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Phases found at grain boundary of YBa2Cu3O7-d 50 nm films on SrTiO3 by enhanced anomalous scattering at O:K, Cu:L2,3 and Ba:M4,5 edges

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 نشر من قبل Juana Acrivos Dr. Mrs.
 تاريخ النشر 2005
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English
 تأليف J.V. Acrivos

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A new phase is detected within 100micrometers of 24 DEG ab grain boundary (GB) in YBa2Cu3O7-d 50 nm films on SrTiO3 by enhanced (001) anomalous scattering. Site identification and temperature dependence is interpreted using crystallographic weights to distinguish enhanced scattering from total electron yield and fluorescence spectra. The c-axis, c0 indicates that only ortho-I phase is present far from GB, both ortho-I and II phases are present near GB. The phase c0 is constant versus temperature across the transition to superconductivity.

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205 - J.V. Acrivos 2005
Enhanced (001) anomalous scattering by YBa2Cu3O7-d 50 nm films on SrTiO3 substrates with and without a grain boundary versus temperature is interpreted using crystallographic weights to distinguish it from total electron yield and fluorescence spectr a. The power of diffraction enhancement is to ascertain the film oxygen composition from the changes in the c-axis, c0 as the film surface is scanned across the grain boundary, and to determine that c0 is constant versus temperature across the superconducting phase transition.
Here we describe the results of an atomic resolution study of the structure and composition of both the interior of the grains, and the grain boundaries in polycrystalline MgB2. We find that there is no oxygen within the bulk of the grains but signif icant oxygen enrichment at the grain boundaries. The majority of grain boundaries contain BOx phases smaller than the coherence length, while others contain larger areas of MgO sandwiched between BOx layers. Such results naturally explain the differences in connectivity between the grains observed by other techniques.
YBa$_2$Cu$_3$O$_7$ 24$^circ$ (30$^circ$) bicrystal grain boundary junctions (GBJs), shunted with 60,nm (20,nm) thick Au, were fabricated by focused ion beam milling with widths $80,{rm nm} le w le 7.8,mu$m. At 4.2,K we find critical current densities $j_c$ in the $10^5,{rm A/cm^2}$ range %dkc{#1} (without a clear dependence on $w$) and an increase in resistance times junction area $rho$ with an approximate scaling $rhopropto w^{1/2}$. For the narrowest GBJs $j_crhoapprox 100,mu$V, which is promising for the realization of sensitive nanoSQUIDs for the detection of small spin systems. We demonstrate that our fabrication process allows the realization of sensitive nanoscale dc SQUIDs; for a SQUID with $wapprox 100$,nm wide GBJs we find an rms magnetic flux noise spectral density of $S_Phi^{1/2}approx 4,muPhi_0/{rm Hz}^{1/2}$ in the white noise limit. We also derive an expression for the spin sensitivity $S_mu^{1/2}$, which depends on $S_Phi^{1/2}$, on the location and orientation of the magnetic moment of a magnetic particle to be detected by the SQUID, and on the SQUID geometry. For the not optimized SQUIDs presented here, we estimate $S_mu^{1/2}=390,mu_B/sqrt{rm{Hz}}$, which could be further improved by at least an order of magnitude.
Electronic properties of low dimensional superconductors are determined by many-body-effects. This physics has been studied traditionally with superconducting thin films, and in recent times with two-dimensional electron gases (2DEGs) at oxide interf aces. In this work, we show that a superconducting 2DEG can be generated by simply evaporating a thin layer of metallic Al under ultra-high vacuum on a SrTiO3 crystal, whereby Al oxidizes into amorphous insulating alumina, doping the SrTiO3 surface with oxygen vacancies. The superconducting critical temperature of the resulting 2DEG is found to be tunable with a gate voltage with a maximum value of 360 mK. A gate-induced switching between superconducting and resistive states is demonstrated. Compared to conventionally-used pulsed-laser deposition (PLD), our work simplifies to a large extent the process of fabricating oxide-based superconducting 2DEGs. It will make such systems accessible to a broad range of experimental techniques useful to understand low-dimensional phase transitions and complex many-body-phenomena in electronic systems.
128 - J. Trastoy , V. Rouco , C. Ulysse 2013
We study the general problem of a manifold of interacting elastic lines whose spatial correlations are strongly affected by the competition between random and ordered pinning. This is done through magneto-transport experiments with YBa2Cu3O7-d thin f ilms that contain a periodic vortex pinning array created via masked ion irradiation, in addition to the native random pinning. The strong field-matching effects we observe suggest the prevalence of periodic pinning, and indicate that at the matching field each vortex line is bound to an artificial pinning site. However, the vortex-glass transition dimensionality, quasi-2D instead of the usual 3D, evidences reduced vortex-glass correlations along the vortex line. This is also supported by an unusual angular dependence of the magneto-resistance, which greatly differs from that of Bose-glass systems. A quantitative analysis of the angular magnetoresistance allows us to link this behaviour to the enhancement of the system anisotropy, a collateral effect of the ion irradiation.
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