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The Parallax, Mass and Age of the PSR J2145-0750 binary system

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 نشر من قبل Oliver Loehmer
 تاريخ النشر 2004
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English
 تأليف O. Loehmer

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We present results of timing measurements of the binary millisecond pulsar PSR J2145-0750. Combining timing data obtained with the Effelsberg and Lovell radio telescopes we measure a significant timing parallax of 2.0(6) mas placing the system at 500 pc distance to the solar system. The detected secular change of the projected semi-major axis of the orbit $dot x=1.8(6)times 10^{-14}$ lt-s s$^{-1}$, where $x=(a_{rm p}sin i)/c$, is caused by the proper motion of the system. With this measurement we can constrain the orbital inclination angle to $i<61degr$, with a median likelihood value of $46degr$ which is consistent with results from polarimetric studies of the pulsar magnetosphere. This constraint together with the non-detection of Shapiro delay rules out certain combinations of the companion mass, $m_2$, and the inclination, $i$. For typical neutron star masses and using optical observations of the carbon/oxygen-core white dwarf we derive a mass range for the companion of $0.7 M_odotleq m_2leq 1.0 M_odot$. We apply evolutionary white dwarf cooling models to revisit the cooling age of the companion. Our analysis reveals that the companion has an effective temperature of $T_{rm eff}=5750pm600$ K and a cooling age of $tau_{rm cool}=3.6(2)$ Gyr, which is roughly a factor of three lower than the pulsars characteristic age of 10.4 Gyr. The cooling age implies an initial spin period of $P_0=13.0(5)$ ms, which is very close to the current period.

قيم البحث

اقرأ أيضاً

We present flux density measurements and pulse profiles for the millisecond pulsar PSR J2145-0750 spanning 37 to 81 MHz using data obtained from the first station of the Long Wavelength Array. These measurements represent the lowest frequency detecti on of pulsed emission from a millisecond pulsar to date. We find that the pulse profile is similar to that observed at 102 MHz. We also find that the flux density spectrum between ~40 MHz to 5 GHz is suggestive of a break and may be better fit by a model that includes spectral curvature with a rollover around 730 MHz rather than a single power law.
We report the parallax and proper motion of millisecond pulsar J0030+0451, one of thirteen known isolated millisecond pulsars in the disk of the Galaxy. We obtained more than 6 years of monthly data from the 305 m Arecibo telescope at 430 MHz and 141 0 MHz. We measure the parallax of PSR J0030+0451 to be 3.3 +/- 0.9 mas, corresponding to a distance of 300 +/- 90 pc. The Cordes and Lazio (2002) model of galactic electron distribution yields a dispersion measure derived distance of 317 pc which agrees with our measurement. We place the pulsars transverse space velocity in the range of 8 to 17 km/s, making this pulsar one of the slowest known. We perform a brief census of velocities of isolated versus binary millisecond pulsars. We find the velocities of the two populations are indistinguishable. However, the scale height of the binary population is twice that of the isolated population and the luminosity functions of the two populations are different. We suggest that the scale height difference may be an artifact of the luminosity difference.
59 - O. Doroshenko 2001
We have carried out high-precision timing measurements of the binary millisecond pulsar PSR J2051$-$0827 with the Effelsberg 100-m radio telescope of the Max-Planck-Institut fur Radioastronomie and with the Lovell 76-m radio telescope at Jodrell Bank . The 6.5-yrs radio timing measurements have revealed a significant secular variation of the projected semi-major axis of the pulsar at a rate of $dot xequiv d(a_{rm 1} sin i)/dt = (-0.23pm 0.03)times 10^{-12}$, which is probably caused by the Newtonian spin-orbit coupling in this binary system leading to a precession of the orbital plane. The required misalignment of the spin and orbital angular momenta of the companion are evidence for an asymmetric supernova explosion. We have also confirmed that the orbital period is currently decreasing at a rate of $dot P_{rm b}=(-15.5 pm 0.8)times 10^{-12}$s s$^{-1}$ and have measured second and third orbital period derivatives $d^2P_{rm b}/dt^2=(+2.1 pm 0.3)times 10^{-20} {rm s^{-1}}$ and $d^3P_{rm b}/dt^3 =(3.6 pm 0.6)times 10^{-28} {rm s^{-2}}$, which indicate a quasi-cyclic orbital period variation similar to those found in another eclipsing pulsar system, PSR B1957+20. The observed variation of the orbital parameters constrains the maximal value of the companion radius to $R_{rm c max} sim 0.06 R_{odot}$ and implies that the companion is underfilling its Roche lobe by 50 %. The derived variation in the quadrupole moment of the companion is probably caused by tidal dissipation similar to the mechanism proposed for PSR B1957+20. We conclude that the companion is at least partially non-degenerate, convective and magnetically active.
68 - O. Loehmer 2004
We present the results of precision timing observations of the binary millisecond pulsar PSR J1640+2224. Combining the pulse arrival time measurements made with the Effelsberg 100-m radio telescope and the Arecibo 305-m radio telescope, we have exten ded the existing timing model of the pulsar to search for a presence of the effect of a general-relativistic Shapiro delay in the data. At the currently attainable precision level, the observed amplitude of the effect constrains the companion mass to $m_2=0.15^{+0.08}_{-0.05} M_sun$, which is consistent with the estimates obtained from optical observations of the white dwarf companion and with the mass range predicted by theories of binary evolution. The measured shape of the Shapiro delay curve restricts the range of possible orbital inclinations of the PSR J1640+2224 system to $78^{circ}le ile 88^{circ}$. The pulsar offers excellent prospects to significantly tighten these constraints in the near future.
225 - Wei Zhu , A. Udalski , A. Gould 2015
We report the first mass and distance measurement of a caustic-crossing binary system OGLE-2014-BLG-1050L using the space-based microlens parallax method. emph{Spitzer} captured the second caustic-crossing of the event, which occurred $sim$10 days be fore that seen from Earth. Due to the coincidence that the source-lens relative motion was almost parallel to the direction of the binary-lens axis, the four-fold degeneracy, which was known before only to occur in single-lens events, persists in this case, leading to either a lower-mass (0.2 $M_odot$ and 0.07 $M_odot$) binary at $sim$1.1 kpc or a higher-mass (0.9 $M_odot$ and 0.35 $M_odot$) binary at $sim$3.5 kpc. However, the latter solution is strongly preferred for reasons including blending and lensing probability. OGLE-2014-BLG-1050L demonstrates the power of microlens parallax in probing stellar and substellar binaries.
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