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SUSY in the Light of B Physics and Electroweak Precision Observables

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 نشر من قبل Georg Weiglein
 تاريخ النشر 2007
  مجال البحث
والبحث باللغة English
 تأليف Georg Weiglein

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Indirect information about the possible scale of supersymmetry (SUSY) breaking can be obtained from the comparison of precisely measured observables (and also of exclusion limits) with accurate theory predictions incorporating SUSY loop corrections. Recent results are reviewed obtained from a combined analysis of the most sensitive electroweak precision observables (EWPO), M_W, sin^2_theta^eff, Gamma_Z, (g-2)_mu and M_h, and B-physics observables (BPO), BR(b -> s gamma), BR(B_s -> mu^+mu^-), BR(B_u -> tau u_tau) and Delta M_{B_s}. Assuming that the lightest supersymmetric particle (LSP) provides the cold dark matter density preferred by WMAP and other cosmological data, chi^2 fits are performed to the parameters of the constrained minimal supersymmetric extension of the Standard Model (CMSSM), in which the SUSY-breaking parameters are universal at the GUT scale, and the non-universal Higgs model (NUHM), in which this constraint is relaxed for the soft SUSY-breaking contributions to the Higgs masses. Within the CMSSM indirect bounds on the mass of the lightest CP-even Higgs boson are derived.

قيم البحث

اقرأ أيضاً

160 - S. Heinemeyer , X. Miao , S. Su 2008
We explore electroweak precision observables (EWPO) and $B$-physics observables (BPO) in the CMSSM, the mGMSB and the mAMSB. We perform a chi^2 analysis based on the combination of current EWPO and BPO data. For the first time this allows the compari son of the mGMSB and mAMSB in terms of EWPO and BPO with the CMSSM. We find that relatively low mass scales in all three scenarios are favored. However, the current data from EWPO and BPO can hardly exclude any parameters at the level of Delta chi^2 = 9. Remarkably the mAMSB scenario, despite having one free GUT scale parameter less than the other two scenarios, has a somewhat lower total minimum chi^2. We present predictions for the lightest Higgs boson mass, based on the chi^2 analysis of current data, where relatively good compatibility with the bounds from Higgs searches at LEP is found. We also present the predictions for other Higgs sector parameters and SUSY mass scales, allowing to compare the reach of the LHC and the ILC in the three scenarios. We furthermore explore the future sensitivities of the EWPO and BPO for the current best-fit results and for a hypothetical point with somewhat higher mass scales that results in a similar Higgs and SUSY spectrum in the three scenarios. We find that the future improvement of the accuracy of the EWPO and BPO will lead to a significant gain in the indirect parameter determination. The improvement is similar in the CMSSM, mGMSB and mAMSB and will yield constraints to the parameter space even for heavy Higgs and SUSY mass scales.
We perform the fit of electroweak precision observables within the Standard Model with a 126 GeV Higgs boson, compare the results with the theoretical predictions and discuss the impact of recent experimental and theoretical improvements. We introduc e New Physics contributions in a model-independent way and fit for the S, T and U parameters, for the $epsilon_{1,2,3,b}$ ones, for modified $Zbbar{b}$ couplings and for a modified Higgs coupling to vector bosons. We point out that composite Higgs models are very strongly constrained. Finally, we compute the bounds on dimension-six operators relevant for the electroweak fit.
While it is known that third family hypercharge models can explain the neutral current $B-$anomalies, it was hitherto unclear whether the $Z-Z^prime$ mixing predicted by such models could simultaneously fit electroweak precision observables. Here, we perform global fits of several third family hypercharge models to a combination of electroweak data and those data pertinent to the neutral current $B-$anomalies. While the Standard Model is in tension with this combined data set with a $p-$value of $.00068$, simp
We examine the prospects for discovering and elucidating the weakly-coupled Higgs sector at future collider experiments. The Higgs search consists of three phases: (i) discovery of a Higgs candidate, (ii) verification of the Higgs interpretation of t he signal, and (iii) precision measurements of Higgs sector properties. The discovery of one Higgs boson with Standard Model properties is not sufficient to expose the underlying structure of the electroweak symmetry breaking dynamics. It is critical to search for evidence for a non-minimal Higgs sector and/or new physics associated with electroweak symmetry breaking dynamics. An improvement in precision electroweak data at future colliders can play a useful role in confirming the theoretical interpretation of the Higgs search results.
Future electron-position colliders, such as CEPC and FCC-ee, have the capability to dramatically improve the experimental precision for W and Z-boson masses and couplings. This would enable indirect probes of physics beyond the Standard Model at mult i-TeV scales. For this purpose, one must complement the experimental measurements with equally precise calculations for the theoretical predictions of these quantities within the Standard Model, including three-loop electroweak corrections. This article reports on the calculation of a subset of these corrections, stemming from diagrams with three closed fermion loops to the following quantities: the prediction of the W-boson mass from the Fermi constant, the effective weak mixing angle, and partial and total widths of the Z boson. The numerical size of these corrections is relatively modest, but non-negligible compared to the precision targets of future colliders. In passing, an error is identified in previous results for the two-loop corrections to the Z width, with a small yet non-zero numerical impact.
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