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Preliminary measurement of Gamma(Ke2)/Gamma(Km2) at KLOE

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 نشر من قبل Tommaso Spadaro
 تاريخ النشر 2007
  مجال البحث
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A preliminary measurement of RK = Gamma(Ke2)/Gamma(Km2) at the KLOE experiment is discussed. The result, RK = (2.55+-0.05+-0.05)x 10^-5, is based on 1.7 fb^-1 of luminosity integrated on the phi-meson peak at the Frascati e^+e^- collider DAFNE, corresponding to ~8000 observed Ke2 events. Perspectives on the methods planned to improve both the statistical and the systematic errors are briefly outlined.

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78 - Paolo Gauzzi 2015
The KLOE results on the measurement of the transition form factors of the eta and pi0 mesons in phi Dalitz decays are presented, and the determination of the Gamma(eta->gamma gamma) in gamma gamma processes is also reported. The prospects for gamma g amma physics of the new data-taking, started in November 2014 with the upgraded detector, are reviewed.
We present a measurement of {eta} meson production in photon-photon interactions produced by electron-positron beams colliding with sqrt{s}=1 GeV. The measurement is done with the KLOE detector at the phi-factory DA{Phi}NE with an integrated luminosi ty of 0.24 fb^{-1}. The e^+e^- --> e^+e^-{eta} cross section is measured without detecting the outgoing electron and positron, selecting the decays {eta}-->{pi}^+{pi}^-{pi}^0 and {eta}-->{pi}^0{pi}^0{pi}^0. The most relevant background is due to e^+e^- --> {eta}{gamma} when the monochromatic photon escapes detection. The cross section for this process is measured as {sigma}(e^+e^- -->{eta}{gamma}) = (856 pm 8_{stat} pm 16_{syst}) pb. The combined result for the e^+e^- -->e^+e^-{eta} cross section is {sigma}(e^+e^- -->e^+e^-{eta}) = (32.72 pm 1.27_{stat} pm 0.70_{syst}) pb. From this we derive the partial width {Gamma}({eta}-->{gamma}{gamma}) = (520 pm 20_{stat} pm 13_{syst}) eV. This is in agreement with the world average and is the most precise measurement to date.
We present a precise measurement of the ratio R_K = Gamma(Ke2(gamma))/Gamma(Kmu2(gamma)) performed with the KLOE detector. The results are based on data collected at the Frascati e^+e^- collider DAFNE for an integrated luminosity of 2.2 fb^{-1}. We f ind R_K = (2.493pm0.025_{stat}pm0.019_{syst})times 10^{-5}, in agreement with the Standard Model expectation. This result is used to improve constraints on parameters of the Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model with lepton flavor violation.
The ratio R_{eta}=Gamma(eta -> pi^+pi^-gamma)/Gamma(eta -> pi^+pi^-pi^0) has been measured by analyzing 22 million phi to eta gamma decays collected by the KLOE experiment at DAPhiNE, corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 558 pb^{-1}. The eta to pi^+pi^-gamma proceeds both via the rho resonant contribution, and possibly a non-resonant direct term, connected to the box anomaly. Our result, R_{eta}= 0.1856pm 0.0005_{stat} pm 0.0028_{syst}, points out a sizable contribution of the direct term to the total width. The di-pion invariant mass for the eta -> pi^+pi^-gamma decay could be described in a model-independent approach in terms of a single free parameter, alpha. The determined value of the parameter alpha is alpha = (1.32 pm 0.08_{stat} +0.10/-0.09_{syst}pm 0.02_{theo}) GeV^{-2}
We report the measurement of the ratio $Gamma(eta to pi^+pi^-gamma)/Gamma(eta to pi^+pi^-pi^0)$ analyzing a large sample of $phi to eta gamma$ decays recorded with the KLOE experiment at the DA$Phi$NE $e^+ e^-$ collider, corresponding to an integrate d luminosity of 558 pb$^{-1}$. The $eta to pi^+pi^-gamma$ process is supposed to proceed both via a resonant contribution, mediated by the $rho$ meson, and a non resonant direct term, connected to the box anomaly. The presence of the direct term affects the partial width value. Our result $R_{eta}=Gamma(eta to pi^+ pi^- gamma)/Gamma(eta to pi^+ pi^- pi^0)= 0.1838pm 0.0005_{stat} pm 0.0030_{syst}$ is in agreement with a recent CLEO measurement, which differs by more 3 $sigma$ from the average of previous results.
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