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Physical-resource demands for scalable quantum computation

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 نشر من قبل Carlton M. Caves
 تاريخ النشر 2003
  مجال البحث فيزياء
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The primary resource for quantum computation is Hilbert-space dimension. Whereas Hilbert space itself is an abstract construction, the number of dimensions available to a system is a physical quantity that requires physical resources. Avoiding a demand for an exponential amount of these resources places a fundamental constraint on the systems that are suitable for scalable quantum computation. To be scalable, the number of degrees of freedom in the computer must grow nearly linearly with the number of qubits in an equivalent qubit-based quantum computer.

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The primary resource for quantum computation is Hilbert-space dimension. Whereas Hilbert space itself is an abstract construction, the number of dimensions available to a system is a physical quantity that requires physical resources. Avoiding a dema nd for an exponential amount of these resources places a fundamental constraint on the systems that are suitable for scalable quantum computation. To be scalable, the effective number of degrees of freedom in the computer must grow nearly linearly with the number of qubits in an equivalent qubit-based quantum computer.
251 - M. I. Dyakonov 2012
The hopes for scalable quantum computing rely on the threshold theorem: once the error per qubit per gate is below a certain value, the methods of quantum error correction allow indefinitely long quantum computations. The proof is based on a number o f assumptions, which are supposed to be satisfied exactly, like axioms, e.g. zero undesired interactions between qubits, etc. However in the physical world no continuous quantity can be exactly zero, it can only be more or less small. Thus the error per qubit per gate threshold must be complemented by the required precision with which each assumption should be fulfilled. This issue was never addressed. In the absence of this crucial information, the prospects of scalable quantum computing remain uncertain.
Several proposals for quantum computation utilize a lattice type architecture with qubits trapped by a periodic potential. For systems undergoing many body interactions described by the Bose-Hubbard Hamiltonian, the ground state of the system carries number fluctuations that scale with the number of qubits. This process degrades the initialization of the quantum computer register and can introduce errors during error correction. In an earlier manuscript we proposed a solution to this problem tailored to the loading of cold atoms into an optical lattice via the Mott Insulator phase transition. It was shown that by adding an inhomogeneity to the lattice and performing a continuous measurement, the unit filled state suitable for a quantum computer register can be maintained. Here, we give a more rigorous derivation of the register fidelity in homogeneous and inhomogeneous lattices and provide evidence that the protocol is effective in the finite temperature regime.
113 - Tzvetan S. Metodi 2005
Recent experimental advances have demonstrated technologies capable of supporting scalable quantum computation. A critical next step is how to put those technologies together into a scalable, fault-tolerant system that is also feasible. We propose a Quantum Logic Array (QLA) microarchitecture that forms the foundation of such a system. The QLA focuses on the communication resources necessary to efficiently support fault-tolerant computations. We leverage the extensive groundwork in quantum error correction theory and provide analysis that shows that our system is both asymptotically and empirically fault tolerant. Specifically, we use the QLA to implement a hierarchical, array-based design and a logarithmic expense quantum-teleportation communication protocol. Our goal is to overcome the primary scalability challenges of reliability, communication, and quantum resource distribution that plague current proposals for large-scale quantum computing.
Here, we propose a way to control the interaction between qubits with always-on Ising interaction. Unlike the standard method to change the interaction strength with unitary operations, we fully make use of non-unitary properties of projective measur ements so that we can effectively turn the interaction on or off via feedforward. Our scheme is useful to generate two- or three-dimensional cluster states that are universal resources for fault-tolerant quantum computation with this scheme, and it provides an alternative way to realize a scalable quantum pro
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