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We investigate structural order in glassy water by performing classical molecular dynamics simulations using the extended simple point charge (SPC/E) model of water. We perform isochoric cooling simulations across the glass transition temperature at different cooling rates and densities. We quantify structural order by orientational and translational order metrics. Upon cooling the liquid into the glassy state, both the orientational order parameter $Q$ and translational order parameter $tau$ increase. At T=0 K, the glasses fall on a line in the $Q$-$tau$ plane or {it order map}. The position of this line depends only on density and coincides with the location in the order map of the inherent structures (IS) sampled upon cooling. We evaluate the energy of the IS, $e_{IS}(T)$, and find that both order parameters for the IS are proportional to $e_{IS}$. We also study the structural order during the transformation of low-density amorphous ice (LDA) to high-density amorphous ice (HDA) upon isothermal compression and are able to identify distinct regions in the order map corresponding to these glasses. Comparison of the order parameters for LDA and HDA with those obtained upon isochoric cooling indicates major structural differences between glasses obtained by cooling and glasses obtained by compression. These structural differences are only weakly reflected in the pair correlation function. We also characterize the evolution of structural order upon isobaric annealing, leading at high pressure to very-high density amorphous ice (VHDA).
We analyze the nature of the structural order established in liquid TIP4P water in the framework provided by the multi-particle correlation expansion of the statistical entropy. Different regimes are mapped onto the phase diagram of the model upon re
Motivated by the structure of networks of cross-linked cytoskeletal biopolymers, we study the orientationally ordered phases in two-dimensional networks of randomly cross-linked semiflexible polymers. We consider permanent cross-links which prescribe
We introduce the spatial correlation function $C_Q(r)$ and temporal autocorrelation function $C_Q(t)$ of the local tetrahedral order parameter $Qequiv Q(r,t)$. Using computer simulations of the TIP5P model of water, we investigate $C_Q(r)$ in a broad
The two-dimensional freezing transition is very different from its three-dimensional counterpart. In contrast, the glass transition is usually assumed to have similar characteristics in two and three dimensions. Using computer simulations we show tha
We study the glassy dynamics taking place in dense assemblies of athermal active particles that are driven solely by a nonequilibrium self-propulsion mechanism. Active forces are modeled as an Ornstein-Uhlenbeck stochastic process, characterized by a