We demonstrate a general method to measure the quantum state of an angular momentum of arbitrary magnitude. The (2F+1) x (2F+1) density matrix is completely determined from a set of Stern-Gerlach measurements with (4F+1) different orientations of the quantization axis. We implement the protocol for laser cooled Cesium atoms in the 6S_{1/2}(F=4) hyperfine ground state and apply it to a variety of test states prepared by optical pumping and Larmor precession. A comparison of input and measured states shows typical reconstruction fidelities of about 0.95.
Quantum complementarity states that particles, e.g. electrons, can exhibit wave-like properties such as diffraction and interference upon propagation. textit{Electron waves} defined by a helical wavefront are referred to as twisted electrons~cite{uch
ida:10,verbeeck:10,mcmorran:11}. These electrons are also characterised by a quantized and unbounded magnetic dipole moment parallel to their propagation direction, as they possess a net charge of $-|e|$~cite{bliokh:07}. When interacting with magnetic materials, the wavefunctions of twisted electrons are inherently modified~cite{lloyd:12b,schattschneider:14a,asenjo:14}. Such variations therefore motivate the need to analyze electron wavefunctions, especially their wavefronts, in order to obtain information regarding the materials structure~cite{harris:15}. Here, we propose, design, and demonstrate the performance of a device for measuring an electrons azimuthal wavefunction, i.e. its orbital angular momentum (OAM) content. Our device consists of nanoscale holograms designed to introduce astigmatism onto the electron wavefunctions and spatially separate its phase components. We sort pure and superposition OAM states of electrons ranging within OAM values of $-10$ and $10$. We employ the device to analyze the OAM spectrum of electrons having been affected by a micron-scale magnetic dipole, thus establishing that, with a midfield optical configuration, our sorter can be an instrument for nano-scale magnetic spectroscopy.
We propose a new configuration for realizing torsional optomechanics: an optically trapped windmill-shaped dielectric interacting with Laguerre-Gaussian cavity modes containing both angular and radial nodes. In contrast to existing schemes, our metho
d can couple mechanical oscillators smaller than the optical beam waist to the in-principle unlimited orbital angular momentum that can be carried by a single photon, and thus generate substantial optomechanical interactions. Combining the advantages of small mass, large coupling, and low clamping losses, our work conceptually opens the way for the observation of quantum effects in torsional optomechanics.
Conventionally, unknown quantum states are characterized using quantum-state tomography based on strong or weak measurements carried out on an ensemble of identically prepared systems. By contrast, the use of protective measurements offers the possib
ility of determining quantum states from a series of weak, long measurements performed on a single system. Because the fidelity of a protectively measured quantum state is determined by the amount of state disturbance incurred during each protective measurement, it is crucial that the initial quantum state of the system is disturbed as little as possible. Here we show how to systematically minimize the state disturbance in the course of a protective measurement, thus enabling the maximization of the fidelity of the quantum-state measurement. Our approach is based on a careful tuning of the time dependence of the measurement interaction and is shown to be dramatically more effective in reducing the state disturbance than the previously considered strategy of weakening the measurement strength and increasing the measurement time. We describe a method for designing the measurement interaction such that the state disturbance exhibits polynomial decay to arbitrary order in the inverse measurement time $1/T$. We also show how one can achieve even faster, subexponential decay, and we find that it represents the smallest possible state disturbance in a protective measurement. In this way, our results show how to optimally measure the state of a single quantum system using protective measurements.
Among the optical degrees of freedom, the orbital angular momentum of light provides unique properties, including mechanical torque action with applications for light manipulation, enhanced sensitivity in imaging techniques and potential high-density
information coding for optical communication systems. Recent years have also seen a tremendous interest in exploiting orbital angular momentum at the single-photon level in quantum information technologies. In this endeavor, here we demonstrate the implementation of a quantum memory for quantum bits encoded in this optical degree of freedom. We generate various qubits with computer-controlled holograms, store and retrieve them on demand. We further analyse the retrieved states by quantum tomography and thereby demonstrate fidelities exceeding the classical benchmark, confirming the quantum functioning of our storage process. Our results provide an essential capability for future networks exploring the promises of orbital angular momentum of photons for quantum information applications.
Three-dimensional entanglement of orbital angular momentum states of an atomic qutrit and a single photon qutrit has been observed. Their full state was reconstructed using quantum state tomography. The fidelity to the maximally entangled state of Sc
hmidt rank 3 exceeds the threshold 2/3. This result confirms that the density matrix cannot be decomposed into ensemble of pure states of Schmidt rank 1 or 2. That is, the Schmidt number of the density matrix must be equal to or greater than 3.