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Origin of hysteretic field splitting of the Zero Bias Conductance Peak in (100) and (110) oriented Y1Ba2Cu3O7-x films

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 نشر من قبل Roy Beck
 تاريخ النشر 2002
  مجال البحث فيزياء
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We have studied the evolution of the Zero-Bias Conductance Peak (ZBCP) splitting under applied magnetic fields in tunneling experiments on Y1Ba2Cu3O7-x(YBCO), and particular its hysteresis. We have been able to distinguish between two possible contributions to the splitting. One of them is connected to Meissner screening currents whose variation in increasing fields is governed by the Bean-Livingston barrier that delays flux entry well above the lower thermodynamical critical field Hc1, up to the fields of the order of the thermodynamical critical field Hc. The other contribution, dominant in (110) oriented films, is seen in decreasing fields where there are no Meissner screening currents, since there is no barrier to flux exit and it may be connected to the magnetic induction in the sample as proposed by Laughlin.

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86 - Hui Li , Tong Zhou , Jun He 2016
Superconducting proximity effect (SPE) in topological insulator (TI) and superconductor (SC) hybrid structure has attracted intense attention in recent years in an effort to search for mysterious Majorana fermions (MFs) in condensed matter systems. H ere we report on the SPE in a Bi2Se3/NbSe2 junction fabricated with an all-dry transfer method. Resulting from the highly transparent interface, two sharp resistance drops are observed at 7 K and 2 K, respectively, corresponding to the superconducting transition of NbSe2 flake and the SPE induced superconductivity in Bi2Se3 flake. Experimentally measured differential conductance spectra exhibit a bias-independent conductance plateau (BICP) in the vicinity of zero bias below 7 K. As temperatures further decrease a zero bias conductance peak (ZBCP) emerges from the plateau and becomes more enhanced and sharpened at lower temperatures. Our numerically simulated differential conductance spectra reproduce the observed BICP and ZBCP and show that the SPE in topological surface states (TSS) is much stronger than that in the bulk states of Bi2Se3. The SPE induced superconducting gap for the TSS of Bi2Se3 is comparable to that of NbSe2 and gives rise to the observed BICP below 7 K. In contrast, the SPE induced superconducting gap for the bulk states of Bi2Se3 is an order of magnitude smaller than that of NbSe2 and superconducting TSS. These weakly paired bulk states in Bi2Se3 give rise to the ZBCP below 2 K. Our study has clearly unveiled the different roles of TSS and bulk stats in SPE, clarified the physical origin of the SPE induced features, and shined light on further investigation of SPE and MF in TI/SC hybrid structures.
163 - Christian Iniotakis 2009
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We explore the signatures of Majorana fermions in a nanowire based topological superconductor-quantum dot-topological superconductor hybrid device by charge transport measurements. The device is made from an epitaxially grown InSb nanowire with two s uperconductor Nb contacts on a Si/SiO$_2$ substrate. At low temperatures, a quantum dot is formed in the segment of the InSb nanowire between the two Nb contacts and the two Nb contacted segments of the InSb nanowire show superconductivity due to the proximity effect. At zero magnetic field, well defined Coulomb diamonds and the Kondo effect are observed in the charge stability diagram measurements in the Coulomb blockade regime of the quantum dot. Under the application of a finite, sufficiently strong magnetic field, a zero-bias conductance peak structure is observed in the same Coulomb blockade regime. It is found that the zero-bias conductance peak is present in many consecutive Coulomb diamonds, irrespective of the even-odd parity of the quasi-particle occupation number in the quantum dot. In addition, we find that the zero-bias conductance peak is in most cases accompanied by two differential conductance peaks, forming a triple-peak structure, and the separation between the two side peaks in bias voltage shows oscillations closely correlated to the background Coulomb conductance oscillations of the device. The observed zero-bias conductance peak and the associated triple-peak structure are in line with the signatures of Majorana fermion physics in a nanowire based topological superconductor-quantum dot-topological superconductor system, in which the two Majorana bound states adjacent to the quantum dot are hybridized into a pair of quasi-particle states with finite energies and the other two Majorana bound states remain as the zero-energy modes located at the two ends of the entire InSb nanowire.
Motivated by a recent experimental report[1] claiming the likely observation of the Majorana mode in a semiconductor-superconductor hybrid structure[2,3,4,5], we study theoretically the dependence of the zero bias conductance peak associated with the zero-energy Majorana mode in the topological superconducting phase as a function of temperature, tunnel barrier potential, and a magnetic field tilted from the direction of the wire for realistic wires of finite lengths. We find that higher temperatures and tunnel barriers as well as a large magnetic field in the direction transverse to the wire length could very strongly suppress the zero-bias conductance peak as observed in Ref.[1]. We also show that a strong magnetic field along the wire could eventually lead to the splitting of the zero bias peak into a doublet with the doublet energy splitting oscillating as a function of increasing magnetic field. Our results based on the standard theory of topological superconductivity in a semiconductor hybrid structure in the presence of proximity-induced superconductivity, spin-orbit coupling, and Zeeman splitting show that the recently reported experimental data are generally consistent with the existing theory that led to the predictions for the existence of the Majorana modes in the semiconductor hybrid structures in spite of some apparent anomalies in the experimental observations at first sight. We also make several concrete new predictions for future observations regarding Majorana splitting in finite wires used in the experiments.
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