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Assuming a Zee-like matrix for the right-handed neutrino Majorana masses in the see-saw mechanism, one gets maximal mixing for vacuum solar oscillations, a very small value for $U_{e3}$ and an approximate degeneracy for the two lower neutrino masses. The scale of right-handed neutrino Majorana masses is in good agreement with the value expected in a SO(10) model with Pati-Salam $SU(4)ts SU(2)ts SU(2)$ intermediate symmetry.
We report on the extrapolation of scalar mass parameters in the lepton sector to reconstruct SO(10) scenarios close to the unification scale. The method is demonstrated for an example in which SO(10) is broken directly to the Standard Model, based on
We discuss some recent developments in SUSY Grand Unified Theories based on the gauge group SO(10). Considering renormalisable Yukawa couplings, we present ways to accommodate quark and lepton masses and and mixings.
The neutrino parameters determined from the solar neutrino data and the anti-neutrino parameters determined from KamLAND reactor experiment are in good agreement with each other. However, the best fit points of the two sets differ from each other by
We demonstrate that flavor symmetries in warped geometry can provide a natural explanation for large mixing angles and economically explain the distinction between the quark and lepton flavor sectors. We show how to naturally generate Majorana neutri
We consider a five-dimensional Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model compactified on a S1/Z2 orbifold, and study the evolution of neutrino masses, mixing angles and phases for different values of tan beta and different radii of compactification. We c