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Study on the One-Proton Halo Structure in $^{23}$Al

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 نشر من قبل Yu-Gang Ma
 تاريخ النشر 2005
  مجال البحث
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The Glauber theory has been used to investigate the reaction cross section of proton-rich nucleus $^{23}$Al. A core plus a proton structure is assumed for $^{23}$Al. HO-type density distribution is used for the core while the density distribution for the valence proton is calculated by solving the eigenvalue problem of Woods-Saxon potential. The transparency function in an analytical expression is obtained adopting multi-Gaussian expansion for the density distribution. Coulomb correction and finite-range interaction are introduced. This modified Glauber model is apt for halo nuclei. A dominate s-wave is suggested for the last proton in $^{23}$Al from our analysis which is possible in the RMF calculation.

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We have studied the nuclear structure properties like binding energy, charge radius, quadrupole deformation parameter for various isotopes of Al from the valley of stability to drip line region using the well known relativistic mean field formalism ( RMF) with NL3 parameter set. We have compared our results with experimental data and found reasonable agreement. Further, we have taken spherical and deformed RMF densities to estimate the reaction dynamics of $^{23-28}$Al isotopes as projectiles and $^{12}$C as target by conjunction in Glauber model. The estimated results are also compared with the experimental data. The analysis of angular elastic differential and one proton removal cross sections are also studied with Glauber model many body system to investigate the structural feature of $^{23}$Al. The evidence of enhanced total reaction cross section, higher value of rms radius, narrow longitudinal momentum distribution and small proton separation energy of $^{23}$Al support its proton halo structure.
169 - D. Q. Fang , W. Guo , C. W. Ma 2007
The longitudinal momentum distribution (P_{//}) of fragments after one-proton removal from ^{23} Al and reaction cross sections (sigma_R) for ^{23,24} Al on carbon target at 74A MeV have been measured. The ^{23,24} Al ions were produced through pro jectile fragmentation of 135 A MeV ^{28} Si primary beam using RIPS fragment separator at RIKEN. P_{//} is measured by a direct time-of-flight (TOF) technique, while sigma_R is determined using a transmission method. An enhancement in sigma_R is observed for ^{23} Al compared with ^{24} Al. The P_{//} for ^{22} Mg fragments from ^{23} Al breakup has been obtained for the first time. FWHM of the distributions has been determined to be 232 pm 28 MeV/c. The experimental data are discussed by using Few-Body Glauber model. Analysis of P_{//} demonstrates a dominant d-wave configuration for the valence proton in ground state of ^{23} Al, indicating that ^{23} Al is not a proton halo nucleus.
137 - D. Q. Fang , Y. G. Ma , X. Y. Sun 2016
The proton-proton momentum correlation functions ($C_{pp}(q)$) for kinematically complete decay channels of $^{23}$Al $rightarrow$ p + p + $^{21}$Na and $^{22}$Mg $rightarrow$ p + p + $^{20}$Ne have been measured at the RIKEN RI Beam Factory. From th e very different correlation strength of $C_{pp}(q)$ for $^{23}$Al and $^{22}$Mg, the source size and emission time information were extracted from the $C_{pp}(q)$ data by assuming a Gaussian source profile in the correlation function calculation code (CRAB). The results indicated that the mechanism of two-proton emission from $^{23}$Al was mainly sequential emission, while that of $^{22}$Mg was mainly three-body simultaneous emission. By combining our earlier results of the two-proton relative momentum and the opening angle, it is pointed out that the mechanism of two-proton emission could be distinguished clearly.
The proton-rich nucleus $^{23}$Al has a ground state just 123 keV below the proton drip-line, and as a result comparatively little is known experimentally about its properties, as with many such nuclei. Theoretical investigations have tended to model exclusively the ground and first one to three excited states known. In this paper, we theoretically model most of the known spectrum, and predict what states may as yet be unobserved. We use the multichannel algebraic scattering (MCAS) method to describe states as resonances of a valence proton coupled to a $^{22}$Mg rotor core. Six states with low-excitation energies and defined $J^pi$ are matched, and we make the first prediction of the properties of four others and propound the possible existence of several more.
202 - P. Capel , R. C. Johnson , 2011
We present a new observable to study halo nuclei. This new observable is a particular ratio of angular distributions for elastic breakup and scattering. For one-neutron halo nuclei, it is shown to be independent of the reaction mechanism and to provi de significant information about the structure of the projectile, including binding energy, partial-wave configuration, and radial wave function of the halo. This observable offers new capabilities for the study of nuclear structure far from stability.
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