The photon arm of the Compton polarimeter in Hall A of Jefferson Lab has been upgraded to allow for electron beam polarization measurements with better than 1% accuracy. The data acquisition system (DAQ) now includes an integrating mode, which elimin
ates several systematic uncertainties inherent in the original counting-DAQ setup. The photon calorimeter has been replaced with a Ce-doped GSO crystal, which has a bright output and fast response, and works well for measurements using the new integrating method at electron beam energies from 1 to 6 GeV.
We report on the effects of radiation on the light output of lead tungstate crystals. The crystals were irradiated by pure, intense high energy electron and hadron beams as well as by a mixture of hadrons, neutrons and gammas. The crystals were manuf
actured in Bogoroditsk, Apatity (both Russia), and Shanghai (China). These studies were carried out at the 70-GeV proton accelerator in Protvino.
We report on the performance of a monitoring system for a prototype calorimeter for the BTeV experiment that uses Lead Tungstate crystals coupled with photomultiplier tubes. The tests were carried out at the 70 GeV accelerator complex at Protvino, Russia.
A Lead Tungstate crystal produced for the electromagnetic calorimeter of the CMS experiment at the LHC was cut into three equal-length sections. The central one was irradiated with 290 MeV/c positive pions up to a fluence of (5.67 +- 0.46)x10^13 /cm^
2, while the other two were exposed to a 24 GeV/c proton fluence of (1.17 +- 0.11) x 10^13/ cm^2. The damage recovery in these crystals, stored in the dark at room temperature, has been followed over two years. The comparison of the radiation-induced changes in light transmission for these crystals shows that damage is proportional to the star densities produced by the irradiation.
In the context of the ClearMind project, we measured the scintillating properties, as induced from from gamma ray interactions, of today available PbWO4 crystal. We measured scintillation s yields and time constants by measuring the signal shape meas
ured on a fast photo-multiplier and deconvoluting it from the instrumental effects. For the doped crystals at room temperature, we measured a fast scintillation component, with time constants of 2 ns, 55 percent of the total light yield, and a slow component of 6 ns. We observe a significant increase of the light yield for the slow component when the temperature decreases and simultaneous increase of the time constants, but no increase in the fast component light yield. Our measurements reproduce the main qualitative features of PbWO4 crystals quoted in the literature. Quantitatively though, we measured significantly shorter time constants and larger light yields. This is explained by a rigorous treatment of the instrumental contributions in the measurements. Results are discussed and prospect for future developments, tailored for the ClearMind project, are presented.
D. Neyret
,T. Pussieux
,et al
"A photon calorimeter using lead tungstate crystals for the CEBAF Hall A Compton polarimeter"
Cavata Christian
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