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Hard Diffraction in Vector Meson Production at HERA

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 نشر من قبل Pierre Marage
 تاريخ النشر 1999
  مجال البحث
والبحث باللغة English
 تأليف P. Marage

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A review is presented of diffractive vector meson production at HERA, with stress on the investigation of ``hard features and comparisons with theoretical predictions based on perturbative QCD approaches.

قيم البحث

اقرأ أيضاً

54 - Kai-C. Voss 2003
At the HERA collider the experiments H1 and ZEUS have studied the exclusive production of vector mesons over a wide kinematical range. A selection of recent measurements of the cross sections has been presented at Moriond QCD 2003.
128 - P. Marage 2009
Recent results obtained at HERA on deeply virtual Compton scattering and exclusive vector meson production are reviewed, with the emphasis on the transition from soft to hard diffraction and on spin dynamics.
57 - P. Marage 2001
Talk given at the First Workshop on Forward Physics and Luminosity Determination at the LHC, Helsinki, Finland, November 2000. 12 pages, 9 figures
We consider the fidelity of the vector meson dominance (VMD) assumption as an instrument for relating the electromagnetic vector-meson production reaction $e + p to e^prime + V + p$ to the purely hadronic process $V + p to V+p$. Analyses of the photo n vacuum polarisation and the photon-quark vertex reveal that such a VMD Ansatz might be reasonable for light vector-mesons. However, when the vector-mesons are described by momentum-dependent bound-state amplitudes, VMD fails for heavy vector-mesons: it cannot be used reliably to estimate either a photon-to-vector-meson transition strength or the momentum dependence of those integrands that would arise in calculations of the different reaction amplitudes. Consequently, for processes involving heavy mesons, the veracity of both cross-section estimates and conclusions based on the VMD assumption should be reviewed, e.g., those relating to hidden-charm pentaquark production and the origin of the proton mass.
216 - Laurent Schoeffel 2013
A new experimental analysis of the diffractive process $ep rightarrow eXY$, where $Y$ denotes a proton or its low mass excitation with $M_Y<1.6$ GeV, has been performed with the H1 experiment at HERA cite{Aaron:2012ad}. The main results of this study are summarised in this document, together with the comparisons to other measurements and theoretical predictions.
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