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Enhancement of the electronic contribution to the low temperature specific heat of Fe/Cr magnetic multilayer

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 نشر من قبل Bernard Revaz
 تاريخ النشر 2001
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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We measured the low temperature specific heat of a sputtered $(Fe_{23AA}/Cr_{12AA})_{33}$ magnetic multilayer, as well as separate $1000AA$ thick Fe and Cr films. Magnetoresistance and magnetization measurements on the multilayer demonstrated antiparallel coupling between the Fe layers. Using microcalorimeters made in our group, we measured the specific heat for $4<T<30 K$ and in magnetic fields up to $8 T$ for the multilayer. The low temperature electronic specific heat coefficient of the multilayer in the temperature range $4<T<14 K$ is $gamma_{ML}=8.4 mJ/K^{2}g-at$. This is significantly larger than that measured for the Fe or Cr films (5.4 and $3.5 mJ/K^{2}mol$ respectively). No magnetic field dependence of $gamma_{ML}$ was observed up to $8 T$. These results can be explained by a softening of the phonon modes observed in the same data and the presence of an Fe-Cr alloy phase at the interfaces.

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The low-temperature specific heat of a superconductor Mo3Sb7 with T_c = 2.25 (0.05) K has been measured in magnetic fields up to 5 T. In the normal state, the electronic specific heat coefficient gamma_n, and the Debye temperature Theta_D are found t o be 34.5(2) mJ/molK^2 and 283(5) K, respectively. The enhanced gamma_n value is interpreted due to a narrow Mo-4d band pinned at the Fermi level. The electronic specific heat in the superconducting state can be analyzed in terms a phenomenological two BCS-like gap model with the gap widths 2Delta_1/k_BT_c = 4.0 and 2Delta_2/k_BT_c = 2.5, and relative weights of the mole electronic heat coefficients gamma_1/gamma_n = 0.7 and gamma_2/gamma_n = 0.3. Some characteristic thermodynamic parameters for the studied superconductor, like the specific heat jump at T_c, DeltaC_p(T_c)/gamma_nT_c, the electron-phonon coupling constant,lambda_eph, the upper H_c2 and thermodynamic critical H_c0 fields, the penetration depth, lambda, coherence length xi, and the Ginzburg-Landau parameter kappa are evaluated. The estimated values of parameters like 2Delta/k_BT_c, DeltaC_p(T_c)/gamma_nT_c, N(E_F), and lambda_eph suggest that Mo3Sb7 belongs to intermediate-coupling regime. The electronic band structure calculations indicate that the density of states near the Fermi level is formed mainly by the Mo-4d orbitals and there is no overlapping between the Mo- 4d and Sb-sp orbitals.
199 - S.M. Gatica , F. Ancilotto , 2004
Helium atoms and hydrogen molecules can be strongly bound inside interstitial channels within bundles of carbon nanotubes. An exploration of the low energy and low temperature properties of He-3 atoms is presented here. Recent study of the analogous He-4 system has shown that the effect of heterogeneity is to yield a density of states N(E) that is qualitatively different from the one-dimensional (1D) form of N(E) that would occur for an ideal set of identical channels. In particular, the functional form of N(E) is that of a 4D gas near the very lowest energies and a 2D gas at somewhat higher energies. Similar behavior is found here for He-3. The resulting thermodynamic behavior of this fermi system is computed, yielding an anomalous form of the heat capacity and its dependence on coverage.
147 - M. ElMassalami 2011
The low-temperature normal-state specific heat and resistivity curves of various nonmagnetic intermetallic compounds manifest an anomalous thermal evolution. Such an anomaly is exhibited as a break in the slope of the linearized C/T versus T^2 curve and as a drop in the R versus T curve, both at the same T_{beta}{gamma}. It is related, not to a thermodynamic phase transition, but to an anomaly in the density of states curves of the phonon or electron subsystems. On representing these two anomalies as additional Dirac-type delta functions, situated respectively at kB.{theta}_L (for lattice) and kB.{theta}_E (for electrons), an analytical expression for the total specific heat can be obtained. A least-square fit of this expression to experimental specific heat curves of various compounds reproduced satisfactorily all the features of the anomalous thermal evolution. The obtained fit parameters (in particular the Sommerfeld constant, {gamma}_{0}, and Debye temperatures, {theta}_D, compare favorably with the reported values. Furthermore, the analysis shows that (i) (T_{beta}{gamma}) / ({theta}_D) = 0.2(1pm1/surd6) and (ii) {gamma}_{0} {propto} ({theta}_D)^2; both relations are in a reasonable agreement with the experimental results. Finally, this analysis (based on the above arguments) justifies the often-used procedure that treats the above anomaly in terms of either a thermal variation of {theta}_D or an additional Einstein mode.
70 - V. Tsurkan , L. Prodan , V. Felea 2017
We report structural, susceptibility and specific heat studies of stoichiometric and off-stoichiometric poly- and single crystals of the A-site spinel compound FeSc2S4. In stoichiometric samples no long-range magnetic order is found down to 1.8 K. Th e magnetic susceptibility of these samples is field independent in the temperature range 10 - 400 K and does not show irreversible effects at low temperatures. In contrast, the magnetic susceptibility of samples with iron excess shows substantial field dependence at high temperatures and manifests a pronounced magnetic irreversibility at low temperatures with a difference between ZFC and FC susceptibilities and a maximum at 10 K reminiscent of a magnetic transition. Single crystal x-ray diffraction of the stoichiometric samples revealed a single phase spinel structure without site inversion. In single crystalline samples with Fe excess besides the main spinel phase a second ordered single-crystal phase was detected with the diffraction pattern of a vacancy-ordered superstructure of iron sulfide, close to the 5C polytype Fe9S10. Specific heat studies reveal a broad anomaly, which evolves below 20 K in both stoichiometric and off-stoichiometric crystals. We show that the low-temperature specific heat can be well described by considering the low-lying spin-orbital electronic levels of Fe2+ ions. Our results demonstrate significant influence of excess Fe ions on intrinsic magnetic behavior of FeSc2S4 and provide support for the spin-orbital liquid scenario proposed in earlier studies for the stoichiometric compound.
We present the application of a fast quasi-adiabatic continuous method to the measurement of specific heat at 4He temperatures, which can be used for the study of a wide range of materials. The technique can be performed in the same configuration use d for the relaxation method, as the typical time constants between calorimetric cell and thermal sink at 4.2 K are chosen to be of the order of tau~30 s. The accuracy in the absolute values have been tested by comparing them to relaxation-method results obtained in the same samples (performed in situ using the same set-up), with a deviation between the absolute values < 3% in the whole temperature range. This new version of the continuous calorimetric method at low temperatures allows us to completely characterize and measure a sample within a few hours with a high density of data points, whereas when employing other methods we typically need a few days. An exhaustive study has been performed for reproducibility to be tested. In the present work, we have applied this method to two different substances: CeSb2, which exhibits three magnetic transitions at 15.5 K, 11.7 K and 9.5 K, and graphite, both highly-oriented pyrolytic graphite (HOPG) and natural crystals. Our results on these graphites are discussed in comparison with previous published data on different kinds of graphite samples.
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