltonian, we calculate the effective magnetic field on the quantum dot flanked by two Majorana fermions. The direction of the induced magnetic field on the dot depends on the occupation of the nonlocal fermion formed from the two Majorana end states which can be used as a readout for such a Majorana qubit.
We study the nature of excitons bound to I1 basal plane stacking faults in ensembles of ultrathin GaN nanowires by continuous-wave and time-resolved photoluminescence spectroscopy. These ultrathin nanowires, obtained by the thermal decomposition of s pontaneously formed GaN nanowire ensembles, are tapered and have tip diameters down to 6 nm. With decreasing nanowire diameter, we observe a strong blue shift of the transition originating from the radiative decay of stacking fault-bound excitons. Moreover, the radiative lifetime of this transition in the ultrathin nanowires is independent of temperature up to 60 K and significantly longer than that of the corresponding transition in as-grown nanowires. These findings reveal a zero-dimensional character of the confined exciton state and thus demonstrate that I1 stacking faults in ultrathin nanowires act as genuine quantum dots.
In this article we review our work on the dynamics and decoherence of electron and hole spins in single and double quantum dots. The first part, on electron spins, focuses on decoherence induced via the hyperfine interaction while the second part cov ers decoherence and relaxation of heavy-hole spins due to spin-orbit interaction as well as the manipulation of heavy-hole spin using electric dipole spin resonance.
We use time-resolved charge detection techniques to investigate single-electron tunneling in semiconductor quantum dots. The ability to detect individual charges in real-time makes it possible to count electrons one-by-one as they pass through the st ructure. The setup can thus be used as a high-precision current meter for measuring ultra-low currents, with resolution several orders of magnitude better than that of conventional current meters. In addition to measuring the average current, the counting procedure also makes it possible to investigate correlations between charge carriers. In quantum dots, we find that the strong Coulomb interaction makes electrons try to avoid each other. This leads to electron anti-bunching, giving stronger correlations and reduced noise compared to a current carried by statistically independent electrons. The charge detector is implemented by monitoring changes in conductance in a near-by capacitively coupled quantum point contact. We find that the quantum point contact not only serves as a detector but also causes a back-action onto the measured device. Electron scattering in the quantum point contact leads to emission of microwave radiation. The radiation is found to induce an electronic transition between two quantum dots, similar to the absorption of light in real atoms and molecules. Using a charge detector to probe the electron transitions, we can relate a single-electron tunneling event to the absorption of a single photon. Moreover, since the energy levels of the double quantum dot can be tuned by external gate voltages, we use the device as a frequency-selective single-photon detector operating at microwave energies.
95 - Manvir S Kushwaha 2021
A theoretical investigation has been made of the magnetoplasmon excitations in a quasi-one-dimensional electron system comprised of vertically stacked, self-assembled InAs/GaAs quantum dots. The smaller length scales involved in the experiments impel us to consider a perfectly periodic system of two-dimensionally confined InAs quantum dot layers separated by GaAs spacers. Subsequent system is subjected to a two-dimensional confining (harmonic) potential in the x-y plane and an applied magnetic field (B) in the symmetric gauge. This scheme defines virtually a system of quantum wire comprised of vertically stacked quantum dots (VSQD). We derive and discuss the Dyson equation, the generalized (nonlocal and dynamic) dielectric function, and the inverse dielectric function for investigating the single-particle and collective (magnetoplasmon) excitations within the framework of (full) random-phase approximation (RPA). As an application, we study the influence of the confinement potential and the magnetic field on the component eigenfunctions, the density of states (DOS), the Fermi energy, the collective excitations, and the inverse dielectric functions. These findings demonstrate, for the very first time, the significance of investigating the system of VSQD subjected to a quantizing magnetic field. Given the edge over the planar quantum dots and the foreseen applications in the single-electron devices and quantum computation, investigating the system of VSQD is deemed vital. The results suggest exploiting magnetoplasmon qubits to be a potential option for implementing the solemn idea of quantum state transfer in devising quantum gates for the quantum computation and quantum communication networks.
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