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Wave-mechanics and the adhesion approximation

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 نشر من قبل Chris Short
 تاريخ النشر 2006
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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The dynamical equations describing the evolution of a self-gravitating fluid of cold dark matter (CDM) can be written in the form of a Schrodinger equation coupled to a Poisson equation describing Newtonian gravity. It has recently been shown that, in the quasi-linear regime, the Schrodinger equation can be reduced to the exactly solvable free-particle Schrodinger equation. The free-particle Schrodinger equation forms the basis of a new approximation scheme -the free-particle approximation - that is capable of evolving cosmological density perturbations into the quasi-linear regime. The free-particle approximation is essentially an alternative to the adhesion model in which the artificial viscosity term in Burgers equation is replaced by a non-linear term known as the quantum pressure. Simple one-dimensional tests of the free-particle method have yielded encouraging results. In this paper we comprehensively test the free-particle approximation in a more cosmologically relevant scenario by appealing to an N-body simulation. We compare our results with those obtained from two established methods: the linearized fluid approach and the Zeldovich approximation. We find that the free-particle approximation comprehensively out-performs both of these approximation schemes in all tests carried out and thus provides another useful analytical tool for studying structure formation on cosmological scales.

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The interaction of graphene with neighboring materials and structures plays an important role in its behavior, both scientifically and technologically. The interactions are complicated due to the interplay between surface forces and possibly nonlinea r elastic behavior. Here we review recent experimental and theoretical advances in the understanding of graphene adhesion. We organize our discussion into experimental and theoretical efforts directed toward: graphene conformation to a substrate, determination of adhesion energy, and applications where graphene adhesion plays an important role. We conclude with a brief prospectus outlining open issues.
Crumpling of a thin film leads to a unique stiff yet lightweight structure. The stiffness has been attributed to a complex interplay between four basic elements - smooth bends, sharp folds, localized points (developable cones), and stretching ridges - yet rigorous models of the structure are not yet available. In this letter we show that adhesion, the attraction between surfaces within the crumpled structure, is an important yet overlooked contributer to the overall strength of a crumpled film. Specifically, we conduct experiments with two different polymers films and compare the role of plastic deformation, elastic deformation and adhesion in crumpling. We use an empirical model to capture the behaviour quantitatively, and use the model to show that adhesion leads to an order of magnitude increase in effective modulus. Going beyond statics, we additionally conduct force recovery experiments. We show that once adhesion is accounted for, plastic and elastic crumpled films recover logarithmically. The time constants measured through crumpling, interpreted with our model, show an identical distribution as do the base materials measured in more conventional geometries.
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In this article, we discard the bra-ket notation and its correlative definitions, given by Paul Dirac. The quantum states are only described by the wave functions. The fundamental concepts and definitions in quantum mechanics is simplified. The opera tor, wave functions and square matrix are represented in the same expression which directly corresponds to the system of equations without additional introduction of the matrix representation of operator. It can make us to convert the operator relations into the matrix relations. According to the relations between the matrices, the matrix elements will be determined. Furthermore, the first order differential equations will be given to find the solution of equations. As a result, we unified the descriptions of the matrix mechanics and the wave mechanics.
205 - Yongqin Wang , Lifeng Kang 2011
In this article, we discard the bra-ket notation and its correlative definitions, given by Paul Dirac. The quantum states are only described by the wave functions. The fundamental concepts and definitions in quantum mechanics is simplified. The opera tor, wave functions and square matrix are represented in the same expression which directly corresponds to the system of equations without additional introduction of the matrix representation of operator. It can make us to convert the operator relations into the matrix relations. According to the relations between the matrices, the matrix elements will be determined. Furthermore, the first order differential equations will be given to find the solution of equations. As a result, we unified the descriptions of the matrix mechanics and the wave mechanics.
Biochemistry and mechanics are closely coupled in cell adhesion. At sites of cell-matrix adhesion, mechanical force triggers signaling through the Rho-pathway, which leads to structural reinforcement and increased contractility in the actin cytoskele ton. The resulting force acts back to the sites of adhesion, resulting in a positive feedback loop for mature adhesion. Here we model this biochemical-mechanical feedback loop for the special case when the actin cytoskeleton is organized in stress fibers, which are contractile bundles of actin filaments. Activation of myosin II molecular motors through the Rho-pathway is described by a system of reaction-diffusion equations, which are coupled into a viscoelastic model for a contractile actin bundle. We find strong spatial gradients in the activation of contractility and in the corresponding deformation pattern of the stress fiber, in good agreement with experimental findings.
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