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Rietveld analysis and maximum entropy method of powder diffraction for bundles of single-walled carbon nanotubes

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 نشر من قبل Hiroaki Kadowaki
 تاريخ النشر 2004
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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The structure of bundles of single-walled carbon nanotubes (SWNT) has been refined by Rietveld analysis using neutron and X-ray powder diffraction data. Based on previous simulation studies of powder diffraction data of SWNT and standard Rietveld analyses, we have developed a pattern fit technique for SWNT which provides precise structure parameters. We also show that the present technique can be used with the maximum entropy method (MEM), which is complementary to the Rietveld analysis. Using the neutron diffraction data of pristine SWNT, we have successfully reconstructed the density of carbon nuclei and zero density in the inner cavity of SWNT by MEM.

قيم البحث

اقرأ أيضاً

We report measurements of the temperature and gate voltage dependence for individual bundles (ropes) of single-walled nanotubes. When the conductance is less than about e^2/h at room temperature, it is found to decrease as an approximate power law of temperature down to the region where Coulomb blockade sets in. The power-law exponents are consistent with those expected for electron tunneling into a Luttinger liquid. When the conductance is greater than e^2/h at room temperature, it changes much more slowly at high temperatures, but eventually develops very large fluctuations as a function of gate voltage when sufficiently cold. We discuss the interpretation of these results in terms of transport through a Luttinger liquid.
We have calculated the binding energy of various nucleobases (guanine (G), adenine (A), thymine (T) and cytosine (C)) with (5,5) single-walled carbon nanotubes (SWNTs) using ab-initio Hartre-Fock method (HF) together with force field calculations. Th e gas phase binding energies follow the sequence G $>$ A $>$ T $>$ C. We show that main contribution to binding energy comes from van-der Wall (vdW) interaction between nanotube and nucleobases. We compare these results with the interaction of nucleobases with graphene. We show that the binding energy of bases with SWNTs is much lower than the graphene but the sequence remains same. When we include the effect of solvation energy (Poisson-Boltzman (PB) solver at HF level), the binding energy follow the sequence G $>$ T $>$ A $>$ C $>$, which explains the experimentcite{zheng} that oligonucleotides made of thymine bases are more effective in dispersing the SWNT in aqueous solution as compared to poly (A) and poly (C). We also demonstrate experimentally that there is differential binding affinity of nucleobases with the single-walled carbon nanotubes (SWNTs) by directly measuring the binding strength using isothermal titration (micro) calorimetry. The binding sequence of the nucleobases varies as thymine (T) $>$ adenine (A) $>$ cytosine (C), in agreement with our calculation.
292 - A. V. Dolbin 2009
The radial thermal expansion coefficient (a)r of pure and Xe-saturated bundles of single-walled carbon nanotubes has been measured in the interval 2.2-120 K. The coefficient is positive above T = 5.5 K and negative at lower temperatures. The experime nt was made using a low temperature capacitance dilatometer with a sensitivity of 2x10-9 cm and the sample was prepared by compacting a CNT powder such that the pressure applied oriented the nanotube axes perpendicular to the axis of the cylindrical sample. The data show that individual nanotubes have a negative thermal expansion while the solid compacted material has a positive expansion coefficient due to expansion of the intertube volume in the bundles. Doping the nanotubes with Xe caused a sharp increase in the magnitude of (a)r in the whole range of temperatures used, and a peak in the dependence (a)r (T) in the interval 50-65 K. A subsequent decrease in the Xe concentration lowered the peak considerably but had little effect on the thermal expansion coefficient of the sample outside the region of the peak. The features revealed have been explained qualitatively.
Having access to the chemical environment at the atomic level of a dopant in a nanostructure is crucial for the understanding of its properties. We have performed atomically-resolved electron energy-loss spectroscopy to detect individual nitrogen dop ants in single-walled carbon nanotubes and compared with first principles calculations. We demonstrate that nitrogen doping occurs as single atoms in different bonding configurations: graphitic-like and pyrrolic-like substitutional nitrogen neighbouring local lattice distortion such as Stone-Thrower-Wales defects. The stability under the electron beam of these nanotubes has been studied in two extreme cases of nitrogen incorporation content and configuration. These findings provide key information for the applications of these nanostructures.
A boost in the development of flexible and wearable electronics facilitates the design of new materials to be applied as transparent conducting films (TCFs). Although single-walled carbon nanotube (SWCNT) films are the most promising candidates for f lexible TCFs, they still do not meet optoelectronic requirements demanded their successful industrial integration. In this study, we proposed and thoroughly investigated a new approach that comprises simultaneous bilateral (outer and inner surfaces) SWCNT doping after their opening by thermal treatment at 400 C under an ambient air atmosphere. Doping by a chloroauric acid (HAuCl$_{4}$) ethanol solution allowed us to achieve the record value of sheet resistance of 31 $pm$ 4 $Omega$/sq at a transmittance of 90% in the middle of visible spectra (550 nm). The strong p-doping was examined by open-circuit potential (OCP) measurements and confirmed by ab initio calculations demonstrating a downshift of Fermi level around 1 eV for the case of bilateral doping.
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