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Coulomb corrections for Bose-Einstein correlations in whole momentum transfer region: Proposal of seamless fitting

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 نشر من قبل Grzegorz Wilk
 تاريخ النشر 1995
  مجال البحث
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We applied an improved Coulomb correction method developed by us recently to data on identical KK-pairs production in S + Pb and p + Pb reactions at 200 GeV/c obtained by NA44 Collaboration. To analyse the whole range of the momentum transfers measured the method of seamless fitting has been proposed and used together with the asymptotic expansion formula for the Coulomb wave function. We found that such Coulomb corrections lead sometimes to different than previously reported (by NA44 Collaboration) interaction region and strongly influence the long range correlations.

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68 - O.V.Utyuz , G.Wilk , Z.Wlodarczyk 2005
We describe an attempt to numerically model Bose-Einstein correlations (BEC) from within, i.e., by using them as the most fundamental ingredient of a Monte Carlo event generator (MC) rather than considering them as a kind of (more or less important, depending on the actual situation) afterburner, which inevitably changes the original physical content of the MC code used to model multiparticle production process.
98 - T.Osada , S.Sano , 1996
We present an analytical formula for the Bose-Einstein correlations (BEC) which includes effects of both Coulomb and strong final stateinteractions (FSI). It was obtained by using Coulomb wave function together with the scattering partial wave amplit ude of the strong interactions describing data on the $s$-wave phase shift. We have proved numerically that this method is equivalent to solving Schr{o}dinger equation with Coulomb and the $s$-wave strong interaction potentials. As an application we have analysed, using our formula which includes the degree of coherence and the long range correlation, the data for $e^+e^-$ annihilations. We have found that the degree of coherence present in our formula approaches approximately unity whereas the long range correlation parameter becomes approximately zero. These results suggest that the physical meanings of the fractional degree of coherence and the long range correlation observed in various other analyses can most probably be attributed to FSI.
We are presenting here the new formulae for Bose-Einstein correlations (BEC) which contain effects of final state interactions (FSI) of both strong (in $s$-wave) and electromagnetic origin. We demonstrate the importance of FSI in BEC by analysing dat a for $e^+e^-$ annihilation and for heavy collisions. The inclusion of FSI results in the practical elimination (at least in $e^+e^-$ data) of the so called degree of coherence parameter $lambda$ (which becomes equal unity) and the long range parameter $gamma$ (which is now equal zero).
We report on the measurement of the one-dimensional charged kaon correlation functions using 600~GeV/{it c} $Sigma^-$, $pi^-$ and 540~GeV/{it c} $p$ beams from the SELEX~(E781) experiment at the Fermilab Tevatron. $K^{pm}K^{pm}$ correlation functions are studied for three transverse pair momentum, $k_T$, ranges and parameterized by a Gaussian form. The emission source radii, $R$, and the correlation strength, $lambda$, are extracted. The analysis shows a decrease of the source radii with increasing kaon transverse pair momentum for all beam types.
144 - G.A.Kozlov , O.V.Utyuzh , G.Wilk 2007
Notwithstanding the visible maturity of the subject of Bose-Einstein Correlations (BEC), as witnessed nowadays, we would like to bring to ones attention two points, which apparently did not received attention they deserve: the problem of the choice o f the form of $C_2(Q)$ correlation function when effects of partial coherence of the hadronizing source are to be included and the feasibility to model effects of Bose-Einstein statistics, in particular the BEC, by direct numerical simulations.
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