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Analysis of a quantum logic device based on dipole-dipole interactions of optically trapped Rydberg atoms

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 نشر من قبل Mark Saffman
 تاريخ النشر 2005
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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We present a detailed analysis and design of a neutral atom quantum logic device based on atoms in optical traps interacting via dipole-dipole coupling of Rydberg states. The dominant physical mechanisms leading to decoherence and loss of fidelity are enumerated. Our results support the feasibility of performing single and two-qubit gates at MHz rates with decoherence probability and fidelity errors at the level of $10^{-3}$ for each operation. Current limitations and possible approaches to further improvement of the device are discussed.

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539 - C. Ates , A. Eisfeld , J. M. Rost 2007
We show that nuclear motion of Rydberg atoms can be induced by resonant dipole-dipole interactions that trigger the energy transfer between two energetically close Rydberg states. How and if the atoms move depends on their initial arrangement as well as on the initial electronic excitation. Using a mixed quantum/classical propagation scheme we obtain the trajectories and kinetic energies of atoms, initially arranged in a regular chain and prepared in excitonic eigenstates. The influence of off-diagonal disorder on the motion of the atoms is examined and it is shown that irregularity in the arrangement of the atoms can lead to an acceleration of the nuclear dynamics.
We study a means of creating multiparticle entanglement of neutral atoms using pairwise controlled dipole-dipole interactions in a three dimensional optical lattice. For tightly trapped atoms the dipolar interaction energy can be much larger than the photon scattering rate, and substantial coherent evolution of the two-atom state can be achieved before decoherence occurs. Excitation of the dipoles can be made conditional on the atomic states, allowing for deterministic generation of entanglement. We derive selection rules and a figure-of-merit for the dipole-dipole interaction matrix elements, for alkali atoms with hyperfine structure and trapped in well localized center of mass states. Different protocols are presented for implementing two-qubits quantum logic gates such as the controlled-phase and swap gate. We analyze the fidelity of our gate designs, imperfect due to decoherence from cooperative spontaneous emission and coherent couplings outside the logical basis. Outlines for extending our model to include the full molecular interactions potentials are discussed.
We have observed resonant energy transfer between cold Rydberg atoms in spatially separated cylinders. Resonant dipole-dipole coupling excites the 49s atoms in one cylinder to the 49p state while the 41d atoms in the second cylinder are transferred d own to the 42p state. We have measured the production of the 49p state as a function of separation of the cylinders (0 - 80 um) and the interaction time (0 - 25 us). In addition we measured the width of the electric field resonances. A full many-body quantum calculation reproduces the main features of the experiments.
Resonant electric dipole-dipole interactions between cold Rydberg atoms were observed using microwave spectroscopy. Laser-cooled Rb atoms in a magneto-optical trap were optically excited to 45d Rydberg states using a pulsed laser. A microwave pulse t ransferred a fraction of these Rydberg atoms to the 46p state. A second microwave pulse then drove atoms in the 45d state to the 46d state, and was used as a probe of interatomic interactions. The spectral width of this two-photon probe transition was found to depend on the presence of the 46p atoms, and is due to the resonant electric dipole-dipole interaction between 45d and 46p Rydberg atoms.
We report on the local control of the transition frequency of a spin-$1/2$ encoded in two Rydberg levels of an individual atom by applying a state-selective light shift using an addressing beam. With this tool, we first study the spectrum of an eleme ntary system of two spins, tuning it from a non-resonant to a resonant regime, where bright (superradiant) and dark (subradiant) states emerge. We observe the collective enhancement of the microwave coupling to the bright state. We then show that after preparing an initial single spin excitation and letting it hop due to the spin-exchange interaction, we can freeze the dynamics at will with the addressing laser, while preserving the coherence of the system. In the context of quantum simulation, this scheme opens exciting prospects for engineering inhomogeneous XY spin Hamiltonians or preparing spin-imbalanced initial states.
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