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Application of van der Waals Density Functional to an Extended System: Adsorption of Benzene and Naphthalene on Graphite

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 نشر من قبل Svetla Chakarova Kaeck
 تاريخ النشر 2006
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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It is shown that it is now possible to include van der Waals interactions via a nonempirical implementation of density functional theory to describe the correlation energy in electronic structure calculations on infinite systems of no particular symmetry. The vdW-DF functional [Phys. Rev. Lett. 92, 246401 (2004)] is applied to the adsorption of benzene and naphthalene on an infinite sheet of graphite, as well as the binding between two graphite sheets. Comparison with recent thermal desorption data [Phys. Rev. B 69, 535406 (2004)] shows great promise for the vdW-DF method.

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352 - E. Hazrati , G. A. de Wijs , 2014
Modeling layered intercalation compounds from first principles poses a problem, as many of their properties are determined by a subtle balance between van der Waals interactions and chemical or Madelung terms, and a good description of van der Waals interactions is often lacking. Using van der Waals density functionals we study the structures, phonons and energetics of the archetype layered intercalation compound Li-graphite. Intercalation of Li in graphite leads to stable systems with calculated intercalation energies of $-0.2$ to $-0.3$~eV/Li atom, (referred to bulk graphite and Li metal). The fully loaded stage 1 and stage 2 compounds LiC$_6$ and Li$_{1/2}$C$_6$ are stable, corresponding to two-dimensional $sqrt3timessqrt3$ lattices of Li atoms intercalated between two graphene planes. Stage $N>2$ structures are unstable compared to dilute stage 2 compounds with the same concentration. At elevated temperatures dilute stage 2 compounds easily become disordered, but the structure of Li$_{3/16}$C$_6$ is relatively stable, corresponding to a $sqrt7timessqrt7$ in-plane packing of Li atoms. First-principles calculations, along with a Bethe-Peierls model of finite temperature effects, allow for a microscopic description of the observed voltage profiles.
The adsorption of an adenine molecule on graphene is studied using a first-principles van der Waals functional (vdW-DF) [Dion et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 92, 246401 (2004)]. The cohesive energy of an ordered adenine overlayer is also estimated. For the adsorption of a single molecule, we determine the optimal binding configuration and adsorption energy by translating and rotating the molecule. The adsorption energy for a single molecule of adenine is found to be 711 meV, which is close to the calculated adsorption energy of the similar-sized naphthalene. Based on the single molecular binding configuration, we estimate the cohesive energy of a two-dimensional ordered overlayer. We find a significantly stronger binding energy for the ordered overlayer than for single-molecule adsorption.
We propose a second version of the van der Waals density functional (vdW-DF2) of Dion et al. [Phys. Rev. Lett. 92, 246401 (2004)], employing a more accurate semilocal exchange functional and the use of a large-N asymptote gradient correction in deter mining the vdW kernel. The predicted binding energy, equilibrium separation, and potential-energy curve shape are close to those of accurate quantum chemical calculations on 22 duplexes. We anticipate the enabling of chemically accurate calculations in sparse materials of importance for condensed-matter, surface, chemical, and biological physics.
269 - M. Dion , H. Rydberg , E. Schroder 2004
A scheme within density functional theory is proposed that provides a practical way to generalize to unrestricted geometries the method applied with some success to layered geometries [H. Rydberg, et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 91, 126402 (2003)]. It inclu des van der Waals forces in a seamless fashion. By expansion to second order in a carefully chosen quantity contained in the long range part of the correlation functional, the nonlocal correlations are expressed in terms of a density-density interaction formula. It contains a relatively simple parametrized kernel, with parameters determined by the local density and its gradient. The proposed functional is applied to rare gas and benzene dimers, where it is shown to give a realistic description.
Potassium intercalation in graphite is investigated by first-principles theory. The bonding in the potassium-graphite compound is reasonably well accounted for by traditional semilocal density functional theory (DFT) calculations. However, to investi gate the intercalate formation energy from pure potassium atoms and graphite requires use of a description of the graphite interlayer binding and thus a consistent account of the nonlocal dispersive interactions. This is included seamlessly with ordinary DFT by a van der Waals density functional (vdW-DF) approach [Phys. Rev. Lett. 92, 246401 (2004)]. The use of the vdW-DF is found to stabilize the graphite crystal, with crystal parameters in fair agreement with experiments. For graphite and potassium-intercalated graphite structural parameters such as binding separation, layer binding energy, formation energy, and bulk modulus are reported. Also the adsorption and sub-surface potassium absorption energies are reported. The vdW-DF description, compared with the traditional semilocal approach, is found to weakly soften the elastic response.
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