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The asymmetric lossy near-perfect lens

46   0   0.0 ( 0 )
 نشر من قبل S. Anantha Ramakrishna
 تاريخ النشر 2002
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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We extend the ideas of the recently proposed perfect lens [J.B. Pendry, Phys. Rev. Lett. {bf 85}, 3966 (2000)] to an alternative structure. We show that a slab of a medium with negative refractive index bounded by media of different positive refractive index also amplifies evanescent waves and can act as a near-perfect lens. We examine the role of the surface states in the amplification of the evanescent waves. The image resolution obtained by this asymmetric lens is more robust against the effects of absorption in the lens. In particular, we study the case of a slab of silver, which has negative dielectric constant, with air on one side and other media such as glass or GaAs on the other side as an `asymmetric lossy near-perfect lens for P-polarized waves. It is found that retardation has an adverse effect on the imaging due to the positive magnetic permeability of silver, but we conclude that subwavelength image resolution is possible inspite of it.

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The existing metasurfaces with ultrathin volume for asymmetric transmission were often constructed by metal with low efficiency in optical frequency, and could not realize the optical asymmetric transmission and focusing simultaneously. Although the acoustic asymmetric focusing in asymmetric focusing lens (AFL) was realized, the obtained focal point was accompanied by large sidelobe. To solve those problems, an AFL with dual-layer metasurfaces designed by using dielectric materials can realize optical asymmetric transmission and focusing simultaneously in this paper. Furtherly, through optimizing the design theory of AFL, the near-zero-sidelobe (NZS) focusing can be realized on the subwavelength scale. The NZS asymmetric focusing of the optimized AFL is effective in broadband, which is expected to possess tremendous potential in the optical micro-nano processing, quantum communication, optical micromanipulation, etc.
511 - E. R. Boyce 2007
We report a probable gravitational lens J0316+4328, one of 19 candidate asymmetric double lenses (2 images at a high flux density ratio) from CLASS. Observations with the Very Large Array (VLA), MERLIN and the Very Long Baseline Array (VLBA) imply th at J0316+4328 is a lens with high confidence. It has 2 images separated by 0.40, with 6 GHz flux densities of 62 mJy and 3.2 mJy. The flux density ratio of ~19 (constant over the frequency range 6-22 GHz) is the largest for any 2 image gravitational lens. High resolution optical imaging and deeper VLBI maps should confirm the lensing interpretation and provide inputs to detailed lens models. The unique configuration will give strong constraints on the lens galaxys mass profile.
The coordinate transformation technique is applied to the design of perfect lenses and superlenses. In particular, anisotropic metamaterials that magnify two-dimensional planar images beyond the diffraction limit are designed by the use of oblate sph eroidal coordinates. The oblate spheroidal perfect lens or superlens can naturally be used in reverse for lithography of planar subwavelength patterns.
191 - Z. Vernon , J.E. Sipe 2015
We develop a general Hamiltonian treatement of spontaneous four-wave mixing in a microring resonator side-coupled to a channel waveguide. The effect of scattering losses in the ring is included, as well as parasitic nonlinear effects including self- and cross-phase modulation. A procedure for computing the output of such a system for arbitrary parameters and pump states is presented. For the limit of weak pumping an expression for the joint spectral intensity of generated photon pairs, as well as the singles-to-coincidences ratio, is derived.
In this tutorial, we discuss the radiation from a Hertzian dipole into uniform isotropic lossy media of infinite extent. If the medium is lossless, the radiated power propagates to infinity, and the apparent dissipation is measured by the radiation r esistance of the dipole. If the medium is lossy, the power exponentially decays, and the physical meaning of radiation resistance needs clarification. Here, we present explicit calculations of the power absorbed in the infinite lossy host space and discuss the limit of zero losses. We show that the input impedance of dipole antennas contains a radiation-resistance contribution which does not depend on the imaginary part of the refractive index. This fact means that the power delivered by dipole antennas to surrounding space always contains a contribution from far fields unless the real part of the refractive index is zero. Based on this understanding, we discuss the fundamental limitations of power coupling between two antennas and possibilities of removing the limit imposed by radiation damping.
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