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Trouble for AGN Feedback ? The puzzle of the core of the Galaxy Cluster AWM 4

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 نشر من قبل Fabio Gastaldello
 تاريخ النشر 2007
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English
 تأليف Fabio Gastaldello

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The core of the relaxed cluster AWM 4 is characterized by a unique combination of properties which defy a popular scenario for ANG heating of cluster cores. A flat inner temperature profile is indicative of a past, major heating episode which completely erased the cool core, as testified by the high central cooling time (~ 3 Gyr) and by the high central entropy level (~ 60 keV cm^2). Yet the presence of a 1.4 GHz active central radio galaxy with extended radio lobes out to 100 kpc, reveals recent feeding of the central massive black hole. A system like AWM 4 should have no radio emission at all if only feedback from the cooling hot gas regulates the AGN activity.

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135 - Fabio Gastaldello 2009
We present AGN feedback in the interesting cases of two groups: AWM 4 and NGC 5044. AWM 4 is characterized by a combination of properties which seems to defy the paradigm for AGN heating in cluster cores: a flat inner temperature profile indicative o f a past, major heating episode which completely erased the cool core, as testified by the high central cooling time (> 3 Gyrs) and by the high central entropy level (~ 50 keV cm^2), and yet an active central radio galaxy with extended radio lobes out to 100 kpc, revealing recent feeding of the central massive black hole. A recent Chandra observation has revealed the presence of a compact cool corona associated with the BCG, solving the puzzle of the apparent lack of low entropy gas surrounding a bright radio source, but opening the question of its origin. NGC 5044 shows in the inner 10 kpc a pair of cavities together with a set of bright filaments. The cavities are consistent with a recent AGN outburst as also indicated by the extent of dust and H_alpha emission even though the absence of extended 1.4 GHz emission remains to be explained. The soft X-ray filaments coincident with H_alpha and dust emission are cooler than those which do not correlate with optical and infrared emission, suggesting that dust-aided cooling can contribute to the overall cooling. For the first time sloshing cold fronts at the scale of a galaxy group have been observed in this object.
In a recent study (Martizzi et al. 2012), we used cosmological simulations to show that active galactic nuclei (AGN) feedback on the gas distribution in clusters of galaxies can be important in determining the spatial distribution of stars and dark m atter in the central regions of these systems. The hierarchical assembly of dark matter, baryons and black holes obscures the physical mechanism behind the restructuring process. Here we use idealized simulations to follow the response of a massive dark matter halo as we feed the central black hole with a controlled supply of cold gas. This removes most of the complexity taking place in the cosmological simulations that may have biased our previous study. We confirm our previous results: gas heated and expelled from the central regions of the halo by AGN feedback can return after cooling; repeated cycles generate gravitational potential fluctuations responsible for irreversible modifications of the dark matter mass profile. The main result is the expulsion of large amounts of baryons and dark matter from the central regions of the halo. According to the work presented here, outflow induced fluctuations represent the only mechanism able to efficiently create dark matter cores in clusters of galaxies.
We report on a deep, multiwavelength study of the galaxy cluster MACS J1931.8-2634 using Chandra X-ray, Subaru optical, and VLA 1.4 GHz radio data. This cluster (z=0.352) harbors one of the most X-ray luminous cool cores yet discovered, with an equiv alent mass cooling rate within the central 50 kpc is approximately 700 solar masses/yr. Unique features observed in the central core of MACSJ1931.8-2634 hint to a wealth of past activity that has greatly disrupted the original cool core. We observe a spiral of relatively cool, dense, X-ray emitting gas connected to the cool core, as well as highly elongated intracluster light (ICL) surrounding the cD galaxy. Extended radio emission is observed surrounding the central AGN, elongated in the east-west direction, spatially coincident with X-ray cavities. The power input required to inflate these `bubbles is estimated from both the X-ray and radio emission to reside between 4 and 14e45 erg/s, putting it among the most powerful jets ever observed. This combination of a powerful AGN outburst and bulk motion of the cool core have resulted in two X-ray bright ridges to form to the north and south of the central AGN at a distance of approximately 25 kpc. The northern ridge has spectral characteristics typical of cool cores and is consistent with being a remnant of the cool core after it was disrupted by the AGN and bulk motions. It is also the site of H-alpha filaments and young stars. The X-ray spectroscopic cooling rate associated with this ridge is approximately 165 solar masses/yr, which agrees with the estimate of the star formation rate from broad-band optical imaging (170 solar masses/yr). MACS J1931.8-2634 appears to harbor one of most profoundly disrupted low entropy cores observed in a cluster, and offers new insights into the survivability of cool cores in the context of hierarchical structure formation.
316 - John P. Stott 2012
Using a sample of 123 X-ray clusters and groups drawn from the XMM-Cluster Survey first data release, we investigate the interplay between the brightest cluster galaxy (BCG), its black hole, and the intra-cluster/group medium (ICM). It appears that f or groups and clusters with a BCG likely to host significant AGN feedback, gas cooling dominates in those with Tx > 2 keV while AGN feedback dominates below. This may be understood through the sub-unity exponent found in the scaling relation we derive between the BCG mass and cluster mass over the halo mass range 10^13 < M500 < 10^15Msol and the lack of correlation between radio luminosity and cluster mass, such that BCG AGN in groups can have relatively more energetic influence on the ICM. The Lx - Tx relation for systems with the most massive BCGs, or those with BCGs co-located with the peak of the ICM emission, is steeper than that for those with the least massive and most offset, which instead follows self-similarity. This is evidence that a combination of central gas cooling and powerful, well fuelled AGN causes the departure of the ICM from pure gravitational heating, with the steepened relation crossing self-similarity at Tx = 2 keV. Importantly, regardless of their black hole mass, BCGs are more likely to host radio-loud AGN if they are in a massive cluster (Tx > 2 keV) and again co-located with an effective fuel supply of dense, cooling gas. This demonstrates that the most massive black holes appear to know more about their host cluster than they do about their host galaxy. The results lead us to propose a physically motivated, empirical definition of cluster and group, delineated at 2 keV.
We present a multi-wavelength analysis of the galaxy cluster A1668, performed by means of new EVLA and Chandra observations and archival H$alpha$ data. The radio images exhibit a small central source ($sim$14 kpc at 1.4 GHz) with L$_{text{1.4 GHz}}$ $sim$6 $cdot$ 10$^{23}$ W Hz$^{-1}$. The mean spectral index between 1.4 GHz and 5 GHz is $sim$ -1, consistent with the usual indices found in BCGs. The cooling region extends for 40 kpc, with bolometric X-ray luminosity L$_{text{cool}} = 1.9pm 0.1 cdot$ 10$^{43}$ erg s$^{-1}$. We detect an offset of $sim$ 6 kpc between the cluster BCG and the X-ray peak, and another offset of $sim$ 7.6 kpc between the H$alpha$ and the X-ray peaks. We discuss possible causes for these offsets, which suggest that the coolest gas is not condensing directly from the lowest-entropy gas. In particular, we argue that the cool ICM was drawn out from the core by sloshing, whereas the H$alpha$ filaments were pushed aside from the expanding radio galaxy lobes. We detect two putative X-ray cavities, spatially associated to the west radio lobe (cavity A) and to the east radio lobe (cavity B). The cavity power and age of the system are P$_{text{cav}} sim$ 9 $times$10$^{42}$ erg s$^{-1}$ and t$_{text{age}} sim$5.2 Myr, respectively. Evaluating the position of A1668 in the cooling luminosity-cavity power parameter space, we find that the AGN energy injection is currently consistent within the scatter of the relationship, suggesting that offset cooling is likely not breaking the AGN feedback cycle.
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