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On Some Processes and Distributions in a Collective Model of Investors Behavior

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 نشر من قبل Kyrylo Shmatov
 تاريخ النشر 2005
  مجال البحث فيزياء مالية
والبحث باللغة English

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This article considers a model for alternative processes for securities prices and compares this model with actual return data of several securities. The distributions of returns that appear in the model can be Gaussian as well as non-Gaussian; in particular they may have two peaks. We consider a discrete Markov chain model. This model in some aspects is similar to well-known Ising model describing ferromagnetics. Namely we consider a set of N investors, each of whom has either bullish or bearish opinion, denoted by plus or minus respectively. At every time step each of N investors can change his/her sign. The probability of a plus becoming a minus and the probability of a minus becoming a plus depends only on the bullish sentiment described as the number of bullish investors among the total of N investors. The number of bullish investors then forms a Markov chain whose transition matrix is calculated explicitly. The transition matrix of that chain is ergodic and any initial distribution of bullish investors converges to stationary. Stationary distributions of bullish investors in this Markov chain model are similar to continuous distributions of the theory of social imitation of Callen and Shapero. Distributions obtained this way can represent 3 types of market behavior: one-peaked distribution that is close to Gaussian, transition market (flattening of the top), and two-peaked distribution.

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اقرأ أيضاً

We calculate a measure of statistical complexity from the global dynamics of electroencephalographic (EEG) signals from healthy subjects and epileptic patients, and are able to stablish a criterion to characterize the collective behavior in both grou ps of individuals. It is found that the collective dynamics of EEG signals possess relative higher values of complexity for healthy subjects in comparison to that for epileptic patients. To interpret these results, we propose a model of a network of coupled chaotic maps where we calculate the complexity as a function of a parameter and relate this measure with the emergence of nontrivial collective behavior in the system. Our results show that the presence of nontrivial collective behavior is associated to high values of complexity; thus suggesting that similar dynamical collective process may take place in the human brain. Our findings also suggest that epilepsy is a degenerative illness related to the loss of complexity in the brain.
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We have carried out car-following experiments with a 25-car-platoon on an open road section to study the relation between a cars speed and its spacing under various traffic conditions, in the hope to resolve a controversy surrounding this fundamental relation of vehicular traffic. In this paper we extend our previous analysis of these experiments, and report new experimental findings. In particular, we reveal that the platoon length (hence the average spacing within a platoon) might be significantly different even if the average velocity of the platoon is essentially the same. The findings further demonstrate that the traffic states span a 2D region in the speed-spacing (or density) plane. The common practice of using a single speed-spacing curve to model vehicular traffic ignores the variability and imprecision of human driving and is therefore inadequate. We have proposed a car-following model based on a mechanism that in certain ranges of speed and spacing, drivers are insensitive to the changes in spacing when the velocity differences between cars are small. It was shown that the model can reproduce the experimental results well.
We use standard physics techniques to model trading and price formation in a market under the assumption that order arrival and cancellations are Poisson random processes. This model makes testable predictions for the most basic properties of a marke t, such as the diffusion rate of prices, which is the standard measure of financial risk, and the spread and price impact functions, which are the main determinants of transaction cost. Guided by dimensional analysis, simulation, and mean field theory, we find scaling relations in terms of order flow rates. We show that even under completely random order flow the need to store supply and demand to facilitate trading induces anomalous diffusion and temporal structure in prices.
We study an economic model where agents trade a variety of products by using one of three competing rules: need, greed and noise. We find that the optimal strategy for any agent depends on both product composition in the overall market and compositio n of strategies in the market. In particular, a strategy that does best on pairwise competition may easily do much worse when all are present, leading, in some cases, to a paper, stone, scissors circular hierarchy.
88 - Gil Ariel , Yoram Louzoun 2021
We present a generic epidemic model with stochastic parameters, in which the dynamics self-organize to a critical state with suppressed exponential growth. More precisely, the dynamics evolve into a quasi-steady-state, where the effective reproductio n rate fluctuates close to the critical value one, as observed for different epidemics. The main assumptions underlying the model are that the rate at which each individual becomes infected changes stochastically in time with a heavy-tailed steady state. The critical regime is characterized by an extremely long duration of the epidemic. Its stability is analyzed both numerically and analytically.
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