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Unbiased Estimation of an Angular Power Spectrum

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 نشر من قبل Gianluca Polenta
 تاريخ النشر 2004
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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We discuss the derivation of the analytic properties of the cross-power spectrum estimator from multi-detector CMB anisotropy maps. The method is computationally convenient and it provides unbiased estimates under very broad assumptions. We also propose a new procedure for testing for the presence of residual bias due to inappropriate noise subtraction in pseudo-$C_{ell}$ estimates. We derive the analytic behavior of this procedure under the null hypothesis, and use Monte Carlo simulations to investigate its efficiency properties, which appear very promising. For instance, for full sky maps with isotropic white noise, the test is able to identify an error of 1% on the noise amplitude estimate.

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اقرأ أيضاً

We assess the performance of the multipole expansion formalism in the case of single-dish HI intensity mapping, including instrumental and foreground removal effects. This formalism is used to provide MCMC forecasts for a range of HI and cosmological parameters, including redshift space distortions and the Alcock-Paczynski effect. We first determine the range of validity of our power spectrum modelling by fitting to simulation data, concentrating on the monopole, quadrupole, and hexadecapole contributions. We then show that foreground subtraction effects can lead to severe biases in the determination of cosmological parameters, in particular the parameters relating to the transverse BAO rescaling, the growth rate and the HI bias ($alpha_perp$, $overline{T}_text{HI} fsigma_8$, and $overline{T}_text{HI} b_text{HI} sigma_8$, respectively). We attempt to account for these biases by constructing a 2-parameter foreground modelling prescription, and find that our prescription leads to unbiased parameter estimation at the expense of increasing the estimated uncertainties on cosmological parameters. In addition, we confirm that instrumental and foreground removal effects significantly impact the theoretical covariance matrix, and cause the covariance between different multipoles to become non-negligible. Finally, we show the effect of including higher-order multipoles in our analysis, and how these can be used to investigate the presence of instrumental and systematic effects in HI intensity mapping data.
169 - Samir Choudhuri 2014
We present two estimators to quantify the angular power spectrum of the sky signal directly from the visibilities measured in radio interferometric observations. This is relevant for both the foregrounds and the cosmological 21-cm signal buried there in. The discussion here is restricted to the Galactic synchrotron radiation, the most dominant foreground component after point source removal. Our theoretical analysis is validated using simulations at 150 MHz, mainly for GMRT and also briefly for LOFAR. The Bare Estimator uses pairwise correlations of the measured visibilities, while the Tapered Gridded Estimator uses the visibilities after gridding in the uv plane. The former is very precise, but computationally expensive for large data. The latter has a lower precision, but takes less computation time which is proportional to the data volume. The latter also allows tapering of the sky response leading to sidelobe suppression, an useful ingredient for foreground removal. Both estimators avoid the positive bias that arises due to the system noise. We consider amplitude and phase errors of the gain, and the w-term as possible sources of errors . We find that the estimated angular power spectrum is exponentially sensitive to the variance of the phase errors but insensitive to amplitude errors. The statistical uncertainties of the estimators are affected by both amplitude and phase errors. The w-term does not have a significant effect at the angular scales of our interest. We propose the Tapered Gridded Estimator as an effective tool to observationally quantify both foregrounds and the cosmological 21-cm signal.
Supernova remnants (SNRs) have a variety of overall morphology as well as rich structures over a wide range of scales. Quantitative study of these structures can potentially reveal fluctuations of density and magnetic field originating from the inter action with ambient medium and turbulence in the expanding ejecta. We have used $1.5$GHz (L band) and $5$GHz (C band) VLA data to estimate the angular power spectrum $C_{ell}$ of the synchrotron emission fluctuations of the Kepler SNR. This is done using the novel, visibility based, Tapered Gridded Estimator of $C_{ell}$. We have found that, for $ell = (1.9 - 6.9) times 10^{4}$, the power spectrum is a broken power law with a break at $ell = 3.3 times 10^{4}$, and power law index of $-2.84pm 0.07$ and $-4.39pm 0.04$ before and after the break respectively. The slope $-2.84$ is consistent with 2D Kolmogorov turbulence and earlier measurements for the Tycho SNR. We interpret the break to be related to the shell thickness of the SNR ($0.35 $ pc) which approximately matches $ell = 3.3 times 10^{4}$ (i.e., $0.48$ pc). However, for $ell > 6.9 times 10^{4}$, the estimated $C_{ell}$ of L band is likely to have dominant contribution from the foregrounds while for C band the power law slope $-3.07pm 0.02$ is roughly consistent with $3$D Kolmogorov turbulence like that observed at large $ell$ for Cas A and Crab SNRs.
We study the angular power spectrum estimate in order to search for large scale anisotropies in the arrival directions distribution of the highest-energy cosmic rays. We show that this estimate can be performed even in the case of partial sky coverag e and validated over the full sky under the assumption that the observed fluctuations are statistically spatial stationary. If this hypothesis - which can be tested directly on the data - is not satisfied, it would prove, of course, that the cosmic ray sky is non isotropic but also that the power spectrum is not an appropriate tool to represent its anisotropies, whatever the sky coverage available. We apply the method to simulations of the Pierre Auger Observatory, reconstructing an input power spectrum with the Southern site only and with both Northern and Southern ones. Finally, we show the improvement that a full-sky observatory brings to test an isotropic distribution, and we discuss the sensitivity of the Pierre Auger Observatory to large scale anisotropies.
The cosmic microwave background (CMB) power spectrum is a powerful cosmological probe as it entails almost all the statistical information of the CMB perturbations. Having access to only one sky, the CMB power spectrum measured by our experiments is only a realization of the true underlying angular power spectrum. In this paper we aim to recover the true underlying CMB power spectrum from the one realization that we have without a need to know the cosmological parameters. The sparsity of the CMB power spectrum is first investigated in two dictionaries; Discrete Cosine Transform (DCT) and Wavelet Transform (WT). The CMB power spectrum can be recovered with only a few percentage of the coefficients in both of these dictionaries and hence is very compressible in these dictionaries. We study the performance of these dictionaries in smoothing a set of simulated power spectra. Based on this, we develop a technique that estimates the true underlying CMB power spectrum from data, i.e. without a need to know the cosmological parameters. This smooth estimated spectrum can be used to simulate CMB maps with similar properties to the true CMB simulations with the correct cosmological parameters. This allows us to make Monte Carlo simulations in a given project, without having to know the cosmological parameters. The developed IDL code, TOUSI, for Theoretical pOwer spectrUm using Sparse estImation, will be released with the next version of ISAP.
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