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Gravitational Wave Interaction with Normal and Superconducting Circuits

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 نشر من قبل ul
 تاريخ النشر 1998
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English
 تأليف Pierluigi Fortini

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The interaction, in the long--wavelength approximation, of normal and superconducting electromagnetic circuits with gravitational waves is investigated. We show that such interaction takes place by modifying the physical parameters R, L, C of the electromagnetic devices. Exploiting this peculiarity of the gravitational field we find that a circuit with two plane and statically charged condensers set at right angles can be of interest as a detector of periodic gravitational waves.

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اقرأ أيضاً

520 - Malik Rakhmanov 2014
Fermi normal coordinates provide a standardized way to describe the effects of gravitation from the point of view of an inertial observer. These coordinates have always been introduced via perturbation expansions and were usually limited to distances much less than the characteristic length scale set by the curvature of spacetime. For a plane gravitational wave this scale is given by its wavelength which defines the domain of validity for these coordinates known as the long-wavelength regime. The symmetry of this spacetime, however, allows us to extend Fermi normal coordinates far beyond the long-wavelength regime. Here we present an explicit construction for this long-range Fermi normal coordinate system based on the unique solution of the boundary-value problem for spacelike geodesics. The resulting formulae amount to summation of the infinite series for Fermi normal coordinates previously obtained with perturbation expansions. We also consider two closely related normal coordinate systems: optical coordinates which are built from null geodesics and wave-synchronous coordinates which are built from spacelike geodesics locked in phase with the propagating gravitational wave. The wave-synchronous coordinates yield the exact solution of Peres and Ehlers-Kundt which is globally defined. In this case, the limitation of the long-wavelength regime is completely overcome, and the system of wave-synchronous coordinates becomes valid for arbitrarily large distances. Comparison of the different coordinate systems is done by considering the motion of an inertial test mass in the field of a plane gravitational wave.
101 - Vera Delfavero 2021
Gravitational wave observations of quasicircular compact binary mergers in principle provide an arbitrarily complex likelihood over eight independent intrinsic parameters: the masses and spins of the two merging objects. In this work, we demonstrate by example that a simple normal approximation over fewer (usually, three) effective dimensions provides a very accurate representation of the likelihood, and allows us to replicate the eight-dimensional posterior over the mass and spin degrees of freedom. Alongside this paper, we provide the parameters for multivariate normal fits for each event published in GWTC-1 and GWTC-2, using the posterior samples from the catalog for each associated release. These normal approximations provide a highly efficient way to characterize gravitational wave observations when combining large numbers of events.
It is shown here that a cloud of charged particles could in principle absorb energy from gravitational waves (GWs) incident upon it, resulting in wave attenuation. This could in turn have implications for the interpretation of future data from early universe GWs.
121 - Jing Ren , Di Wu 2021
Gravitational wave echoes may provide a smoking gun signal for new physics in the immediate vicinity of black holes. As a quasi-periodic signal in time, echoes are characterized by the nearly constant time delay, and its precise measurement can help reveal a Planck scale deviation outside of the would-be horizon. Different search methods have been developed for this quasi-periodic signal, while the searches suffer from large theoretical uncertainties of the echo waveform associated with the near-horizon physics. On the other hand, a coherent combine of a large number of pulses gives rise to a generic narrow resonance structure for the echo amplitude in frequency. The quasi-periodic resonance structure sets a complementary search target for echoes, and the time delay is inversely related to the average resonance spacing. A uniform comb has been proposed to look for the resonance structure in a rather model independent way. In this paper, we develop a Bayesian algorithm to search for the resonance structure based on combs, where a phase-marginalized likelihood plays an essential role. The algorithm is validated with signal injections in detector noise from Advanced LIGO. With special treatments of the non-Gaussian artifacts, the noise outliers of the log Bayes factor distribution are properly removed. An echo signal not significantly below noise is detectable, and the time delay can be determined to very high precision. We perform the proposed search on real gravitational wave strain data of the first observing run of Advanced LIGO. We find no clear evidence of a comb-like structure for GW150914 and GW151012.
Gravitational wave (GW) detections have enriched our understanding of the universe. To date, all single-source GW events were found by interferometer-type detectors. We study a detection method using astrometric solutions from photometric surveys and demonstrate that it offers a highly flexible frequency range, uniquely complementing existing detection methods. From repeated point-source astrometric measurements, we may extract GW-induced deflections and infer wave parameters. This method can be applied to any photometric surveys measuring relative astrometry. We show that high-cadence observations of the galactic bulge, such as offered by the Roman Space Telescopes Exoplanet MicroLensing (EML) survey, can be a potent GW probe with complementary frequency range to Gaia, pulsar timing arrays (PTAs), and the Laser Interferometer Space Antenna (LISA). We calculate that the Roman EML survey is sensitive to GWs with frequencies ranging from $7.7times10^{-8}$Hz to $5.6times10^{-4}$Hz, which opens up a unique GW observing window for supermassive black hole binaries and their waveform evolution. While the detection threshold assuming the currently expected performance proves too high for detecting individual GWs in light of the expected supermassive black hole binary population distribution, we show that binaries with chirp mass $M_c>10^{8.3}~M_odot$ out to 100 Mpc can be detected if the telescope is able to achieve an astrometric accuracy of 0.11 mas. To confidently detect binaries with $M_c>10^{7}~M_odot$ out to 50 Mpc, a factor of 100 sensitivity improvement is required. We propose several improvement strategies, including recovering the mean astrometric deflection and increasing astrometric accuracy, number of observed stars, field-of-view size, and observational cadence. We discuss how other existing and planned photometric surveys could contribute to detecting GWs via astrometry.
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