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Magnetic versus crystal field linear dichroism in NiO thin films

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 نشر من قبل Maurits Haverkort
 تاريخ النشر 2003
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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We have detected strong dichroism in the Ni $L_{2,3}$ x-ray absorption spectra of monolayer NiO films. The dichroic signal appears to be very similar to the magnetic linear dichroism observed for thicker antiferromagnetic NiO films. A detailed experimental and theoretical analysis reveals, however, that the dichroism is caused by crystal field effects in the monolayer films, which is a non trivial effect because the high spin Ni $3d^{8}$ ground state is not split by low symmetry crystal fields. We present a practical experimental method for identifying the independent magnetic and crystal field contributions to the linear dichroic signal in spectra of NiO films with arbitrary thicknesses and lattice strains. Our findings are also directly relevant for high spin $3d^{5}$ and $3d^{3}$ systems such as LaFeO$_{3}$, Fe$_{2}$O$_{3}$, VO, LaCrO$_{3}$, Cr$_{2}$O$_{3}$, and Mn$^{4+}$ manganate thin films.

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128 - T. K. Nath 2008
Magneto optic measurements are a very powerful tool for investigating the polarization of a conduction band as a function of temperature and are used here to study the polarization of the mobile electrons in 50nm LSMO (x=0.3) strained thin films grow n epitaxially on single crystalline (001) LaAlO3 (LAO) and (001) lattice matched substrate (LSAT). The magnetic circular dichroism (MCD) has been investigated in magnetic fields up to 0.5 T and over a temperature range (10 to 450 K). The MCD spectra of both the films show a peak at the band gap at around 3 eV and the peak is found to be shifted towards lower energy side with the increase of temperature. A separate polaron peak (well known in insulating samples) appears at lower energy (about 1.8 eV) with the increase of temperature in all these metallic films. The rapid decrease in conduction band polarization in the film on LAO has strong implications for the use of these manganites in room temperature spintronics.
Understanding the crystal field splitting and orbital polarization in non-centrosymmetric systems such as ferroelectric materials is fundamentally important. In this study, taking BaTiO$_3$ (BTO) as a representative material we investigate titanium c rystal field splitting and orbital polarization in non-centrosymmetric TiO$_6$ octahedra with resonant X-ray linear dichroism at Ti $L_{2,3}$-edge. The high-quality BaTiO$_3$ thin films were deposited on DyScO$_3$ (110) single crystal substrates in a layer-by-layer way by pulsed laser deposition. The reflection high-energy electron diffraction (RHEED) and element specific X-ray absorption spectroscopy (XAS) were performed to characterize the structural and electronic properties of the films. In sharp contrast to conventional crystal field splitting and orbital configuration ($d_{xz}$/$d_{yz}$ $<$ $d_{xy}$ $<$ $d_{3z^2-r^2}$ $<$ $d_{x^2-y^2}$ or $d_{xy}$ $<$ $d_{xz}$/$d_{yz}$ $<$ $d_{x^2-y^2}$ $<$ $d_{3z^2-r^2}$) according to Jahn-Teller effect, it is revealed that $d_{xz}$, $d_{yz}$, and $d_{xy}$ orbitals are nearly degenerate, whereas $d_{3z^2-r^2}$ and $d_{x^2-y^2}$ orbitals are split with an energy gap $sim$ 100 meV in the epitaxial BTO films. The unexpected degenerate states $d_{xz}$/$d_{yz}$/$d_{xy}$ are coupled to Ti-O displacements resulting from competition between polar and Jahn-Teller distortions in non-centrosymmetric TiO$_6$ octhedra of BTO films. Our results provide a route to manipulate orbital degree of freedom by switching electric polarization in ferroelectric materials.
The difference in the transmission for left and right circularly polarised light though thin films on substrates in a magnetic field is used to obtain the magnetic circular dichroism of the film. However there are reflections at all the interfaces an d these are also different for the two polarisations and generate the polar Kerr signal. In this paper the contribution to the differences to the total transmission from the transmission across interfaces as well as the differences in absorption in the film and the substrate are calculated. This gives a guide to when it is necessary to evaluate these corrections in order to obtain the real MCD from a measure of the differential transmission due to differential absorption in the film.
143 - S. Henning 2007
In this work we compare numerically exact Quantum Monte Carlo (QMC) calculations and Green function theory (GFT) calculations of thin ferromagnetic films including second order anisotropies. Thereby we concentrate on easy plane systems, i.e. systems for which the anisotropy favors a magnetization parallel to the film plane. We discuss these systems in perpendicular external field, i.e. B parallel to the film normal. GFT results are in good agreement with QMC for high enough fields and temperatures. Below a critical field or a critical temperature no collinear stable magnetization exists in GFT. On the other hand QMC gives finite magnetization even below those critical values. This indicates that there occurs a transition from non-collinear to collinear configurations with increasing field or temperature. For slightly tilted external fields a rotation of magnetization from out-of-plane to in-plane orientation is found with decreasing temperature.
The microstructures and interfaces of two-phase vertically aligned nanocomposite (VAN) thin films play a key role in the design of spintronic device architectures and their multifunctional properties. Here, we show how the microstructures in self-ass embled VAN thin films of La0.7Sr0.3MnO3:NiO (LSMO:NiO) can be effectively tuned from nano-granular to nano-columnar, and to nano-maze by controlling the number of laser shots from the two constituent phase targets in the pulsed laser deposition (PLD) film growth. The observed microstructural induced strain is found to significantly enhance the magnetoresistance in a very broad temperature range between 10-240 K and to modulate the in-plane exchange bias (EB), with the largest EB value observed in the maximally strained heterostructures. Most interestingly, a unique perpendicular exchange bias (PEB) effect is also observed for these heterostructures with an enhanced PEB field of up to 230 Oe. X-ray magnetic circular dichroism and training effect measurements demonstrate that the observed EB is disorder-induced and arises due to the pinning of NiO uncompensated moments at the disordered interface which is ferromagnetically coupled with LSMO. Furthermore, systematic changes in the electronic structure across the vertical interface related to a variation of the Mn3+/Mn4+ content arise as a consequence of out-of-plane tensile strain.
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