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Heavy Quark Mass Effects in PQCD and Heavy Flavor Parton Distributions

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 نشر من قبل Wu-Ki Tung
 تاريخ النشر 2007
  مجال البحث
والبحث باللغة English

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The systematic treatment of heavy quark mass effects in DIS in current CTEQ global analysis is summarized. Applications of this treatment to the comparison between theory and experimental data on DIS charm production are described. The possibility of intrinsic charm in the nucleon is studied. The issue of determining the charm mass in global analysis is discussed.

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118 - S. Kretzer 2003
Previously published CTEQ6 parton distributions adopt the conventional zero-mass parton scheme; these sets are most appropriate for use with massless hard-scattering matrix elements commonly found in most physics applications. For precision observabl es which are sensitive to charm and bottom quark mass effects, we provide in this paper an additional CTEQ6HQ parton distribution set determined in the more general variable flavor number scheme which incorporates heavy flavor mass effects. The results are obtained by combining these parton distributions with consistently matched DIS structure functions computed in the same scheme. We describe the analysis procedure, examine the predominant features of the new distributions, and compare with previous distributions.
73 - Wu-Ki Tung 1997
Conventional perturbative QCD calculations on the production of a heavy quark ``$H$ consist of two contrasting approaches: the usual QCD parton formalism uses the zero-mass approximation ($m_H=0$) once above threshold, and treats $H$ just like the ot her light partons; on the other hand, most recent ``NLO heavy quark calculations treat $m_H$ as a % large parameter and always consider $H$ as a heavy particle, never as a parton, irrespective of the energy scale of the physical process. By their very nature, both these approaches are limited in their regions of applicability. This dichotomy can be resolved in a unified general-mass variable-flavor-number scheme, which retains the $m_H$ dependence at all energies, and which naturally reduces to the two conventional approaches in their respective region of validity. Recent applications to lepto- and hadro-production of heavy quarks are briefly summarized.
105 - A. Bouttefeux , M. Laine 2020
Many lattice studies of heavy quark diffusion originate from a colour-electric correlator, obtained as a leading term after an expansion in the inverse of the heavy-quark mass. In view of the fact that the charm quark is not particularly heavy, we co nsider subleading terms in the expansion. Working out correlators up to $O(1/M^2)$, we argue that the leading corrections are suppressed by $O(T/M)$, and one of them can be extracted from a colour-magnetic correlator. The corresponding transport coefficient is non-perturbative already at leading order in the weak-coupling expansion, and therefore requires a non-perturbative determination.
We present the CTEQ6HQ parton distribution set which is determined in the general variable flavor number scheme which incorporates heavy flavor mass effects; hence, this set provides advantages for precision observables which are sensitive to charm a nd bottom quark masses. We describe the analysis procedure, examine the predominant features of the new distributions, and compare with previous distributions. We also examine the uncertainties of the strange quark distribution and how the the recent NuTeV dimuon data constrains this quantity.
We discuss the resummation of the large logarithmic terms appearing in the heavy quark effects on parton distribution functions inside the virtual photon. We incorporate heavy quark mass effects by changing the initial condition of the leading-order DGLAP evolution equation. In a certain kinematical limit, we recover the logarithmic terms of the next-to-leading order heavy quark effects obtained in the previous work. This method enables us to resum the large logarithmic terms due to heavy quark mass effects on the parton distributions in the virtual photon. We numerically calculate parton distributions using the formulae derived in this work, and discuss the property of the resummed heavy quark effects.
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