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Searching for non Gaussian signals in the BOOMERanG 2003 CMB maps

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 نشر من قبل De Troia Grazia
 تاريخ النشر 2007
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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We analyze the BOOMERanG 2003 (B03) 145 GHz temperature map to constrain the amplitude of a non Gaussian, primordial contribution to CMB fluctuations. We perform a pixel space analysis restricted to a portion of the map chosen in view of high sensitivity, very low foreground contamination and tight control of systematic effects. We set up an estimator based on the three Minkowski functionals which relies on high quality simulated data, including non Gaussian CMB maps. We find good agreement with the Gaussian hypothesis and derive the first limits based on BOOMERanG data for the non linear coupling parameter f_NL as -300<f_NL<650 at 68% CL and -800<f_NL<1050 at 95% CL.

قيم البحث

اقرأ أيضاً

We search the BOOMERanG maps of the anisotropy of the Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) for deviations from gaussianity. In this paper we focus on analysis techniques in pixel-space, and compute skewness, kurtosis and Minkowski functionals for the BO OMERanG maps and for gaussian simulations of the CMB sky. We do not find any significant deviation from gaussianity in the high galactic latitude section of the 150 GHz map. We do find deviations from gaussianity at lower latitudes and at 410 GHz, and we ascribe them to Galactic dust contamination. Using non-gaussian simulations of instrumental systematic effects, of foregrounds, and of sample non-gaussian cosmological models, we set upper limits to the non-gaussian component of the temperature field in the BOOMERanG maps. For fluctuations distributed as a 1 DOF $chi^2$ mixed to the main gaussian component our upper limits are in the few % range.
We discuss methods to compute maps of the CMB in models featuring active causal sources and in non-Gaussian models ofinflation. We show our large angle results as well as some preliminary results on small angles. We conclude by discussing on-going work.
The properties of the Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) maps carry valuable cosmological information. Here we report the results of the analysis hot and cold CMB anisotropy spots in the BOOMERanG 150 GHz map in terms of number, area, ellipticity, vs. temperature threshold. We carried out this analysis for the map obtained by summing independent measurement channels (signal plus noise map) and for a comparison map (noise only map) obtained by differencing the same channels. The anisotropy areas (spots) have been identified for both maps for various temperature thresholds and a catalog of the spots has been produced. The orientation (obliquity) of the spots is random for both maps. We computed the mean elongation of spots obtained from the maps at a given temperature threshold using a simple estimator. We found that for the sum map there is a region of temperature thresholds where the average elongation is not dependent on the threshold. Its value is ~ 2.3 for cold areas and ~ 2.2 for hot areas. This is a non-trivial result. The bias of the estimator is less than 0.4 for areas of size less than 30, and smaller for larger areas. The presence of noise also biases the ellipticity by less than 0.3. These biases have not been subtracted in the results quoted above. The threshold independent and random obliquity behaviour in the sum map is stable against pointing reconstruction accuracy and noise level of the data, thus confirming that these are actual properties of the dataset. The data used here give a hint of high ellipticity for the largest spots. Analogous elongation properties of CMB anisotropies had been detected for COBE-DMR 4-year data. If this is due to geodesics mixing, it would point to a non zero curvature of the Universe.
Searching for and charactering the non-Gaussianity (NG) of a given field has been a vital task in many fields of science, because we expect the consequences of different physical processes to carry different statistical properties. Here we propose a new general method of extracting non-Gaussian features in a given field, and then use simulated cosmic microwave background (CMB) as an example to demonstrate its power. In particular, we show its capability of detecting cosmic strings.
The recent study of BOOMERanG 150 GHz Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) radiation maps have detected ellipticity of the temperature anisotropy spots independent on the temperature threshold. The effect has been found for spots up to several degrees i n size, where the biases of the ellipticity estimator and of the noise are small. To check the effect, now we have studied, with the same algorithm and in the same sky region, the WMAP maps. We find ellipticity of the same average value also in WMAP maps, despite of the different sensitivity of the two experiments to low multipoles. Large spot elongations had been detected also for the COBE-DMR maps. If this effect is due to geodesic mixing and hence due to non precisely zero curvature of the hyperbolic Universe, it can be linked to the origin of WMAP low multipoles anomaly.
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