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Opacity in compact extragalactic radio sources and its effect on radio-optical reference frame alignment

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 نشر من قبل Yuri Kovalev Jr.
 تاريخ النشر 2007
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English
 تأليف Y. Y. Kovalev

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Accurate alignment of the radio and optical celestial reference frames requires detailed understanding of physical factors that may cause offsets between the positions of the same object measured in different spectral bands. Opacity in compact extragalactic jets (due to synchrotron self-absorption and external free-free absorption) is one of the key physical phenomena producing such an offset, and this effect is well-known in radio astronomy (core shift). We have measured the core shifts in a sample of 29 bright compact extragalactic radio sources observed using very long baseline interferometry (VLBI) at 2.3 and 8.6 GHz. We report the results of these measurements and estimate that the average shift between radio and optical positions of distant quasars would be of the order of 0.1-0.2 mas. This shift exceeds positional accuracy of GAIA and SIM. We suggest two possible approaches to carefully investigate and correct for this effect in order to align accurately the radio and optical positions. Both approaches involve determining a Primary Reference Sample of objects to be used for tying the radio and optical reference frames together.

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167 - Y. Y. Kovalev 2008
The apparent position of the core in a parsec-scale radio jet (a compact, bright emitting region at the narrow end of the jet) depends on the observing frequency, owing to synchrotron self-absorption and external absorption. While providing a tool pr obing physical conditions in the vicinity of the core, this dependency poses problems for astrometric studies using compact radio sources. We investigated the frequency-dependent shift in the positions of the cores (core shift) observed with very long baseline interferometry (VLBI) in parsec-scale jets. We discuss related physics, as well as its effect on radio astrometry and the connection between radio and optical positions of astrometric reference objects. We searched for the core shift in a sample of 277 radio sources imaged at 2.3 GHz (13 cm) and 8.6 GHz (4 cm) frequency bands using VLBI observations made in 2002 and 2003. The core shift was measured by referencing the core position to optically thin jet features whose positions are not expected to change with frequency. We present here results for 29 selected active galactic nuclei (AGN) with bright distinct VLBI jet features that can be used in differential measurements and that allow robust measurements of the shift to be made. In these AGN, the magnitude of the measured core shift between 2.3 and 8.6 GHz reaches 1.4 mas, with a median value for the sample of 0.44 mas. Nuclear flares result in temporal variability of the shift. An average shift between the radio (4 cm) and optical (6000 Angstrom) bands is estimated to be approximately 0.1 mas, and it should be taken into account in order to provide the required accuracy of the radio-optical reference frame connection. This can be accomplished with multi-frequency VLBI measurements... (abridged)
58 - A. Labiano 2006
We have studied the interrelation of young AGN with their hosts. The objects of study are the young and powerful GPS and CSS radio sources. Due to their small size, GPS and CSS sources are excellent probes of this relation. Furhthermore, their young age allows us to compare them to the larger, old radio sources and establish a time-line evolution of this relation. Combining imaging and spectroscopy at UV, optical and radio wavelengths we find evidence of strong interaction between the host and the radio source. The presence and expansion of the radio source clearly affects the properties and evolution of the host. Furthermore, the radio source and host significantly affect each others evolution. We describe our results and how these interactions take place.
86 - Valeri V. Makarov 2021
The Gaia optical reference frame is intrinsically undefined with respect to global orientation and spin, so it needs to be anchored in the radio-based International Celestial Reference Frame (ICRF) to provide a referenced and quasi-inertial celestial coordinate system. The link between the two fundamental frames is realized through two samples of distant extragalactic sources, mostly AGNs and quasars, but only the smaller sample of radio-loud ICRF sources with optical counterparts is available to determine the mutual orientation. The robustness of this link can be mathematically formulated in the framework of functional principal component analysis using a set of vector spherical harmonics to represent the differences in celestial positions of the common objects. The weakest eigenvectors are computed, which describe the greatest deficiency of the link. The deficient or poorly determined terms are specific vector fields on the sphere which carry the largest errors of absolute astrometry using Gaia in reference to the ICRF. This analysis provides guidelines to the future development of the ICRF maximizing the accuracy of the link over the entire celestial sphere. A measure of robustness of a least-squares solution, which can be applied to any linear model fitting problem, is introduced to help discriminate between reference frame tie models of different degrees.
We study the collimation of radio jets in the high-luminosity Fanaroff-Riley class II sources by examining the dependence of the sizes of hotspots and knots in the radio jets on the overall size of the objects for a sample of compact steep-spectrum o r CSS and larger-sized objects. The objects span a wide range in overall size from about 50 pc to nearly 1 Mpc. The mean size of the hotspots increases with the source size during the CSS phase, which is typically taken to be about 20 kpc, and the relationship flattens for the larger sources. The sizes of the knots in the compact as well as the larger sources are consistent with this trend. We discuss possible implications of these trends. We find that the hotspot closer to the nucleus or core component tends to be more compact for the most asymmetric objects where the ratio of separations of the hotspots from the nucleus, r_d > 2. These highly asymmetric sources are invariably CSS objects, and their location in the hotspot size ratio - separation ratio diagram is possibly due to their evolution in an asymmetric environment. We also suggest that some soures, especially of lower luminosity, exhibit an asymmetry in the collimation of the oppositely-directed radio jets.
375 - L. Toffolatti 1999
Confusion noise due to extragalactic sources is a fundamental astrophysical limitation for experiments aimed at accurately determining the power spectrum of the Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) down to arcmin angular scales and with a sensitivity $D elta T/T simeq 10^{-6}$. At frequencies $lsim 200-300$ GHz, the most relevant extragalactic foreground hampering the detection of intrinsic CMB anisotropies is constituted by radio loud Active Galactic Nuclei (AGN), including ``flat--spectrum radiogalaxies, quasars, BL-LACs and blazars. We review our present understanding of astrophysical properties, spectra, and number counts of the above classes of sources. We also study the angular power spectrum of fluctuations due both to Poisson distributed and clustered radio sources and give preliminary predictions on the power spectrum of their polarized components. Furthermore, we discuss the capabilities of future space missions (NASAs MAP, Bennett et al. 1995; ESAs Planck Surveyor, Bersanelli et al. 1996) in studying bright radio sources over an almost unexplored frequency interval where spectral signatures, essential for the understanding of the physical processes, show up.
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