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Measuring Distances and Probing the Unresolved Stellar Populations of Galaxies Using Infrared Surface Brightness Fluctuations

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 نشر من قبل Joseph B. Jensen
 تاريخ النشر 2002
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English
 تأليف Joseph B. Jensen

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To empirically calibrate the IR surface brightness fluctuation (SBF) distance scale and probe the properties of unresolved stellar populations, we measured fluctuations in 65 galaxies using NICMOS on the Hubble Space Telescope. The early-type galaxies in this sample include elliptical and S0 galaxies and spiral bulges in a variety of environments. Absolute fluctuation magnitudes in the F160W (1.6 micron) filter were derived for each galaxy using previously-measured I-band SBF and Cepheid variable star distances. F160W SBFs can be used to measure distances to early-type galaxies with a relative accuracy of ~10% provided that the galaxy color is known to ~0.035 mag or better. Near-IR fluctuations can also reveal the properties of the most luminous stellar populations in galaxies. Comparison of F160W fluctuation magnitudes and optical colors to stellar population model predictions suggests that bluer elliptical and S0 galaxies have significantly younger populations than redder ones, and may also be more metal-rich. There are no galaxies in this sample with fluctuation magnitudes consistent with old, metal-poor (t>5 Gyr, [Fe/H]<-0.7) stellar population models. Composite stellar population models imply that bright fluctuations in the bluer galaxies may be the result of an episode of recent star formation in a fraction of the total mass of a galaxy. Age estimates from the F160W fluctuation magnitudes are consistent with those measured using the H-beta Balmer line index. The two types of measurements make use of completely different techniques and are sensitive to stars in different evolutionary phases. Both techniques reveal the presence of intermediate-age stars in the early-type galaxies of this sample.

قيم البحث

اقرأ أيضاً

We present an in-depth study of surface brightness fluctuations (SBFs) in low-luminosity stellar systems. Using the MIST models, we compute theoretical predictions for absolute SBF magnitudes in the LSST, HST ACS/WFC, and proposed Roman Space Telesco pe filter systems. We compare our calculations to observed SBF-color relations of systems that span a wide range of age and metallicity. Consistent with previous studies, we find that single-age population models show excellent agreement with observations of low-mass galaxies with $0.5 lesssim g - i lesssim 0.9$. For bluer galaxies, the observed relation is better fit by models with composite stellar populations. To study SBF recovery from low-luminosity systems, we perform detailed image simulations in which we inject fully populated model galaxies into deep ground-based images from real observations. Our simulations show that LSST will provide data of sufficient quality and depth to measure SBF magnitudes with precisions of ${sim}0.2$-0.5 mag in ultra-faint $left(mathrm{10^4 leq M_star/M_odot leq 10^5}right)$ and low-mass classical (M$_starleq10^7$ M$_odot$) dwarf galaxies out to ${sim}4$ Mpc and ${sim}25$ Mpc, respectively, within the first few years of its deep-wide-fast survey. Many significant practical challenges and systematic uncertainties remain, including an irreducible sampling scatter in the SBFs of ultra-faint dwarfs due to their undersampled stellar mass functions. We nonetheless conclude that SBFs in the new generation of wide-field imaging surveys have the potential to play a critical role in the efficient confirmation and characterization of dwarf galaxies in the nearby universe.
We are using optical/IR surface brightness fluctuations (SBFs) to validate the latest stellar population synthesis models and to understand the stellar populations of ellipticals. Integrated light and spectra measure only the first moment of the stel lar luminosity function (Sigma n_i * L_i). Since SBFs also depend on the second moment (Sigma n_i * L_i^2), they provide novel information, in particular about the reddest, most luminous RGB and AGB stars, which are the most difficult stars to model. SBFs can also provide useful new constraints on the age/metallicity of unresolved stellar populations in ellipticals. Finally, developing accurate stellar population models benefits several aspects of SBF distance measurements to galaxies.
Near-infrared (NIR) K images of a sample of five low surface brightness disc galaxies (LSBGs) were combined with optical data, with the aim of constraining their star formation histories. Both red and blue LSBGs were imaged to enable comparison of th eir stellar populations. For both types of galaxy strong colour gradients were found, consistent with mean stellar age gradients. Very low stellar metallicities were ruled out on the basis of metallicity-sensitive optical-NIR colours. These five galaxies suggest that red and blue LSBGs have very different star formation histories and represent two independent routes to low B band surface brightness. Blue LSBGs are well described by models with low, roughly constant star formation rates, whereas red LSBGs are better described by a `faded disc scenario.
We examine the use of surface brightness fluctuations (SBF) for both stellar population and distance studies. New V-band SBF data are reported for five Fornax cluster galaxies and combined with literature data to define a new V-band SBF distance indi cator. We use new stellar population models, based on the latest Padua isochrones transformed empirically to the observational plane, to predict SBF magnitudes and integrated colours for a wide range of population ages and metallicities. We examine the sensitivity of the predictions to changes in the isochrones, transformations, and IMF. The new models reproduce the SBF data for globular clusters fairly well, especially if higher metallicity globulars are younger. The models also give a good match to the fluctuation colors of elliptical galaxies. In order to obtain theoretical calibrations of the SBF distance indicators, we combine our single-burst models into composite population models. These models reproduce the observed behavior of the SBF magnitudes as a function of stellar population parameters, including the steep colour dependence found for HST/WFPC2 F814W SBF data. Because the theoretical SBF calibrations are fairly sensitive to uncertain details of stellar evolution, the empirical calibrations are more secure. However, the sensitivity of SBF to these finer details potentially makes it a powerful constraint for stellar evolution and population synthesis. [abbridged]
133 - Joseph B. Jensen 2015
We present new calibrations of the near-infrared surface brightness fluctuation (SBF) distance method for the F110W (J) and F160W (H) bandpasses of the Wide Field Camera 3 Infrared Channel (WFC3/IR) on the Hubble Space Telescope. The calibrations are based on data for 16 early-type galaxies in the Virgo and Fornax clusters observed with WFC3/IR and are provided as functions of both the optical (g-z) and near-infrared (J-H) colors. The scatter about the linear calibration relations for the luminous red galaxies in the sample is approximately 0.10 mag, corresponding to a statistical error of 5% in distance. Our results imply that the distance to any suitably bright elliptical galaxy can be measured with this precision out to about 80 Mpc in a single-orbit observation with WFC3/IR, making this a remarkably powerful instrument for extragalactic distances. The calibration sample also includes much bluer and lower-luminosity galaxies than previously used for IR SBF studies, revealing interesting population differences that cause the calibration scatter to increase for dwarf galaxies.
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