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Spectroscopic Constants, Abundances, and Opacities of the TiH Molecule

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 نشر من قبل Adam Burrows
 تاريخ النشر 2004
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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Using previous measurements and quantum chemical calculations to derive the molecular properties of the TiH molecule, we obtain new values for its ro-vibrational constants, thermochemical data, spectral line lists, line strengths, and absorption opacities. Furthermore, we calculate the abundance of TiH in M and L dwarf atmospheres and conclude that it is much higher than previously thought. We find that the TiH/TiO ratio increases strongly with decreasing metallicity, and at high temperatures can exceed unity. We suggest that, particularly for subdwarf L and M dwarfs, spectral features of TiH near $sim$0.52 mic, 0.94 mic, and in the $H$ band may be more easily measureable than heretofore thought. The recent possible identification in the L subdwarf 2MASS J0532 of the 0.94 mic feature of TiH is in keeping with this expectation. We speculate that looking for TiH in other dwarfs and subdwarfs will shed light on the distinctive titanium chemistry of the atmospheres of substellar-mass objects and the dimmest stars.

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178 - W. M. Yang , S. L. Bi 2008
Using reconstructed opacities, we construct solar models with low heavy-element abundance. Rotational mixing and enhanced diffusion of helium and heavy elements are used to reconcile the recently observed abundances with helioseismology. The sound sp eed and density of models where the relative and absolute diffusion coefficients for helium and heavy elements have been increased agree with seismically inferred values at better than the 0.005 and 0.02 fractional level respectively. However, the surface helium abundance of the enhanced diffusion model is too low. The low helium problem in the enhanced diffusion model can be solved to a great extent by rotational mixing. The surface helium and the convection zone depth of rotating model M04R3, which has a surface Z of 0.0154, agree with the seismic results at the levels of 1 $sigma$ and 3 $sigma$ respectively. M04R3 is almost as good as the standard model M98. Some discrepancies between the models constructed in accord with the new element abundances and seismic constraints can be solved individually, but it seems difficult to resolve them as a whole scenario.
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71 - Xiangyue Liu , Gerard Meijer , 2020
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