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Proper Motions and CCD-photometry of Stars in the Region of the Open Cluster NGC 1513

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 نشر من قبل Frolov Vladimir N.
 تاريخ النشر 2002
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English
 تأليف V.N. Frolov

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The results of astrometric and photometric investigations of the poorly studied open cluster NGC 1513 are presented. The proper motions of 353 stars with the root-mean-square error of 1.9 mas/yr were obtained by means of the automated measuring complex Fantasy scanning of 8 astrometric plates covering the time interval of 101 years. A total of 141 astrometric cluster members have been identified. BV CCD-photometry was made for the stars in a square size 17 arcmin x 17 arcmin centered on cluster. 33 stars with the high reliability were considered to be cluster members by two criteria. The estimation of NGC 1513 age is 2.54 E+08 years. Tables 2 and 3 are only available in electronic form at the CDS via anonymous ftp to cdsarc.u-strasbg.fr ( or via http://cdsweb.u-strasbg.fr/cgi-bin/qcat?J/A+A/.

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Relative proper motions and cluster membership probabilities have been derived for ~ 2500 stars in the field of the open star cluster NGC 3766. The cluster has been observed in $B$ and $V$ broadband filters at two epochs separated by ~ 6 years using a wide-field imager mounted on the [email protected] telescope. All CCD frames were reduced using the astrometric techniques described in Anderson et al. (2006). The proper motion r.m.s. error for stars brighter than $V$ ~ 15 mag is 2.0 mas/yr but it gradually increases up to ~4 mas/yr at $V$ ~20 mag. Using proper motion data, membership probabilities have been derived for the stars in the region of the cluster. They indicate that three Be and one Ap stars are member of the cluster. The reddening $E(B-V)=0.22pm0.05$ mag, a distance 2.5$pm$0.5 kpc and an age of ~ 20 Myr are derived using stars of $P_{mu}>70%$. Mass function slope $x=1.60pm0.10$ is derived for the cluster and cluster was found to be dynamically relaxed. Finally, we provide positions, calibrated $B$ and $V$ magnitudes, relative proper motions and membership probabilities for the stars in the field of NGC 3766. We have produced a catalog that is electronically available to the astronomical community.
We present the results of CCD $UBV$ photometric and spectroscopic observations of the open cluster NGC 225. In order to determine the structural parameters of NGC 225, we calculated the stellar density profile in the clusters field. We estimated the probabilities of the stars being physical members of the cluster using the existing astrometric data. The most likely members of the cluster were used in the determination of the astrophysical parameters of the cluster. We calculated the mean radial velocity of the cluster as $V_{r}=-8.3pm 5.0$ km s$^{-1}$ from the optical spectra of eight stars in the clusters field. Using the U-B vs B-V two-colour diagram and UV excesses of the F-G type main-sequence stars, the reddening and metallicity of NGC 225 were inferred as $E(B-V)=0.151pm 0.047$ mag and $[Fe/H]=-0.11pm 0.01$ dex, respectively. We fitted the colour-magnitude diagrams of NGC 225 with the PARSEC isochrones and derived the distance modulus, distance and age of the cluster as $mu_{V}=9.3pm 0.07$ mag, d=585$pm$20 pc and $t=900pm 100$ Myr, respectively. We also estimated the galactic orbital parameters and space velocity components of the cluster and found that the cluster has a slightly eccentric orbit of $e=0.07pm 0.01$ and an orbital period of $P_{orb}= 255pm 5$ Myr.
337 - Jaemann Kyeong 2008
We present UBVI photometry of the old open cluster NGC 1193. Color-magnitude diagrams (CMDs) of this cluster show a well defined main sequence and a sparse red giant branch. For the inner region of r<50 arcsec, three blue straggler candidates are new ly found in addition to the objects Kaluzny (1988) already found. The color-color diagrams show that the reddening value toward NGC 1193 is E(B-V) =0.19 +/- 0.04. From the ultraviolet excess measurement, we derived the metallicity to be [Fe/H]=-0.45 +/- 0.12. A distance modulus of (m-M)_0 =13.3 +/- 0.15 is obtained from zero age main sequence fitting with the empirically calibrated Hyades isochrone of Pinsonneault et al. (2004). CMD comparison with the Padova isochrones by Bertelli et al. (1994) gives an age of log t =9.7 +/- 0.1.
149 - S.-H. Kook , Hwankyung Sung , 2010
UBVI CCD photometry is obtained for the open clusters NGC 4609 and Hogg 15 in Crux. For NGC 4609, CCD data are presented for the first time. From new photometry we derive the reddening, distance modulus and age of each cluster - NGC 4609 : E(B-V) = 0 .37 +/- 0.03, V_0 - M_V = 10.60 +/- 0.08, log tau = 7.7 +/- 0.1; Hogg 15 : E(B-V) = 1.13 +/- 0.11, V_0 - M_V = 12.50 +/- 0.15, log tau <= 6.6. The young age of Hogg 15 strongly implies that WR 47 is a member of the cluster. We have also determined the mass function of these clusters and have obtained a normal slope (Gamma = -1.2 +/- 0.3) for NGC 4609 and a somewhat shallow slope (Gamma = -0.95 +/- 0.5) for Hogg 15.
CCD photometry on the intermediate-band vbyCaHbeta system is presented for the metal-deficient open cluster, NGC 2420. Restricting the data to probable single members of the cluster using the CMD and the photometric indices alone generates a sample o f 106 stars at the cluster turnoff. The average E(b-y) = 0.03 +/- 0.003 (s.e.m.) or E(B-V) = 0.050 +/- 0.004 (s.e.m.), where the errors refer to internal errors alone. With this reddening, [Fe/H] is derived from both m1 and hk, using b-y and Hbeta as the temperature index. The agreement among the four approaches is reasonable, leading to a final weighted average of [Fe/H] = -0.37 +/- 0.05 (s.e.m.) for the cluster, on a scale where the Hyades has [Fe/H] = +0.12. When combined with the abundances from DDO photometry and from recalibrated low-resolution spectroscopy, the mean metallicity becomes [Fe/H] = -0.32 +/- 0.03. It is also demonstrated that the average cluster abundances based upon either DDO data or low-resolution spectroscopy are consistently reliable to 0.05 dex or better, contrary to published attempts to establish an open cluster metallicity scale using simplistic offset corrections among different surveys.
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