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VLTI/AMBER interferometric observations of the recurrent Nova RS Oph 5.5 days after outburst

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 نشر من قبل Olivier Chesneau
 تاريخ النشر 2006
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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We report on interferometric AMBER/VLTI observations of the recurrent nova RS Oph five days after its outburst on 2006 Feb 12. Using three baselines from 44 to 86m, and a spectral resolution of 1500, we measured the extension of the emission in the K band continuum and in the BrG and HeI2.06 micron lines. The continuum visibilities were interpreted by fitting simple geometric models consisting of uniform and Gaussian ellipses, ring and binary models. The visibilities and differential phases in the BrG line were interpreted using skewed ring models aiming to perform a limited parametric reconstruction of the extension and kinematics of the line forming region. The limited uv coverage does not allow discrimination between filled models and rings. Binary models are discarded because the measured closure phase in the continuum is close to zero. The visibilities in the lines are at a low level compared to their nearby continuum, consistent with a more extended line forming region for HeI2.06 than BrG. The ellipse models for the continuum and for the lines are highly flattened and share the same position angle. Two radial velocity fields are apparent in the BrG line: a slow expanding ring-like structure (v~1800km/s), and a fast structure extended in the E-W direction (v~2500-3000km/s). These results confirm the basic fireball model, contrary to the conclusions of other interferometric observations conducted by Monnier et al. (2006).

قيم البحث

اقرأ أيضاً

We performed 48.6 hours (in 28 nights) of simultaneous B and V band observations of the flickering variability of the recurrent nova RS Oph in quiescence. During the time of our observations the brightness of the system varied between 13.2 > B > 11.1 and the colour in the range 0.86 < B-V < 1.33 . We find that RS~Oph becomes more blue, as it becomes brighter, however the hot component becomes more red as it becomes brighter (assuming that the red giant is non-variable). During all the runs RS Oph exhibits flickering with amplitude 0.16 - 0.59 mag in B band. For the flickering source we find that it has colour -0.14 < B-V < 0.40, temperature in the range 7200 < T_fl < 18900, and average radius 1.1 < R_fl < 6.7 R_sun. We do not find a correlation between the temperature of the flickering and the brightness. However, we do find a strong correlation (correlation coefficient 0.81, significance 1.1x10^{-7} ) between B band magnitude and the average radius of the flickering source - as the brightness of the system increases the size of the flickering source also increases. The estimated temperature is similar to that of the bright spot of cataclysmic variables. The persistent presence of flickering indicates that the white dwarf is actively accreting material for the next outburst.
201 - A. Evans 2006
We present infrared spectroscopy of the recurrent nova RS Ophiuchi, obtained 11.81, 20.75 and 55.71 days following its 2006 eruption. The spectra are dominated by hydrogen recombination lines, together with HeI, OI and OII lines; the electron tempera ture of ~10^4 K implied by the recombination spectrum suggests that we are seeing primarily the wind of the red giant, ionized by the ultraviolet flash when RS Oph erupted. However, strong coronal emission lines (i.e. emission from fine structure transitions in ions having high ionization potential) are present in the last spectrum. These imply a temperature of 930000K for the coronal gas; this is in line with x-ray observations of the 2006 eruption. The emission line widths decrease with time in a way that is consistent with the shock model for the x-ray emission.
175 - M. Hernanz , J. Jose (2 2008
The recurrent nova RS Oph experienced an outburst in 2006, 21 years after its previous explosion in 1985, as expected. It was observed at almost all wavelengths, and important information about its properties is still being extracted. We present theo retical models of the explosion of this fascinating object, which indicate that the mass of the accreting white dwarf should be very close to the Chandrasekhar mass, to allow for such a short recurrence period. In addition, since models suggest that this nova ejects less mass than it accretes, it is an excellent candidate for a thermonuclear supernova explosion, in about $10^5-10^7$ years from now. We also analyze the emission of soft gamma-rays by RS Oph detected with the BAT instrument onboard Swift, and with the PCA onboard RXTE. We rule out that this emission has its origin in radioactive decays in the expanding nova envelope.
135 - N. M. H. Vaytet 2011
Following the Swift X-ray observations of the 2006 outburst of the recurrent nova RS Ophiuchi, we developed hydrodynamical models of mass ejection from which the forward shock velocities were used to estimate the ejecta mass and velocity. In order to further constrain our model parameters, here we present synthetic X-ray spectra from our hydrodynamical calculations which we compare to the Swift data. An extensive set of simulations was carried out to find a model which best fits the spectra up to 100 days after outburst. We find a good fit at high energies but require additional absorption to match the low energy emission. We estimate the ejecta mass to be in the range (2-5) x 10^{-7} solar masses and the ejection velocity to be greater than 6000 km/s (and probably closer to 10,000 km/s). We also find that estimates of shock velocity derived from gas temperatures via standard model fits to the X-ray spectra are much lower than the true shock velocities.
119 - U. Munari , P. Valisa 2021
A pictorial atlas of the spectroscopic evolution at optical wavelengths is presented for the first 18 days of the 2021 outburst of the recurrent nova RS Oph, prior to the emergence of high ionization emission lines. The spectra presented here have be en obtained at daily cadence with the Asiago 1.22m + B&C (3200-7900 Ang, 2.3 AA/pix) and Varese 0.84m + Echelle telescopes (4250-8900 AA, resolving power 18,000). The spectra have been fully calibrated in IRAF, absolutely fluxed, and heliocentric corrected. The Echelle spectra have been also corrected for telluric absorptions.
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