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Modelling of the fast rotating delta Scuti star Altair

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 نشر من قبل Juan Carlos Su\\'arez
 تاريخ النشر 2005
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English
 تأليف J.C. Suarez

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We present an asteroseismic study of the fast rotating star HD187642 (Altair), recently discovered to be a delta Scuti pulsator. We have computed models taking into account rotation for increasing rotational velocities. We investigate the relation between the fundamental radial mode and the first overtone in the framework of Petersen diagrams. The effects of rotation on such diagrams, which become important at rotational velocities above 150 km/s, as well as the domain of validity of our seismic tools are discussed. We also investigate the radial and non-radial modes in order to constrain models fitting the five most dominant observed oscillation modes.

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170 - J.D. Monnier 2010
Despite a century of remarkable progress in understanding stellar interiors, we know surprisingly little about the inner workings of stars spinning near their critical limit. New interferometric imaging of these so-called ``rapid rotators combined wi th breakthroughs in asteroseismology promise to lift this veil and probe the strongly latitude-dependent photospheric characteristics and even reveal the internal angular momentum distribution of these luminous objects. Here, we report the first high precision photometry on the low-amplitude delta cuti variable star Rasalhague (alpha Oph, A5IV, 2.18 Msun, omega/omega_c~0.88) based on 30 continuous days of monitoring using the MOST satellite. We have identified 57+/-1 distinct pulsation modes above a stochastic granulation spectrum with a cutoff of ~26 cycles per day. Remarkably, we have also discovered that the fast rotation period of 14.5~hours modulates low-frequency modes (1-10 day periods) that we identify as a rich family of g-modes (|m| up to 7). The spacing of the g-modes is surprisingly linear considering Coriolis forces are expected to strongly distort the mode spectrum, suggesting we are seeing prograde ``equatorial Kelvin waves (modes l=m). We emphasize the unique aspects of Rasalhague motivating future detailed asteroseismic modeling -- a source with a precisely measured parallax distance, photospheric oblateness, latitude temperature structure, and whose low-mass companion provides an astrometric orbit for precise mass determinations.
The preliminary results of a multisite photometric campaign on the Pleiades Delta Scuti variable V650 Tauri are reported. The star was observed photometrically for 14 days during 2008 November from three observatories distributed in Longitude around the Earth. As a result of the preliminary analysis we have detected in V650 Tauri at least nine oscillation frequencies above a 99% confidence level.
We present an analysis of new Johnson and Stromgren photometric and medium-resolution spectroscopic observations of the delta Scuti type variable star V784 Cassiopeae. The data were obtained in three consecutive years between 1999 and 2001. The perio d analysis of the light curve resulted in the detection of four frequencies ranging from 9.15 c/d to 15.90 c/d, while there is a suggestion for more, unresolved frequency components, too. The mean Stromgren indices and Hipparcos parallax were combined to calculate the following physical parameters: <T_eff>=7100+-100 K, log g=3.8+-0.1, M_bol=1.50+-0.15 mag. The position of the star in the HR diagram was used to derive evolutionary mass and age yielding to a consistent picture of an evolved delta Scuti star with a mixture of radial plus non-radial modes.
The eclipsing delta-Scuti star HD 172189 is a probable member of the open cluster IC 4756 and a promising candidate target for the CoRoT mission. The detection of pulsation modes is the first step in the asteroseismological study of the star. Furth er, the calculation of the orbital parameters of the binary system allows us to make a dynamical determination of the mass of the star, which works as an important constraint to test and calibrate the asteroseismological models. From a detailed frequency analysis of 210 hours of photometric data of HD 172189 obtained from the STEPHI XIII campaign we have identified six pulsation frequencies with a confidence level of 99% and a seventh with a 65% confidence level in the range between 100-300 uHz. In addiction, three eclipses were observed during the campaign, allowing us to improve the determination of the orbital period of the system.
196 - V. Ripepi , M. Marconi 2003
We present the results of multisite observations spanning two years on the pre--main-sequence (PMS) star V351 Ori. A total of around 180 hours of observations over 29 nights have been collected, allowing us to measure five different periodicities, mo st likely related to the delta Scuti variability of V351 Ori. Comparison with the predictions of linear nonadiabatic radial pulsation models put stringent constraints on the stellar parameters and indicate that the distance to V351 Ori is intermediate between the lower limit measured by Hipparcos (210 pc) and that of the Orion Nebula (450 pc). However, radial pulsation models are unable to reproduce all of the observed frequencies with a single choice of (M, L, and Te), suggesting the presence of additional nonradial modes.
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