تم الإثبات بشكل قاطع بشأن خلق شكل جديد من المادة في تصادمات Pb+Pb في SPS. نحن نناقش فريدية العلامات التجريبية المقترحة بشكل متكرر لخلق أجسام الذرة في التصادمات الثقيلة الناقلة النسبية. يتم إثبات أن لا أحد من العلامات المقترحة مثل إنتاج / تخفيض Jpsi meson، تعزيز الغرابة، الديليبتون، والتدفق الموجه حتى الآن يظهر بوضوح أن تم خلق فاعلية من المادة المحررة في تصادمات Pb+Pb في SPS. نؤكد على ضرورة القيام بقياسات نظامية في المستقبل للبحث عن عجزات متزامنة في دوال الانشطار لعدة مراكز البحث للقرب من الإصدار الخاص بخواص المادة الساخنة والناعمة الذي يتم تحديدها من البيانات.
Compelling evidence for the creation of a new form of matter has been claimed to be found in Pb+Pb collisions at SPS. We discuss the uniqueness of often proposed experimental signatures for quark matter formation in relativistic heavy ion collisions. It is demonstrated that so far none of the proposed signals like Jpsi meson production/suppression, strangeness enhancement, dileptons, and directed flow unambigiously show that a phase of deconfined matter has been formed in SPS Pb+Pb collisions. We emphasize the need for systematic future measurements to search for simultaneous irregularities in the excitation functions of several observables in order to come close to pinning the properties of hot, dense QCD matter from data.
We believe that one can have serious reservations as to whether heavy ion collisions (e.g. 100 GeV/n Au + 100 GeV/n Au) can lead to Thermal and Chemical equilibrium over large regions (particularly if it is assumed this happens whenever QGP is produc
Brief review of the hadronic probes that are used to diagnose the quark-gluon plasma produced in relativistic heavy ion collisions and interrogate its properties. Emphasis is placed on probes that have significantly impacted our understanding of the
The fast simultaneous hadronization and chemical freeze out of supercooled quark-gluon plasma, created in relativistic heavy ion collisions, leads to the re-heating of the expanding matter and to the change in a collective flow profile. We use the as
We study the evolution of the quark-gluon composition of the plasma created in ultra-Relativistic Heavy-Ion Collisions (uRHICs) employing a partonic transport theory that includes both elastic and inelastic collisions plus a mean fields dynamics asso
Here we present several remarkable irregularities at chemical freeze-out which are found using an advanced version of the hadron resonance gas model. The most prominent of them are the sharp peak of the trace anomaly existing at chemical freeze-out a