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Low-ionization structures in planetary nebulae

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 نشر من قبل Denise Rocha Goncalves
 تاريخ النشر 1999
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English
 تأليف D.R. Goncalves

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We present new results of a program aimed at studying the physical properties, origin and evolution of those phenomena which go under the somewhat generic definition of low-ionization, small-scale structures in PNe. We have obtained morphological and kinematical data for 10 PNe, finding low-ionization structures with very different properties relative to each other, in terms of expansion velocities, shapes, sizes and locations relatively to the main nebular components. It is clear that several physical processes have to be considered in order to account for the formation and evolution of the different structures observed. We present here some results that are illustrative of our work - on IC 4593, NGC 3918, K 1-2, Wray 17-1, NGC 6337, He 2-186 and K 4-47 - and some of the questions that we try to address.

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Around 50 PNe are presently known to possess small-scale low-ionization structures (LISs). We consider here jets, jet-like, symmetrical and non-symmetrical LISs and present a detailed comparison of the existing model predictions with the observationa l morphological and kinematical properties. We find that nebulae with LISs appear indistinctly spread among all morphological classes of PNe, indicating that the processes leading to the formation of LISs are not necessarily related to those responsible for the asphericity of the large-scale morphological components of PNe. We show that both the observed velocities and locations of most non-symmetrical LISs can be reasonably well reproduced assuming either fossil condensations originated in the AGB wind or in-situ instabilities. The jet models proposed to date (HD and MHD interacting winds or accretion-disk collimated winds) appear unable to account simultaneously for the kinematical ages and the angle between the jet and the symmetry axes of the nebulae. The linear increase in velocity observed in several jets favors MHD confinement compared to pure HD interacting wind models. On the other hand, we find that the formation of jet-like systems characterized by relatively low expansion velocities cannot be explained by any of the existing models. Finally, the knots which appear in symmetrical and opposite pairs of low velocity could be understood as the survival of fossil (symmetrical) condensations formed during the AGB phase or as structures that have experienced substantial slowing down by the ambient medium.
The hydrogen ionization and dissociation front around an ultraviolet radiation source should merge when the ratio of ionizing photon flux to gas density is sufficiently low and the spectrum is sufficiently hard. This regime is particularly relevant t o the molecular knots that are commonly found in evolved planetary nebulae, such as the Helix Nebula, where traditional models of photodissociation regions have proved unable to explain the high observed luminosity in H_2 lines. In this paper we present results for the structure and steady-state dynamics of such advection-dominated merged fronts, calculated using the Cloudy plasma/molecular physics code. We find that the principal destruction processes for H_2 are photoionization by extreme ultraviolet radiation and charge exchange reactions with protons, both of which form H_2^+, which rapidly combines with free electrons to undergo dissociative recombination. Advection moves the dissociation front to lower column densities than in the static case, which vastly increases the heating in the partially molecular gas due to photoionization of He^0, H_2, and H^0. This causes a significant fraction of the incident bolometric flux to be re-radiated as thermally excited infrared H_2 lines, with the lower excitation pure rotational lines arising in 1000 K gas and higher excitation H_2 lines arising in 2000 K gas, as is required to explain the H_2 spectrum of the Helix cometary knots.
We compute a large grid of photoionization models that covers a wide range of physical parameters and is representative of most of the observed PNe. Using this grid, we derive new formulae for the ionization correction factors (ICFs) of He, O, N, Ne, S, Ar, Cl, and C. Analytical expressions to estimate the uncertainties arising from our ICFs are also provided. This should be useful since these uncertainties are usually not considered when estimating the error bars in element abundances. Our ICFs are valid over a variety of assumptions such as the input metallicities, the spectral energy distribution of the ionizing source, the gas distribution, or the presence of dust grains. Besides, the ICFs are adequate both for large aperture observations and for pencil-beam observations in the central zones of the nebulae. We test our ICFs on a large sample of observed PNe that extends as far as possible in ionization, central star temperature, and metallicity, by checking that the Ne/O, S/O, Ar/O, and Cl/O ratios show no trend with the degree of ionization. Our ICFs lead to significant differences in the derived abundance ratios as compared with previous determinations, especially for N/O, Ne/O, and Ar/O.
347 - Xuan Fang , Yong Zhang , Sun Kwok 2018
We present narrow-band near-infrared images of a sample of 11 Galactic planetary nebulae (PNe) obtained in the molecular hydrogen (H$_{2}$) 2.122 $mu$m and Br$gamma$ 2.166 $mu$m emission lines and the $K_{rm c}$ 2.218 $mu$m continuum. These images we re collected with the Wide-field InfraRed Camera (WIRCam) on the 3.6m Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope (CFHT); their unprecedented depth and wide field of view allow us to find extended nebular structures in H$_{2}$ emission in several PNe, some of these being the first detection. The nebular morphologies in H$_{2}$ emission are studied in analogy with the optical images, and indication on stellar wind interactions is discussed. In particular, the complete structure of the highly asymmetric halo in NGC6772 is witnessed in H$_{2}$, which strongly suggests interaction with the interstellar medium. Our sample confirms the general correlation between H$_{2}$ emission and the bipolarity of PNe. The knotty/filamentary fine structures of the H$_{2}$ gas are resolved in the inner regions of several ring-like PNe, also confirming the previous argument that H2 emission mostly comes from knots/clumps embedded within fully ionized material at the equatorial regions. Moreover, the deep H$_{2}$ image of the butterfly-shaped Sh1-89, after removal of field stars, clearly reveals a tilted ring structure at the waist. These high-quality CFHT images justify follow-up detailed morpho-kinematic studies that are desired to deduce the true physical structures of a few PNe in the sample.
195 - Chih-Hao Hsia 2014
We report a multi-wavelength study of four new planetary nebula (PN) candidates selected from the INT/WFC Photometric Ha Survey of the Northern Galactic Plane (IPHAS) and Deep Sky Hunter (DSH) catalogues. We present mid-resolution optical spectra of these PNs. The PN status of our sample was confirmed by optical narrow-band images and mid-resolution spectra. Based on the locations of these objects in the log (Ha/[N II]) versus log (Ha/[S II]) diagnostic diagram, we conclude that these sources are evolved lowexcitation PNs. The optical and infrared appearances of these newly discovered PNs are discussed. Three of the new nebulae studied here are detected in infrared and have low infrared-to-radio flux ratios, probably suggesting that they are evolved. Furthermore, we derive the dynamical ages and distances of these nebulae and study the spectral energy distribution for one of them with extensive infrared archival data.
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