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Upper limits on the mass of supermassive black holes from HST/STIS archival data

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 نشر من قبل Enrico Maria Corsini
 تاريخ النشر 2006
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English
 تأليف E. M. Corsini

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The growth of supermassive black holes (SBHs) appears to be closely linked with the formation of spheroids. There is a pressing need to acquire better statistics on SBH masses, since the existing samples are preferentially weighted toward early-type galaxies with very massive SBHs. With this motivation we started a project aimed at measuring upper limits on the mass of the SBHs in the center of all the nearby galaxies (D<100 Mpc) for which STIS/G750M spectra are available in the HST archive. These upper limits will be derived by modeling the central emission-line widths observed in the Halpha region over an aperture of ~0.1. Here we present our results for a subsample of 20 S0-Sb galaxies within 20 Mpc.

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310 - A. Beifiori 2007
The growth of supermassive black holes (SMBHs) appears to be closely linked with the formation of spheroids. There is a pressing need to acquire better statistics on SMBH masses, since the existing samples are preferentially weighted toward early-typ e galaxies with very massive SMBHs. With this motivation we started a project aimed at measuring upper limits on the mass of the SMBHs that can be present in the center of all the nearby galaxies (D<100 Mpc) for which STIS/G750M spectra are available in the HST archive. These upper limits will be derived by modeling the central emission-line widths ([NII], Halpha and [SII]) observed over an aperture of ~0.1 (R<50 pc). Here we present our preliminary results for a subsample of 76 bulges.
381 - A. Beifiori 2010
Based on the modeling of the central emission-line width measured over sub-arcsecond apertures with the Hubble Space Telescope, we present stringent upper bounds on the mass of the central supermassive black hole, MBH, for a sample of 105 nearby gala xies (D<100Mpc) spanning a wide range of Hubble types (E-Sc) and values of the central stellar velocity dispersion, sigma (58-419km/s). For the vast majority of the objects the derived MBH upper limits run parallel and above the well-known MBH-sigma relation independently of the galaxy distance, suggesting that our nebular line-width measurements trace rather well the nuclear gravitational potential. For values of sigma between 90 and 220km/s the 68% of our upper limits falls immediately above the MBH-sigma relation without exceeding the expected MBH values by more than a factor 4.1. No systematic trends or offsets are observed in this sigma range as a function of the galaxy Hubble type or with respect to the presence of a bar. For 6 of our 12 MBH upper limits with sigma<90km/s our line-width measurements are more sensitive to the stellar contribution to the gravitational potential, either due to the presence of a nuclear stellar cluster or because of a greater distance compared to the other galaxies at the low-sigma end of the MBH-sigma relation. Conversely, our MBH upper bounds appear to lie closer to the expected MBH in the most massive elliptical galaxies with values of sigma above 220km/s. Such a flattening of the MBH-sigma relation at its high-sigma end would appear consistent with a coevolution of supermassive black holes and galaxies driven by dry mergers, although better and more consistent measurements for sigma and K-band luminosity are needed for these kind of objects before systematic effects can be ruled out.
The Hubble Space Telescope (HST)/Space Telescope Imaging Spectrograph (STIS) contains the only currently operating coronagraph in space that is not trained on the Sun. In an era of extreme--adaptive-optics--fed coronagraphs, and with the possibility of future space-based coronagraphs, we re-evaluate the contrast performance of the STIS CCD camera. The 50CORON aperture consists of a series of occulting wedges and bars, including the recently commissioned BAR5 occulter. We discuss the latest procedures in obtaining high contrast imaging of circumstellar disks and faint point sources with STIS. For the first time, we develop a noise model for the coronagraph, including systematic noise due to speckles, which can be used to predict the performance of future coronagraphic observations. Further, we present results from a recent calibration program that demonstrates better than $10^{-6}$ point-source contrast at 0.6, ranging to $3times10^{-5}$ point-source contrast at 0.25. These results are obtained by a combination of sub-pixel grid dithers, multiple spacecraft orientations, and post-processing techniques. Some of these same techniques will be employed by future space-based coronagraphic missions. We discuss the unique aspects of STIS coronagraphy relative to ground-based adaptive-optics--fed coronagraphs.
300 - Himel Ghosh 2008
We demonstrate the feasibility of uncovering supermassive black holes in late-type, quiescent spiral galaxies by detecting signs of very low-level nuclear activity. We use a combination of x-ray selection and multi-wavelength follow-up. Here, we appl y this technique to NGC 3184 and NGC 5457, both of type Scd, and show that strong arguments can be made that both host AGNs.
There is growing evidence that intermediate-mass black holes (IMBHs), defined here as having a mass in the range M=500-10^5 Msun, are present in the dense centers of certain globular clusters (GCs). Gravitational waves (GWs) from their mergers with o ther IMBHs or with stellar BHs in the cluster are mostly emitted in frequencies <10 Hz, which unfortunately is out of reach for current ground-based observatories such as advanced LIGO (aLIGO). Nevertheless, we show that aLIGO measurements can be used to efficiently probe one of the possible formation mechanisms of IMBHs in GCs, namely a runaway merger process of stellar seed BHs. In this case, aLIGO will be sensitive to the lower-mass rungs of the merger ladder, ranging from the seed BH mass to masses >~50-300 Msun, where the background from standard mergers is expected to be very low. Assuming this generic IMBH formation scenario, we calculate the mass functions that correspond to the limiting cases of possible merger trees. Based on estimates for the number density of GCs and taking into account the instrumental sensitivity, we show that current observations do not effectively limit the occupation fraction f_occ of IMBHs formed by runaway mergers of stellar BHs in GCs. However, we find that a six-year run of aLIGO at design sensitivity will be able to probe down to f_occ<3% at a 99.9% confidence level, either finding evidence for this formation mechanism, or necessitating others if the fraction of GCs that harbor IMBHs is higher.
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