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Finite temperature results on the 2d Ising model with mixed perturbation

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 نشر من قبل Paolo Grinza
 تاريخ النشر 2002
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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A numerical study of finite temperature features of thermodynamical observables is performed for the lattice 2d Ising model. Our results support the conjecture that the Finite Size Scaling analysis employed in the study of integrable perturbation of Conformal Field Theory is still valid in the present case, where a non-integrable perturbation is considered.

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اقرأ أيضاً

184 - A. P. Solon , J. Tailleur 2015
We study in detail the active Ising model, a stochastic lattice gas where collective motion emerges from the spontaneous breaking of a discrete symmetry. On a 2d lattice, active particles undergo a diffusion biased in one of two possible directions ( left and right) and align ferromagnetically their direction of motion, hence yielding a minimal flocking model with discrete rotational symmetry. We show that the transition to collective motion amounts in this model to a bona fide liquid-gas phase transition in the canonical ensemble. The phase diagram in the density/velocity parameter plane has a critical point at zero velocity which belongs to the Ising universality class. In the density/temperature canonical ensemble, the usual critical point of the equilibrium liquid-gas transition is sent to infinite density because the different symmetries between liquid and gas phases preclude a supercritical region. We build a continuum theory which reproduces qualitatively the behavior of the microscopic model. In particular we predict analytically the shapes of the phase diagrams in the vicinity of the critical points, the binodal and spinodal densities at coexistence, and the speeds and shapes of the phase-separated profiles.
259 - F. Igloi 2008
We consider the Ising model on the Bethe lattice with aperiodic modulation of the couplings, which has been studied numerically in Phys. Rev. E 77, 041113 (2008). Here we present a relevance-irrelevance criterion and solve the critical behavior exact ly for marginal aperiodic sequences. We present analytical formulae for the continuously varying critical exponents and discuss a relationship with the (surface) critical behavior of the aperiodic quantum Ising chain.
We present a systematic method to calculate the universal scaling functions for the critical Casimir force and the according potential of the two-dimensional Ising model with various boundary conditions. Therefore we start with the dimer representati on of the corresponding partition function $Z$ on an $Ltimes M$ square lattice, wrapped around a torus with aspect ratio $rho=L/M$. By assuming periodic boundary conditions and translational invariance in at least one direction, we systematically reduce the problem to a $2times2$ transfer matrix representation. For the torus we first reproduce the results by Kaufman and then give a detailed calculation of the scaling functions. Afterwards we present the calculation for the cylinder with open boundary conditions. All scaling functions are given in form of combinations of infinite products and integrals. Our results reproduce the known scaling functions in the limit of thin films $rhoto 0$. Additionally, for the cylinder at criticality our results confirm the predictions from conformal field theory.
344 - Marco Picco 2012
We present results of a Monte Carlo study for the ferromagnetic Ising model with long range interactions in two dimensions. This model has been simulated for a large range of interaction parameter $sigma$ and for large sizes. We observe that the resu lts close to the change of regime from intermediate to short range do not agree with the renormalization group predictions.
165 - P. Strack , P. Jakubczyk 2009
We revisit the two-dimensional quantum Ising model by computing renormalization group flows close to its quantum critical point. The low but finite temperature regime in the vicinity of the quantum critical point is squashed between two distinct non- Gaussian fixed points: the classical fixed point dominated by thermal fluctuations and the quantum critical fixed point dominated by zero-point quantum fluctuations. Truncating an exact flow equation for the effective action we derive a set of renormalization group equations and analyze how the interplay of quantum and thermal fluctuations, both non-Gaussian in nature, influences the shape of the phase boundary and the region in the phase diagram where critical fluctuations occur. The solution of the flow equations makes this interplay transparent: we detect finite temperature crossovers by computing critical exponents and we confirm that the power law describing the finite temperature phase boundary as a function of control parameter is given by the correlation length exponent at zero temperature as predicted in an epsilon-expansion with epsilon=1 by Sachdev, Phys. Rev. B 55, 142 (1997).
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