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Calorimetric Investigation of NdBa2Cu3Ox Single Crystals

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 نشر من قبل Walter Fietz
 تاريخ النشر 1999
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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The specific heat of Nd(Y)Ba2Cu3Ox single crystals without substitution of Nd for Ba has been measured for various oxygen contents. In comparison with YBa2Cu3Ox, the maximum attainable transition temperature of the crystals is about 4 K higher and shifted from x = 6.92 to x = 7.0, the highest possible oxygen content. In spite of the difference in the Tc(x) dependences, the jump in the specific heat DeltaC/Tc in both systems increases continuously being maximum at x = 7.0. Bond valence sum calculations based on neutron diffraction data point to a retarded generation of holes with increasing oxygen content in the Nd system and a different hole distribution between the chains and the planes in comparison to YBa2Cu3Ox accounting for the different behaviour of both systems.

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