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The Extra-Solar Planet Imager (ESPI)

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 نشر من قبل Peter Nisenson
 تاريخ النشر 2002
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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ESPI has been proposed for direct imaging and spectral analysis of giant planets orbiting solar-type stars. ESPI extends the concept suggested by Nisenson and Papaliolios (2001) for a square aperture apodized telescope that has sufficient dynamic range to directly detect exo-planets. With a 1.5 M square mirror, ESPI can deliver high dynamic range imagery as close as 0.3 arcseconds to bright sources, permitting a sensitive search for exoplanets around nearby stars and a study of their characteristics in reflected light.

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اقرأ أيضاً

125 - C. Perrier , J.P. Sivan , D. Naef 2003
Precise radial-velocity observations at Haute-Provence Observatory (OHP, France) with the ELODIE echelle spectrograph have been undertaken since 1994. In addition to several discoveries described elsewhere, including and following that of 51 Peg b, t hey reveal new sub-stellar companions with essentially moderate to long periods. We report here about such companions orbiting five solar-type stars (HD 8574, HD 23596, HD 33636, HD 50554, HD 106252) and one sub-giant star (HD 190228). The companion of HD 8574 has an intermediate period of 227.55 days and a semi--major axis of 0.77 AU. All other companions have long periods, exceeding 3 years, and consequently their semi-major axes are around or above 2 AU. The detected companions have minimum masses m2sini ranging from slightly more than 2 M_Jup to 10.6 M_Jup. These additional objects reinforce the conclusion that most planetary companions have masses lower than 5 M_Jup but with a tail of the mass distribution going up above 15 M_Jup. The orbits are all eccentric and 4 out of 6 have an eccentricity of the order of 0.5. Four stars exhibit solar metallicity, one is metal-rich and one metal-poor. With 6 new extra-solar planet candidates discovered, increasing their total known to-date number to 115, the ELODIE Planet Search Survey yield is currently 18. We emphasize that 3 out of the 6 companions could in principle be resolved by diffraction-limited imaging on 8m-class telescopes depending on the achievable contrast, and therefore be primary targets for first attempts of extra-solar planet direct imaging.
123 - John D. Monnier 2018
The Planet Formation Imager (PFI, www.planetformationimager.org) is a next-generation infrared interferometer array with the primary goal of imaging the active phases of planet formation in nearby star forming regions. PFI will be sensitive to warm d ust emission using mid-infrared capabilities made possible by precise fringe tracking in the near-infrared. An L/M band combiner will be especially sensitive to thermal emission from young exoplanets (and their disks) with a high spectral resolution mode to probe the kinematics of CO and H2O gas. In this paper, we give an overview of the main science goals of PFI, define a baseline PFI architecture that can achieve those goals, point at remaining technical challenges, and suggest activities today that will help make the Planet Formation Imager facility a reality.
We investigate whether certain extra-solar multi-planet systems simultaneously follow the scaling and spacing rules of the angular-momentum-deficit model. The masses and semi-major axes of exoplanets in ten multi-planet systems are considered. It is found that GJ 667C, HD 215152, HD 40307, and Kepler-79 systems are currently close to configurations of the angular-momentum-deficit model. In a gas-poor scenario, GJ 3293, HD 141399, and HD 34445 systems are those which had a configuration of the angular-momentum-deficit model in the past and get scattered away due to post gaseous effects. In addition, no matter in gas-free or gas-poor scenario, 55 Cnc, GJ 876, and WASP-47 systems do not follow the angular-momentum-deficit model. Therefore, our results reveal important formation histories of these multi-planet systems.
The Planet Formation Imager (PFI) is a project for a very large optical interferometer intended to obtain images of the planet formation process at scales as small as the Hill sphere of giant exoplanets. Its main science instruments will work in the thermal infrared but it will be cophased in the near infrared, where it requires also some capacity for scientific imaging. PFI imaging and resolution specifications imply an array of 12 to 20 apertures and baselines up to a few kilometers cophased at near infrared coherent magnitudes as large as 10. This paper discusses various cophasing architectures and the corresponding minimum diameter of individual apertures, which is the dominant element of PFI cost estimates. From a global analysis of the possible combinations of pairwise fringe sensors, we show that conventional approaches used in current interferometers imply the use of prohibitively large telescopes and we indicate the innovative strategies that would allow building PFI with affordable apertures smaller than 2 m in diameter. The approach with the best potential appears to be Hierarchical Fringe Tracking based on two beams spatial filters that cophase pairs of neighboring telescopes with all the efficiency of a two telescopes fringe tracker and transmit most of the flux as if it was produced by an unique single mode aperture to cophase pairs of pairs and then pairs of groups of apertures. We consider also the adaptation to PFI of more conventional approaches such as a combination of GRAVITY like fringe trackers or single or multiple chains of 2T fringe trackers.
The SuperWASP-I instrument observed 6.7 million stars between 8-15 mag from La Palma during the 2004 May-September season. Our transit-hunting algorithm selected 11,626 objects from the 184,442 stars within the range RA 18hr-21hr. We describe our tho rough selection procedure whereby catalogue information is exploited along with careful study of the SuperWASP data to filter out, as far as possible, transit mimics. We have identified 35 candidates which we recommend for follow-up observations.
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