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The ESSENCE Supernova Survey: Survey Optimization, Observations, and Supernova Photometry

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 نشر من قبل Gajus Miknaitis
 تاريخ النشر 2007
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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We describe the implementation and optimization of the ESSENCE supernova survey, which we have undertaken to measure the equation of state parameter of the dark energy. We present a method for optimizing the survey exposure times and cadence to maximize our sensitivity to the dark energy equation of state parameter w=P/rho c^2 for a given fixed amount of telescope time. For our survey on the CTIO 4m telescope, measuring the luminosity distances and redshifts for supernovae at modest redshifts (z~0.5 +- 0.2) is optimal for determining w. We describe the data analysis pipeline based on using reliable and robust image subtraction to find supernovae automatically and in near real-time. Since making cosmological inferences with supernovae relies crucially on accurate measurement of their brightnesses, we describe our efforts to establish a thorough calibration of the CTIO 4m natural photometric system. In its first four years, ESSENCE has discovered and spectroscopically confirmed 102 type Ia SNe, at redshifts from 0.10 to 0.78, identified through an impartial, effective methodology for spectroscopic classification and redshift determination. We present the resulting light curves for the all type Ia supernovae found by ESSENCE and used in our measurement of w, presented in Wood-Vasey et al, 2007.

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We report the discovery and orbit determination of 14 trans-Neptunian objects (TNOs) from the ESSENCE Supernova Survey difference imaging dataset. Two additional objects discovered in a similar search of the SDSS-II Supernova Survey database were rec overed in this effort. ESSENCE repeatedly observed fields far from the Solar System ecliptic (-21 deg < beta < -5 deg), reaching limiting magnitudes per observation of I~23.1 and R~23.7. We examine several of the newly detected objects in detail, including 2003 UC_414 which orbits entirely between Uranus and Neptune and lies very close to a dynamical region that would make it stable for the lifetime of the Solar System. 2003 SS_422 and 2007 TA_418 have high eccentricities and large perihelia, making them candidate members of an outer class of trans-Neptunian objects. We also report a new member of the extended or detached scattered disk, 2004 VN_112, and verify the stability of its orbit using numerical simulations. This object would have been visible to ESSENCE for only ~2% of its orbit, suggesting a vast number of similar objects across the sky. We emphasize that off-ecliptic surveys are optimal for uncovering the diversity of such objects, which in turn will constrain the history of gravitational influences that shaped our early Solar System.
140 - J. Melinder 2008
The aim of the work presented in this paper is to test and optimise supernova detection methods based on the optimal image subtraction technique. The main focus is on applying the detection methods to wide field supernova imaging surveys and in parti cular to the Stockholm VIMOS Supernova Survey (SVISS). We have constructed a supernova detection pipeline for imaging surveys. The core of the pipeline is image subtraction using the ISIS 2.2 package. Using real data from the SVISS we simulate supernovae in the images, both inside and outside galaxies. The detection pipeline is then run on the simulated frames and the effects of image quality and subtraction parameters on the detection efficiency and photometric accuracy are studied. The pipeline allows efficient detection of faint supernovae in the deep imaging data. It also allows controlling and correcting for possible systematic effects in the SN detection and photometry. We find such a systematic effect in the form of a small systematic flux offset remaining at the positions of galaxies in the subtracted frames. This offset will not only affect the photometric accuracy of the survey, but also the detection efficiencies. Our study has shown that ISIS 2.2 works well for the SVISS data. We have found that the detection efficiency and photometric accuracy of the survey are affected by the stamp selection for the image subtraction and by host galaxy brightness. With our tools the subtraction results can be further optimised, any systematic effects can be controlled and photometric errors estimated, which is very important for the SVISS, as well as for future SN searches based on large imaging surveys such as Pan-STARRS and LSST.
The proper usage of Type Ia supernovae (SNe Ia) as distance indicators has revolutionized cosmology, and added a new dominant component to the energy density of the Universe, dark energy. Following the discovery and confirmation era, the currently on going SNe Ia surveys aim to determine the properties of the dark energy. ESSENCE is a five year ground-based supernova survey aimed at finding and characterizing 200 SNe Ia in the redshift domain z=[0.2-0.8]. The goal of the project is to put constraints on the equation of state parameter, w, of the dark energy with an accuracy of <10%. This paper presents these ongoing efforts in the context of the current developments in observational cosmology.
The Sloan Digital Sky Survey-II Supernova Survey has identified a large number of new transient sources in a 300 sq. deg. region along the celestial equator during its first two seasons of a three-season campaign. Multi-band (ugriz) light curves were measured for most of the sources, which include solar system objects, Galactic variable stars, active galactic nuclei, supernovae (SNe), and other astronomical transients. The imaging survey is augmented by an extensive spectroscopic follow-up program to identify SNe, measure their redshifts, and study the physical conditions of the explosions and their environment through spectroscopic diagnostics. During the survey, light curves are rapidly evaluated to provide an initial photometric type of the SNe, and a selected sample of sources are targeted for spectroscopic observations. In the first two seasons, 476 sources were selected for spectroscopic observations, of which 403 were identified as SNe. For the Type Ia SNe, the main driver for the Survey, our photometric typing and targeting efficiency is 90%. Only 6% of the photometric SN Ia candidates were spectroscopically classified as non-SN Ia instead, and the remaining 4% resulted in low signal-to-noise, unclassified spectra. This paper describes the search algorithm and the software, and the real-time processing of the SDSS imaging data. We also present the details of the supernova candidate selection procedures and strategies for follow-up spectroscopic and imaging observations of the discovered sources.
The Kiso Supernova Survey (KISS) is a high-cadence optical wide-field supernova (SN) survey. The primary goal of the survey is to catch the very early light of a SN, during the shock breakout phase. Detection of SN shock breakouts combined with multi -band photometry obtained with other facilities would provide detailed physical information on the progenitor stars of SNe. The survey is performed using a 2.2x2.2 deg field-of-view instrument on the 1.05-m Kiso Schmidt telescope, the Kiso Wide Field Camera (KWFC). We take a three-minute exposure in g-band once every hour in our survey, reaching magnitude g~20-21. About 100 nights of telescope time per year have been spent on the survey since April 2012. The number of the shock breakout detections is estimated to be of order of 1 during our 3-year project. This paper summarizes the KISS project including the KWFC observing setup, the survey strategy, the data reduction system, and CBET-reported SNe discovered so far by KISS.
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