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Dark Matter Annihilation in Substructures Revised

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 نشر من قبل Lidia Pieri
 تاريخ النشر 2007
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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Upcoming $gamma$-ray satellites will search for Dark Matter annihilations in Milky Way substructures (or clumps). The prospects for detecting these objects strongly depend on the assumptions made on the distribution of Dark Matter in substructures, and on the distribution of substructures in the Milky Way halo. By adopting simplified, yet rather extreme, prescriptions for these quantities, we compute the number of sources that can be detected with upcoming experiments such as GLAST, and show that, for the most optimistic particle physics setup ($m_chi=40$ GeV and annihilation cross section $sigma v = 3 times 10^{-26}$ cm$^3$ s$^{-1}$), the result ranges from zero to $sim$ hundred sources, all with mass above $10^{5}Modot$. However, for a fiducial DM candidate with mass $m_chi=100$ GeV and $sigma v = 10^{-26}$ cm$^3$ s$^{-1}$, at most a handful of large mass substructures can be detected at $5 sigma$, with a 1-year exposure time, by a GLAST-like experiment. Scenarios where micro-clumps (i.e. clumps with mass as small as $10^{-6}Modot$) can be detected are severely constrained by the diffuse $gamma$-ray background detected by EGRET.

قيم البحث

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We are at the dawn of a data-driven era in astrophysics and cosmology. A large number of ongoing and forthcoming experiments combined with an increasingly open approach to data availability offer great potential in unlocking some of the deepest myste ries of the Universe. Among these is understanding the nature of dark matter (DM)---one of the major unsolved problems in particle physics. Characterizing DM through its astrophysical signatures will require a robust understanding of its distribution in the sky and the use of novel statistical methods. The first part of this thesis describes the implementation of a novel statistical technique which leverages the clumpiness of photons originating from point sources (PSs) to derive the properties of PS populations hidden in astrophysical datasets. This is applied to data from the Fermi satellite at high latitudes ($|b| > 30$deg) to characterize the contribution of PSs of extragalactic origin. We find that the majority of extragalactic gamma-ray emission can be ascribed to unresolved PSs having properties consistent with known sources such as active galactic nuclei. This leaves considerably less room for significant dark matter contribution. The second part of this thesis poses the question: what is the best way to look for annihilating dark matter in extragalactic sources? and attempts to answer it by constructing a pipeline to robustly map out the distribution of dark matter outside the Milky Way using galaxy group catalogs. This framework is then applied to Fermi data and existing group catalogs to search for annihilating dark matter in extragalactic galaxies and clusters.
Under the hypothesis of a Dark Matter composed by supersymmetric particles like neutralinos, we investigate the possibility that their annihilation in the haloes of nearby galaxies could produce detectable fluxes of $gamma$-photons. Expected fluxes d epend on several, poorly known quantities such as the density profiles of Dark Matter haloes, the existence and prominence of central density cusps and the presence of a population of sub-haloes. We find that, for all reasonable choices of Dark Matter halo models, the intensity of the $gamma$-ray flux from some of the nearest extragalactic objects, like M31, is comparable or higher than the diffuse Galactic foreground. We show that next generation ground-based experiments could have the sensitivity to reveal such fluxes which could help us unveiling the nature of Dark Matter particles.
We study the effects of WIMP dark matter (DM) on the collapse and evolution of the first stars in the Universe. Using a stellar evolution code, we follow the pre-Main Sequence (MS) phase of a grid of metal-free stars with masses in the range 5-600 so lar mass forming in the centre of a 1e6 solar mass halo at redhisft z=20. DM particles of the parent halo are accreted in the proto-stellar interior by adiabatic contraction and scattering/capture processes, reaching central densities of order 1e12 GeV/cm3 at radii of the order of 10 AU. Energy release from annihilation reactions can effectively counteract the gravitational collapse, in agreement with results from other groups. We find this stalling phase (known as dark star) is transients and lasts from 2.1e3 yr (M=600 solar mass) to 1.8e4 yr (M=9 solar mass). Later in the evolution, DM scattering/capture rate becomes high enough that energy deposition from annihilations significantly alters the pre-MS evolution of the star in a way that depends on DM (i) velocity dispersion, (ii) density, (iii) elastic scattering cross section with baryons. For our fiducial set of parameters (10 km/s, 1e11 GeV/cm3, 1e-38 cm2) we find that the evolution of stars of mass lower than 40 solar masses freezes on the HR diagram before reaching the ZAMS. Stars with bigger masses manage to ignite nuclear reactions; however, DM burning prolonges their lifetimes by a factor 2 (5) for a 600 (40) solar mass star.
In the frame of indirect dark matter searches we investigate the flux of high-energy $gamma$-ray photons produced by annihilation of dark matter in caustics within our Galaxy under the hypothesis that the bulk of dark matter is composed of the lighte st supersymmetric particles. Unfortunately, the detection of the caustics annihilation signal with currently available instruments is rather challenging. Indeed, with realistic assumptions concerning particle physics and cosmology, the $gamma $-ray signal from caustics is below the detection threshold of both $check {rm C}$erenkov telescopes and satellite-borne experiments. Nevertheless, we find that this signal is more prominent than that expected if annihilation only occurs in the smoothed Galactic halo, with the possible exception of a $sim 15^{circ}$ circle around the Galactic center if the mass density profile of our Galaxy exhibits a sharp cusp there. We show that the angular distribution of this $gamma$-ray flux changes significantly if DM annihilation preferentially occurs within virialized sub-halos populating our Galaxy rather than in caustics.
DarkCapPy is a Python 3/Jupyter package for calculating rates associated with dark matter capture in the Earth, annihilation into light mediators, and the subsequent observable decay of the light mediators near the surface of the Earth. The package i ncludes a calculation of the Sommerfeld enhancement at the center of the Earth and the timescale for capture--annihilation equilibrium. The code is open source and can be modified for other compact astronomical objects and mediator spins.
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