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A new sample of bright galaxy pairs in UZC

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 نشر من قبل Paola Focardi
 تاريخ النشر 2006
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English
 تأليف P. Focardi

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We present a new sample of bright galaxy pairs extracted applying an objective selection code to UZC catalog.The sample is volume limited to M$_{zw}$ = -18.9 +5 log ${it h}$ and contains 89 galaxy pairs.We analyze the kinematical, morphological and photometrical properties of galaxies belonging to this sample. We show that velocity separation, $| Delta v_{r} |$, between pair members is significantly lower in spiral type (S+S) pairs than in early-type (E+E) and mixed (E+S) pairs.This indicates that truly isolated galaxy pairs are more likely to be found among S+S pairs. We show that ellipticals are rare and underluminous in B and that late spirals (T $ge$ 4) are overluminous. We confirm that the formation of bright ellipticals is a phenomenon linked to group/cluster environment, while galaxy-galaxy interaction may enhance blue luminosity of disk galaxies through SF phenomena. This last statement is supported by the presence of strong FIR emission from early spirals in this sample and by the high frequency of AGN/SB phenomenon, revealed mainly in pairs of low relative radial velocity separation and showing signs of interaction.

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282 - Josefa Perez 2009
Several observational works have attempted to isolate the effects of galaxy interactions by comparing galaxies in pairs with isolated galaxies. However, different authors have proposed different ways to build these so-called control samples (CS). B y using mock galaxy catalogues of the SDSS-DR4 built up from the Millennium Simulation, we explore how the way of building a CS might introduce biases which could affect the interpretation of results. We make use of the fact that the physics of interactions is not included in the semianalytic model, to infer that any difference between the mock control and pair samples can be ascribed to selection biases. Thus, we find that galaxies in pairs artificially tend to be older and more bulge-dominated, and to have less cold gas and different metallicities than their isolated counterparts. Also because of a biased selection, galaxies in pairs tend to live in higher density environments, and in haloes of larger masses. We find that imposing constraints on redshift, stellar masses and local densities diminishes the selection biases by ~70%. Based on these findings, we suggest observers how to build an unique and unbiased CS in order to reveal the effect of galaxy interactions.
IRAS flux densities, redshifts, and infrared luminosities are reported for all sources identified in the IRAS Revised Bright Galaxy Sample (RBGS), a complete flux-limited survey of all extragalactic objects with total 60 micron flux density greater t han 5.24 Jy, covering the entire sky surveyed by IRAS at Galactic latitude |b| > 5 degrees. The RBGS includes 629 objects, with a median (mean) sample redshift of 0.0082 (0.0126) and a maximum redshift of 0.0876. The RBGS supersedes the previous two-part IRAS Bright Galaxy Samples, which were compiled before the final (Pass 3) calibration of the IRAS Level 1 Archive in May 1990. The RBGS also makes use of more accurate and consistent automated methods to measure the flux of objects with extended emission. Basic properties of the RBGS sources are summarized, including estimated total infrared luminosities, as well as updates to cross-identifications with sources from optical galaxy catalogs established using the NASA/IPAC Extragalactic Database (NED). In addition, an atlas of images from the Digitized Sky Survey with overlays of the IRAS position uncertainty ellipse and annotated scale bars is provided for ease in visualizing the optical morphology in context with the angular and metric size of each object. The revised bolometric infrared luminosity function, phi(L_ir), for infrared bright galaxies in the local Universe remains best fit by a double power law, phi(L_ir) ~ L_ir^alpha, with alpha = -0.6 (+/- 0.1), and alpha = -2.2 (+/- 0.1) below and above the characteristic infrared luminosity L_ir ~ 10^{10.5} L_solar, respectively. (Abridged)
120 - E.J. Lilley 2018
Efficient expansions of the gravitational field of (dark) haloes have two main uses in the modelling of galaxies: first, they provide a compact representation of numerically-constructed (or real) cosmological haloes, incorporating the effects of tria xiality, lopsidedness or other distortion. Secondly, they provide the basis functions for self-consistent field expansion algorithms used in the evolution of $N$-body systems. We present a new family of biorthogonal potential-density pairs constructed using the Hankel transform of the Laguerre polynomials. The lowest-order density basis functions are double-power-law profiles cusped like $rho sim r^{-2 + 1/alpha}$ at small radii with asymptotic density fall-off like $rho sim r^{-3 -1/(2alpha)}$. Here, $alpha$ is a parameter satisfying $alpha ge 1/2$. The family therefore spans the range of inner density cusps found in numerical simulations, but has much shallower -- and hence more realistic -- outer slopes than the corresponding members of the only previously-known family deduced by Zhao (1996) and exemplified by Hernquist & Ostriker (1992). When $alpha =1$, the lowest-order density profile has an inner density cusp of $rho sim r^{-1}$ and an outer density slope of $rho sim r^{-3.5}$, similar to the famous Navarro, Frenk & White (1997) model. For this reason, we demonstrate that our new expansion provides a more accurate representation of flattened NFW haloes than the competing Hernquist-Ostriker expansion. We utilize our new expansion by analysing a suite of numerically-constructed haloes and providing the distributions of the expansion coefficients.
The IRAS Revised Bright Galaxy Sample (RBGS) comprises galaxies and unresolved mergers stronger than $S = 5.24$ Jy at $lambda = 60~mumathrm{m}$ with galactic latitudes $vert b vert > 5^circ$. Nearly all are dusty star-forming galaxies whose radio con tinuum and far-infrared luminosities are proportional to their current rates of star formation. We used the MeerKAT array of 64 dishes to make $5 times 3$ min snapshot observations at $ u = 1.28$ GHz covering all 298 southern (J2000 $delta < 0^circ$) RBGS sources identified with external galaxies. The resulting images have $theta approx 7.5$ arcsec FHWM resolution and rms fluctuations $sigma approx 20~mumathrm{Jy~beam}^{-1} approx 0.26$ K, low enough to reveal even faint disk emission. The rms position uncertainties are $sigma_alpha approx sigma_delta approx 1$ arcsec relative to accurate near-infrared positions, and the image dynamic ranges are DR $gtrsim 10^4:1$.
103 - P. Simon , P. Watts , P. Schneider 2008
The weak gravitational lensing effect, small coherent distortions of galaxy images by means of a gravitational tidal field, can be used to study the relation between the matter and galaxy distribution. In this context, weak lensing has so far only be en used for considering a second-order correlation function that relates the matter density and galaxy number density as a function of separation. We implement two new, third-order correlation functions that have recently been suggested in the literature, and apply them to the Red-Sequence Cluster Survey. We demonstrate that it is possible, even with already existing data, to make significant measurements of third-order lensing correlations. We develop an optimised computer code for the correlation functions. To test its reliability a set of tests are performed. The correlation functions are transformed to aperture statistics, which allow easy tests for remaining systematics in the data. In order to further verify the robustness of our measurement, the signal is shown to vanish when randomising the source ellipticities. Finally, the lensing signal is compared to crude predictions based on the halo-model. On angular scales between roughly 1 arcmin and 11 arcmin a significant third-order correlation between two lens positions and one source ellipticity is found. We discuss this correlation function as a novel tool to study the average matter environment of pairs of galaxies. Correlating two source ellipticities and one lens position yields a less significant but nevertheless detectable signal on a scale of 4 arcmin. Both signals lie roughly within the range expected by theory which supports their cosmological origin.[ABRIDGED]
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