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Entanglement induced by a single-mode heat environment

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 نشر من قبل Myungshik Kim
 تاريخ النشر 2001
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English
 تأليف M. S. Kim

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A thermal field, which frequently appears in problems of decoherence, provides us with minimal information about the field. We study the interaction of the thermal field and a quantum system composed of two qubits and find that such a chaotic field with minimal information can nevertheless entangle the qubits which are prepared initially in a separable state. This simple model of a quantum register interacting with a noisy environment allows us to understand how memory of the environment affects the state of a quantum register.

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اقرأ أيضاً

210 - Malena Hor-Meyll 2009
We propose an all-optical setup, which couples different degrees of freedom of a single photon, to investigate entanglement generation by a common environment. The two qubits are represented by the photon polarization and Hermite-Gauss transverse mod es, while the environment corresponds to the photon path. For an initially two-qubit separable state, the increase of entanglement is analyzed, as the probability of an environment-induced transition ranges from zero to one. An entanglement witness that is invariant throughout the evolution of the system yields a direct measurement of the concurrence of the two-qubit state.
224 - Jun Liu , Isaac Nape , Qianke Wang 2019
The global quantum network requires the distribution of entangled states over long distances, with significant advances already demonstrated using entangled polarisation states, reaching approximately 1200 km in free space and 100 km in optical fibre . Packing more information into each photon requires Hilbert spaces with higher dimensionality, for example, that of spatial modes of light. However spatial mode entanglement transport requires custom multimode fibre and is limited by decoherence induced mode coupling. Here we transport multi-dimensional entangled states down conventional single-mode fibre (SMF). We achieve this by entangling the spin-orbit degrees of freedom of a bi-photon pair, passing the polarisation (spin) photon down the SMF while accessing multi-dimensional orbital angular momentum (orbital) subspaces with the other. We show high fidelity hybrid entanglement preservation down 250 m of SMF across multiple 2x2 dimensions, demonstrating quantum key distribution protocols, quantum state tomographies and quantum erasers. This work offers an alternative approach to spatial mode entanglement transport that facilitates deployment in legacy networks across conventional fibre.
We show that a single photon pulse (SPP) incident on two interacting two-level atoms induces a transient entanglement force between them. After absorption of a multi-mode Fock state pulse, the time-dependent atomic interaction mediated by the vacuum fluctuations changes from the van der Waals interaction to the resonant dipole-dipole interaction (RDDI). We explicitly show that the RDDI force induced by the SPP fundamentally arises from the two-body transient entanglement between the atoms. This SPP induced entanglement force can be continuously tuned from being repulsive to attractive by varying the polarization of the pulse. We further demonstrate that the entanglement force can be enhanced by more than three orders of magnitude if the atomic interactions are mediated by graphene plasmons. These results demonstrate the potential of shaped SPPs as a powerful tool to manipulate this entanglement force and also provides a new approach to witness transient atom-atom entanglement.
We present observable lower bounds for several bipartite entanglement measures including entanglement of formation, geometric measure of entanglement, concurrence, convex-roof extended negativity, and G-concurrence. The lower bounds facilitate estima tes of these entanglement measures for arbitrary finite-dimensional bipartite states. Moreover, these lower bounds can be calculated analytically from the expectation value of a single observable. Based on our results, we use several real experimental measurement data to get lower bounds of entanglement measures for these experimentally realized states. In addition, we also study the relations between entanglement measures.
70 - M. Carrera , T. Gorin , C. Pineda 2019
We study the open dynamics of a quantum two-level system coupled to an environment modeled by random matrices. Using the quantum channel formalism, we investigate different quantum Markovianity measures and criteria. A thorough analysis of the whole parameter space, reveals a wide range of different regimes, ranging from strongly non-Markovian to Markovian dynamics. In contrast to analytical models, all non-Markovianity measures and criteria have to be applied to data with fluctuations and statistical uncertainties. We discuss the practical usefulness of the different approaches.
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