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The Schwarzschild Solution in the 4-Dimensional Kaluza-Klein Description of The Einsteins Equations

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 نشر من قبل Jong Hyuk Yoon
 تاريخ النشر 1997
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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The Kaluza-Klein formalism of the Einsteins theory, based on the (2,2)-fibration of a generic 4-dimensional spacetime, describes general relativity as a Yang-Mills gauge theory on the 2-dimensional base manifold, where the local gauge symmetry is the group of the diffeomorphisms of the 2-dimensional fibre manifold. As a way of illustrating how to use this formalism in finding exact solutions, we apply this formalism to the spherically symmetric case, and obtain the Schwarzschild solution by solving the field equations.

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اقرأ أيضاً

A new spherically-symmetric solution is determined in a noncompactified Kaluza-Klein theory in which a time character is ascribed to the fifth coordinate. This solution contains two independent parameters which are related with mass and electric char ge. The solution exhibits a Schwarzschild radius and represents a generalization of the Schwarzschild solution in four dimensions. The parameter of the solution connected with the electric charge depends on the derivative of the fifth (second time) coordinate with respect to the ordinary time coordinate. It is shown that the perihelic motion in four-dimensional relativity has a counterpart in five dimensions in the perinucleic motion of a negatively-charged particle. If the quantization conditions of the older quantum theory are applied to that motion, an analogue of the fine-structure formula of atomic spectra is obtained.
We analyze the existence of inflationary solutions in an inhomogeneous Kaluza-Klein cosmological model in 4+n dimensions. It is shown that the 5-dimensional case is the exception rather than the rule, in the sense that the system is integrable (under the assumption of the equation of state $rho= kp$) for any value of k. It is also shown that the cases k=0 and k=1/3 are integrable if and only if n=1.
133 - Jacek Syska 2015
Multidimensional theories still remain attractive from the point of view of better understanding fundamental interactions. In this paper a six-dimensional Kaluza-Klein type model at the classical, Einsteins gravity formulation is considered. The stat ic spherically symmetric solution of the six-dimensional Einstein equations coupled to the Klein-Gordon equation with the massless dilatonic field is presented. As it is horizon free, it is fundamentally different from the four-dimensional Schwarzschild solution. The motion of test particles in such a spherically symmetric configuration is then analyzed. The presence of the dilatonic field has a similar dynamical effect as the existence of additional massive matter. The emphasis is put on some observable quantities like redshifts. It has been suggested that strange features of emission lines from galactic nuclei as well as quasar-galaxy associations may in fact be manifestations of the multidimensionality of the world.
We perform the 4-dimensional Kaluza-Klein (KK) reduction of the 5-dimensional locally scale invariant Weyl-Dirac gravity. While compactification unavoidably introduces an explicit length scale into the theory, it does it in such a way that the KK rad ius can be integrated out from the low energy regime, leaving the KK vacuum to still enjoy local scale invariance at the classical level. Imitating a $U(1)timestilde{U}(1)$ gauge theory, the emerging 4D theory is characterized by a kinetic Maxwell-Weyl mixing whose diagonalization procedure is carried out in detail. In particular, we identify the unique linear combination which defines the 4D Weyl vector, and fully classify the 4D scalar sector. The later consists of (using Weyl language) a co-scalar and two in-scalars. The analysis is performed for a general KK $m$-ansatz, parametrized by the power $m$ of the scalar field which factorizes the 4D metric. The no-ghost requirement, for example, is met provided $-frac{1}{2}leq m leq 0$. An $m$-dependent dictionary is then established between the original 5D Brans-Dicke parameter $omega_5$ and the resulting 4D $omega_4$. The critical $omega_5=-frac{4}{3}$ is consistently mapped into critical $omega_4 = -frac{3}{2}$. The KK reduced Maxwell-Weyl kinetic mixing cannot be scaled away as it is mediated by a 4D in-scalar (residing within the 5D Weyl vector). The mixing is explicitly demonstrated within the Einstein frame for the special physically motivated choice of $m=-frac{1}{3}$. For instance, a super critical Brans-Dicke parameter induces a tiny positive contribution to the original (if introduced via the 5-dimensional scalar potential) cosmological constant. Finally, some no-scale quantum cosmological aspects are studied at the universal mini-superspace level.
We study teleparallel gravity in the emph{original} Kaluza-Klein (KK) scenario. Our calculation of the KK reduction of teleparallel gravity indicates that the 5-dimensional torsion scalar $^{(5)}T$ generates the non-Brans-Dicke type effective Lagrang ian in 4-dimension due to an additional coupling between the derivative of the scalar field and torsion, but the result is equivalent to that in general relativity. We also discuss the cosmological behavior in the FLRW universe based on the effective teleparallel gravity.
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