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Comparison of SUSY mass spectrum calculations

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 نشر من قبل Sabine Kraml
 تاريخ النشر 2002
  مجال البحث
والبحث باللغة English

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We provide a comparison of the results of four SUSY mass spectrum calculations in mSUGRA: Isajet, SuSpect, SoftSusy, and SPheno. In particular, we focus on the high tan(beta) and focus point regions, where the differences in the results are known to be large.

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اقرأ أيضاً

185 - Yue Zhang 2008
We show that in supersymmetric left-right models (SUSYLR), the upper bound on the lightest neutral Higgs mass can be appreciably higher than that in minimal supersymmetric standard model (MSSM). The exact magnitude of the bound depends on the scale o f parity restoration and can be 10-20 GeV above the MSSM bound if mass of the right-handed gauge boson $W_R$ is in the TeV range. An important implication of our result is that since SUSYLR models provide a simple realization of seesaw mechanism for neutrino masses, measurement of the Higgs boson mass could provide an independent probe of a low seesaw scale.
We have extended the calculation of the correlation functions of heavy quarkonium hybrid operators with various $J^{PC}$ quantum numbers to include QCD condensates up to dimension six. In contrast to previous analyses which were unable to optimize th e QCD sum-rules for certain $J^{PC}$, recent work has shown that inclusion of dimension six condensates stabilizes the hybrid sum-rules and permits reliable mass predictions. In this work we have investigated the effects of the dimension six condensates on the remaining channels. After performing the QCD sum-rule analysis, we update the mass spectra of charmonium and bottomonium hybrids with exotic and non-exotic quantum numbers. We identify that the negative-parity states with $J^{PC}=(0, 1, 2)^{-+}, 1^{--}$ form the lightest hybrid supermultiplet while the positive-parity states with $J^{PC}=(0, 1)^{+-}, (0, 1, 2)^{++}$ belong to a heavier hybrid supermultiplet, confirming the supermultiplet structure found in other approaches. The hybrid with $J^{PC}=0^{--}$ has a much higher mass which may suggest a different excitation of the gluonic field compared to other channels. In agreement with previous results, we find that the $J^{PC}=1^{++}$ charmonium hybrid is substantially heavier than the X(3872), which seems to preclude a pure charmonium hybrid interpretation for this state.
119 - K. Kawagoe , M. M. Nojiri , 2004
We propose a new mass reconstruction technique for SUSY processes at the LHC. The idea is to completely solve the kinematics of the SUSY cascade decay by using the assumption that the selected events satisfy the same mass shell conditions of the spar ticles involved in the cascade decay. Using this technique, we study the measurement of the mass of the bottom squarks in the cascade decay of the gluino. Based on the final state including two high p_T leptons and two b-jets, we investigate different possible approaches to the mass reconstruction of the gluino and the two bottom squarks. In particular we evaluate the performance of different algorithms in discriminating two bottom squark states with a mass difference as low as 5%.
126 - T. Fritzsche , W. Hollik 2004
Strategy and results for complete one-loop computations in the Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model are reviewed, with applications to the calculation of SUSY mass spectra and SUSY-particle processes. Determination of renormalization constants and c ounterterms are described in the on-shell renormalization scheme, and a translation between $bar{rm DR}$ and on-shell parameters is given. As an example, cross sections for chargino and neutralino pair production in $e^+e^-$ annihilation are presented, complete at the one-loop level.
We critically examine the classic endpoint method for particle mass determination, focusing on difficult corners of parameter space, where some of the measurements are not independent, while others are adversely affected by the experimental resolutio n. In such scenarios, mass differences can be measured relatively well, but the overall mass scale remains poorly constrained. Using the example of the standard SUSY decay chain $tilde qto tildechi^0_2to tilde ell to tilde chi^0_1$, we demonstrate that sensitivity to the remaining mass scale parameter can be recovered by measuring the two-dimensional kinematical boundary in the relevant three-dimensional phase space of invariant masses squared. We develop an algorithm for detecting this boundary, which uses the geometric properties of the Voronoi tessellation of the data, and in particular, the relative standard deviation (RSD) of the volumes of the neighbors for each Voronoi cell in the tessellation. We propose a new observable, $barSigma$, which is the average RSD per unit area, calculated over the hypothesized boundary. We show that the location of the $barSigma$ maximum correlates very well with the true values of the new particle masses. Our approach represents the natural extension of the one-dimensional kinematic endpoint method to the relevant three dimensions of invariant mass phase space.
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