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Photometry of SN 2002bo with template image subtraction

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 نشر من قبل Szabo Gyula
 تاريخ النشر 2003
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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VRI photometry of the type Ia supernova 2002bo is presented. This SN exploded in a dusty region of the host galaxy NGC 3190, thus, subtraction of a template frame was necessary to obtain reliable photometry. We used a template frame of NGC 3190 taken during the course of our galaxy imaging project, fortunately, just a few days before SN 2002bo was discovered. The aim of this project is to collect template frames of nearby galaxies that are potential hosts of bright SNe. Subtraction of pre-SN images helped us to exclude the background light contamination of the host galaxy. The maximum occurred at JD 2452346, with maximal V brightness of 13.58. MLCS analysis led to T0(B)=JD 2452346.1 pm 0.8 (fiducial B-maximum), E(B-V)=0.24 pm 0.02, mu0=32.46 pm 0.06, Delta=-0.14 pm 0.04. E(B-V)=0.24(2) indicates a significant extinction in the host galaxy as the galactic reddening is negligible toward NGC 3190. The accepted value of Delta indicates that SN 2002bo was a slightly overluminous SN by about 0.14 relative to fiducial SN Type Ia. The distance turned out to be 31.0 pm 3 Mpc. In addition, the heavily obscured SN 2002cv was also detected on the I frame taken on JD 2452434 (June 8, 2002), and a variable star is found in the field, very close to the host galaxy.

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اقرأ أيضاً

SN2010jl was a luminous Type IIn supernova (SN), detected in radio, optical, X-ray and hard X-rays. Here we report on its six year R- and g-band light curves obtained using the Palomar Transient Factory. The light curve was generated using a pipeline based on the proper image subtraction method and we discuss the algorithm performances. As noted before, the R-band light curve, up to about 300 days after maximum light is well described by a power-law decline with a power-law index of about -0.5. Between day 300 and day 2300 after maximum light, it is consistent with a power-law decline, with a power-law index of about -3.4. The longevity of the light curve suggests that the massive circum-stellar material around the progenitor was ejected on time scales of at least tens of years prior to the progenitor explosion.
Difference imaging is a technique for obtaining precise relative photometry of variable sources in crowded stellar fields and, as such, constitutes a crucial part of the data reduction pipeline in surveys for microlensing events or transiting extraso lar planets. The Optimal Image Subtraction (OIS) algorithm permits the accurate differencing of images by determining convolution kernels which, when applied to reference images of particularly good quality, provide excellent matches to the point-spread functions (PSF) in other images of the time series to be analysed. The convolution kernels are built as linear combinations of a set of basis functions, conventionally bivariate Gaussians modulated by polynomials. The kernel parameters must be supplied by the user and should ideally be matched to the PSF, pixel-sampling, and S/N of the data to be analysed. We have studied the outcome of the reduction as a function of the kernel parameters using our implementation of OIS within the TRIPP package. From the analysis of noise-free PSF simulations as well as test images from the ISIS OIS package, we derive qualitative and quantitative relations between the kernel parameters and the success of the subtraction as a function of the PSF sizes and sampling in reference and data images and compare the results to those of implementations in the literature. On this basis, we provide recommended parameters for data sets with different S/N and sampling.
176 - John P. Hughes 2007
We set sensitive upper limits to the X-ray emission of four Type Ia supernovae (SNe Ia) using the Chandra X-ray Observatory. SN 2002bo, a normal, although reddened, nearby SN Ia, was observed 9.3 days after explosion. For an absorbed, high temperatur e bremsstrahlung model the flux limits are 3.2E-16 ergs/cm^2/s (0.5-2 keV band) and 4.1E-15 ergs/cm^2/s (2-10 keV band). Using conservative model assumptions and a 10 km/s wind speed, we derive a mass loss rate of dot{M} ~ 2E-5 M_odot/yr, which is comparable to limits set by the non-detection of Halpha lines from other SNe Ia. Two other objects, SN 2002ic and SN 2005gj, observed 260 and 80 days after explosion, respectively, are the only SNe Ia showing evidence for circumstellar interaction. The SN 2002ic X-ray flux upper limits are ~4 times below predictions of the interaction model currently favored to explain the bright optical emission. To resolve this discrepancy we invoke the mixing of cool dense ejecta fragments into the forward shock region, which produces increased X-ray absorption. A modest amount of mixing allows us to accommodate the Chandra upper limit. SN 2005gj is less well studied at this time. Assuming the same circumstellar environment as for SN 2002i, the X-ray flux upper limits for SN 2005gj are ~4 times below the predictions, suggesting that mixing of cool ejecta into the forward shock has also occurred here. Our reanalysis of Swift and Chandra data on SN 2005ke does not confirm a previously reported X-ray detection. The host galaxies NGC 3190 (SN 2002bo) and NGC 1371 (SN 2005ke) each harbor a low luminosity (L_X ~ 3-4E40 ergs/s) active nucleus in addition to wide-spread diffuse soft X-ray emission.
71 - G. Clementini 2003
We have applied the image subtraction method to the M3 dataset previously analyzed by Corwin & Carney (2001; CC01). The new analysis produced light curves and periods for 15 variables, bringing to 222 the total number of RR Lyrae stars in CC01 M3 dat aset. We have identified three new candidate double-mode (RRd) variables (V13, V200, and V251) in M3. Of the newly discovered RRds V13 is unusual in that it has the fundamental as the dominant pulsation mode. Two of the new candidate RRds (V13 and V200) have period ratios as low as 0.738-0.739. They lie separated from all previously known RRds in the Petersen diagram, in positions implying a large spread in mass and/or, less likely, in heavy element mass fraction, among the M3 horizontal branch (HB) stars. We explore mass transfer and helium enhancement as possible explanations for the apparent spread in HB masses. We also note that the masses derived from the RRd analyses now favor little mass loss on the red giant branch. V200 has changed its dominant pulsation mode from fundamental to first overtone, while V251 has changed its dominant mode from first overtone to fundamental in the interval 1992 to 1993. Together with M3-V166 this is the first time that RRd variables are observed to switch their dominant pulsation modes while remaining RRds. The phenomenon is found to occur in a one year time-span thus suggesting that these stars are undergoing a rapid evolutionary phase, and that both redward and blueward evolution may take place among the HB stars in M3. The unusual behavior of the M3 RRds is discussed and compared to that of the RRds identified so far in globular clusters and in the field of our and other Local Group galaxies. We find lack of correlation between the presence of RRd variables and any of the cluster structural parameters.
Type Ia supernovae are widely accepted to be the outcomes of thermonuclear explosions in white dwarf stars. However, many details of these explosions remain uncertain (e.g. the mass, ignition mechanism, and flame speed). Theory predicts that at very late times (beyond 1000 d) it might be possible to distinguish between explosion models. Few very nearby supernovae can be observed that long after the explosion. The Type Ia supernova SN 2011fe located in M101 and along a line of sight with negligible extinction, provides us with the once-in-a-lifetime chance to obtain measurements that may distinguish between theoretical models. In this work, we present the analysis of photometric data of SN 2011fe taken between 900 and 1600 days after explosion with Gemini and HST. At these extremely late epochs theory suggests that the light curve shape might be used to measure isotopic abundances which is a useful model discriminant. However, we show in this work that there are several currently not well constrained physical processes introducing large systematic uncertainties to the isotopic abundance measurement. We conclude that without further detailed knowledge of the physical processes at this late stage one cannot reliably exclude any models on the basis of this dataset.
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