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Hard X--ray detection of NGC 1068 with BeppoSAX

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 نشر من قبل ul
 تاريخ النشر 1997
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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We report on the first detection above ~10 keV of the archetypal Compton-thick Seyfert 2 galaxy NGC 1068. This detection, obtained with the PDS instrument onboard BeppoSAX in the 20-100 keV range, confirms the hardness of the X--ray spectrum above a few keV (as indicated by ASCA observations and supports models envisaging a mixture of both neutral and ionized reflections of an otherwise invisible nuclear continuum, the neutral reflection component being the dominant one in hard X-rays.

قيم البحث

اقرأ أيضاً

212 - Franz E. Bauer (1 , 2 , 3 2014
We report on observations of NGC1068 with NuSTAR, which provide the best constraints to date on its $>10$~keV spectral shape. We find no strong variability over the past two decades, consistent with its Compton-thick AGN classification. The combined NuSTAR, Chandra, XMM-Newton, and Swift-BAT spectral dataset offers new insights into the complex reflected emission. The critical combination of the high signal-to-noise NuSTAR data and a spatial decomposition with Chandra allow us to break several model degeneracies and greatly aid physical interpretation. When modeled as a monolithic (i.e., a single N_H) reflector, none of the common Compton-reflection models are able to match the neutral fluorescence lines and broad spectral shape of the Compton reflection. A multi-component reflector with three distinct column densities (e.g., N_H~1.5e23, 5e24, and 1e25 cm^{-2}) provides a more reasonable fit to the spectral lines and Compton hump, with near-solar Fe abundances. In this model, the higher N_H components provide the bulk of the Compton hump flux while the lower N_H component produces much of the line emission, effectively decoupling two key features of Compton reflection. We note that ~30% of the neutral Fe Kalpha line flux arises from >2 (~140 pc), implying that a significant fraction of the <10 keV reflected component arises from regions well outside of a parsec-scale torus. These results likely have ramifications for the interpretation of poorer signal-to-noise observations and/or more distant objects [Abridged].
We present high-resolution soft-X-ray spectra of the prototypical Seyfert 2 galaxy, NGC 1068, taken with XMM-Newton RGS and Chandra LETGS. Its rich emission-line spectrum is dominated by recombination in a warm plasma (bright, narrow radiative recomb ination continua provide the ``smoking gun), which is photoionized by the inferred nuclear power-law continuum. Radiative decay following photoexcitation of resonant transitions is also significant. A self-consistent model of an irradiated cone of gas is capable of reproducing the hydrogenic/heliumlike ionic line series in detail. The radial ionic column densities we infer are consistent with absorption measurements (the warm absorber) in Seyfert 1 galaxies. This strongly suggests that the emission spectrum we observe from NGC 1068 emanates from its warm absorber. The observed extent of the ionization-cone/warm absorber in NGC 1068 of about 300 pc implies that a large fraction of the gas associated with generic warm absorbers may typically exist on the hundreds-of-parsec scale rather than much closer to the nucleus (e.g., less than a parsec). Spatially-resolved spectroscopy using the LETGS of two distinct emission regions yields two noticeably different spectra. We show that these differences are solely due to differing radial column densities. A fairly flat distribution in ionization parameter is necessary to explain the inferred radial ionic column densities of all spectra. This must primarily be due to a broad density distribution at each radius, spanning roughly 0.1-100 cm$^{-3}$. (Abridged)
132 - T.J. Turner , G.C.Perola , F.Fiore 1999
This paper presents a BeppoSAX observation of NGC 7582 made during 1998 November and an optical spectrum taken in 1998 October. The new X-ray data reveal a previously unknown hard X-ray component in NGC 7582, peaking close to 20 keV. Rapid variabilit y is observed with correlated changes in the 5-10 and 13-60 keV bands indicating that a single continuum component, produced by the active nucleus, provides the dominant flux across both bands. Changes in the nuclear X-ray flux appear unrelated to the gradual decline in optical flux noted since the high-state in 1998 July. The X-ray continuum is attenuated by a thick absorber of N_H ~ 1.6 x 10E24 cm^-2 covering ~60% of the nucleus, plus a screen with N_H ~ 1.4 x 10E23 cm^-2 covering the entire nucleus. Comparison of the BeppoSAX and ASCA spectra shows an increase in the full screen by N_H ~7 x 10E22 cm^-2 since 1994, confirming the absorption variability found by Xue et al. The increase in soft X-ray flux between 1994 and 1998 is consistent with the appearance of holes in the full screen producing some clear lines-of-sight to the broad-line-region.
We model the expected X-ray polarisation induced by complex reprocessing in the active nucleus of the Seyfert-2 galaxy NGC 1068. Recent analysis of infrared interferometry observations suggests that the ionised outflows ejected by the central engine are not aligned with the symmetry axis of the obscuring torus. This conclusion was obtained by extrapolating the apparent orientation of the narrow line region to the inner parts of the ionisation cones. We show that future measurements of the soft X-ray polarisation vector unambiguously determine the orientation of the ionisation cones. Furthermore, X-ray polarimetry across a broad photon energy range may independently verify the misalignment between the ionisation cones and the axis of the torus. To model the expected polarisation percentage and position angle, we apply the radiative transfer code STOKES. Reprocessing of the primary X-ray radiation takes place in the accretion disc, the surrounding equatorial torus and the inclined, ionised outflows. We also examine additional equatorial scattering occurring in between the accretion disc and the inner surfaces of the torus. Radiative coupling between the different reprocessing components is computed coherently. The resulting polarisation properties depend on the optical depth of the reprocessing regions and on the viewing angle of the observer. We show that even under unfavourable conditions the misalignment of the outflows with respect to the torus axis can be determined from a rotation of the polarisation position angle between softer and harder X-rays. We argue that the misalignment of the outflows with respect to the torus axis in NGC 1068 may be constrained by a future X-ray mission if equipped with a broad band polarimeter.
77 - K. Pounds , S. Vaughan 2006
We use the full broad-band XMM-Newton EPIC data to examine the X-ray spectrum of the nearby Seyfert 2 galaxy NGC 1068, previously shown to be complex with the X-ray continuum being a sum of components reflected/scattered from cold (neutral) and warm (ionised) matter, together with associated emission line spectra. We quantify the neutral and ionised reflectors in terms of the luminosity of the hidden nucleus. Both are relatively weak, a result we interpret on the Unified Seyfert Model by a near side-on view to the putative torus, reducing the visibility of the illuminated inner surface of the torus (the cold reflector), and part of the ionised outflow. A high inclination in NGC 1068 also provides a natural explanation for the large (Compton-thick) absorbing column in the line-of-sight to the nucleus. The emission line fluxes are consistent with the strength of the neutral and ionised continuum components, supporting the robustness of the spectral model.
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